My wife demands favoritism towards our Bio-daughter over my other three bio children
I am really frustrated. I am seriously contemplating divorce from a marriage of less than two years because of differences between myself and my wife. We have a baby full-time and my other three bio kids 50% of the time (age range 7-11). My wife's other children are older (>18). There had always been some conflict but never like it is now.
My wife has verbalized to me that she will always put the baby as #1 but she also wants for me make the same statement. She demands that I ignore the other children and their activities. She forbids me to take the baby out of the house if it is for one of my other kids. She claims that I am always favoring my other kids when I feel that I treat them equally. Obviously this creates resentment as I am an adult being treated like a child and I see my children suffer.
We did take a first step of going to a marriage counselor this week. It is still too soon for us to have worked anything out.
I have been really depressed and its hard to do anything which of course means that I haven't been a great dad or husband.
I understand (even though I don't agree with) my wife treating the baby more favorably than my other children but isn't it really unfair for her to expect the same of me. If anyone has any advice please let me know.
omg! I am crying over
omg! I am crying over happened to "til death do us part?" Why is it so hard to work things out?
OMG! This is one of my
OMG! This is one of my nightmares! seriously.
I have other medical issues going on & need to address issue of having Bkids with DH immediately.
But despite the fact that I desperately WANT another child, the situation you present above is exactly one of the top reasons I have chosen NOT to try anymore.
There's been sooo much stress & nearly failed marriage already, I just don't think it would survive a Bkid in the mix. I'd hate to see my fears validated in someone else's life.
You, DW, and children have my good vibes flying your way. I wish you the best of luck & hope you find a livable solution.
Sorry I don't have any useful advise.
G,Day. Sorry to hear your
G,Day. Sorry to hear your problems but can completely relate to what your saying.
I to have a DW that seems to be so consumed by jealousy regarding my BS(9). Claims of absolute favouritism,special treatment, everyone in the house second best when he's home.
Quite fed up with it really as things are at a very serious point. Both are banging heads against brick walls and neither willing to give.
Until 18 months ago I was a single Dad after seperation number 2 from BS mother with 99% custody( by mutual agreement) when I started seeing a new partner( with 2 x BD of her own. 1x8yrs and 1x11yrs).
I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect a few problems in merging 2 families into 1. I thought most would be between the kids. And there have been there fair share of problems as my BS has been trying to adapt to his DAD being shared with 3 other people. Unfortunately the SM seems quite sure all the issues our family unit is having are because of BS. To keep the piece I've taken him to counsellors and even a child phsycologist- all hve said it will take time for him to adjust as in his eyes he is not as important to me as he was and time and re-assurance are going to be needed.
BS initially was quite excited with things and got along well with the new SM but this is not the case anymore.He feels as though she doesn't like him (probably got something to do with the fact he has to speak first to get a conversation out of her). Infact the impression I get is she doesn't like him either.
I get along very well with the 2 SD's who live fulltime with us except for the odd weekend when their Dad takes them. and they quite adore me. All the kids seem to get along quite well. My BS now lives 50-50 between BM and myself. So far this seems to be working O'K.
Everything in the house seems to be fine the week BS isn't home but a day or two before he comes home the mood starts to change. SM starts to get anxious about his return. He's not abusive, rude( apart from not speaking unless spoken to) and is generally a reasonably well behaved 9yr old boy. Far from as perfect as the 2 SD's are.
A checky remark form them is deemed as having spunk a similar remark from BS is a Naughty little boy.
SD's can call my name 50 times a day and this is fine and doesn't bother me or their BM as I try to give my time as best I can to all in the house but if BS wants attention he's just got to learn that DAD has other people who need his attention and shouldn't be so demanding.
This little boy has gone from having a DAD who spent a good bit of spare time with him to haveng a DAD who gets in the poo for paying him attention at all. A DAD who used to take him to kick a football a couple of times a week to a DAD who gets in the poo( very deep) for taking him to kick a footy(skate park) once in a blue moon( approx 2 months) between this treat(special treatment). Little wonder my BS is having a few security issues. Even a phone call from BS to me during his week away is a good enough reason to again have an arguement about special treatment.It feels like I should forget he even exists for that week.
I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
SD's can run around the house, be fussy with their food, be rude and disrespectful(cheeky), arguementative etc,etc but if BS is he needs to see a shrink.It all is getting a bit tiresome to the point where it seems really unfair and is becoming very damaging to my relaionship with DW, as each time it happens which is every second week I get a bit further away.
The constant feeling of being scrutinized and attacked, having to be on the defensive all the time is doing my head in.
By some remote chance that things wiil get better, we will get through this but not to sure.
As a father I have a responsibilty to give my BS the safest, warmest and securist envirnment to grow up in and to a home where he's allowed to be himself and not walk on egg shells from the minute he enter the door.
As a husband I have a responsibility to stand by my DW and support her.
Caught between a rock and a hard place. 1 seems to me to be a 9yr old and 1 seems to be a jealous 14yr old school girl, or maybe I'm just an unfair, tunnel visioned, prick of a husband who's has no idea of how to treat people.
Don't know if anyone will read this and can be of some assistance to me as I've really got no advice to offer but feel quite a bet better now I've got htis off my chest.
Good luck and hope it improves for you and your kids. As my DW new I had a BS before she started seeing each other as I'm sure yours did to, it's not like it was a surprise to them.
A bit of acceptance and understanding towards you and your Bkids would go along way
Hi chong. A lot of what you
Hi chong.
A lot of what you say is the same as what my boyfriend has said in the past.
He simply could not see how blatantly he favoured his other kids.
It is imperative that ALL the children be treated the same, same rules, same consequences, roughly the same amount of attention given.
What finally helped us was when we started to point out to each other every time something happened. For example - he was making treats with chocolate chips once. Our daughter (age 2 at the time) asked for one. He told her she had to wait. She reached over, grabbed one and put it in her mouth. He got angry and made her leave the room. A few days later he was cooking something else and his precious 5 year old was there. Same thing. She asked for one. He said she had to wait. She grabbed it anyway and stuck it in her mouth. He rubbed her head and said in a jolly voice 'Oh, you are a sneaky thing, aren't you?' then he laughed. I was able to refer to the similar incident of a few days prior and he was forced to admit that he treats them differently. After that every time there was any reaction to anything I'd ask 'What if it was SD5 doing that, what would you say and do?' or conversely 'What if that was DD3, what would your reaction be?'. Finally he saw what he was doing but of course then came all the excuses about how he didn't want to be giving out to them all the time since he only sees them for a little while.
It wasn't just incidents like the one above - there were many of those but it was also the tone of voice he used with each one and the look on his face. He was much more patient with the steps.
I got books and we went to a parenting class and saw a counselor - all of whom told him he MUST treat them fairly. It's still hard for him but he's trying. In his eyes I was 'picking on' his darling 5 year old - who, even though he can't see it is a manipulative, spoiled brat who knows exactly how to pull his strings.
So, I think you should stop every time you speak to or do anything with any of the children and imagine that it is the OTHER child there instead of the one who you are interacting with. If your emotions/reactions change then YOU have a serious problem of favourtism.
I did the same. When I was interacting with his kids I'd stop and imagine it was mine standing in front of me doing the same thing or vice versa - if it was mine I'd imagine it was one of his. I saw that I too was guilty of bias, although not as blatantly as he was.
It helped us a lot.
Chong, I know exactly what
I know exactly what you mean and I've heard poisonapples response from my own wife. I don't think, however, that all kids should be or even could be treated the same. The more sensitive kids, I'm less likely to yell at and the developmentally delayed kids I'm more patient with. And before you flame this cuts between bio/step lines. I think it's perfectly natural bonding with your bio kids more deeply. It's a step family and I don't think it will EVER be just like a bio family. There are things that the skids do that drive me absolutely bonkers which no one on her side of the family even notices, including DW. And my kids do things that drive her bonkers that don't bother me so much. It's biology... what's no big deal to one person can be to the other. Since most stepmoms on the board have their kids 100% of the time they can't fathom why DH seems to favor his kids that he sees AT MOST 50% of the time. I only wish I could swap roles and let them gain some perspective.
I don't want to say that
I don't want to say that you're wrong because obviously you know your situation but you don't give much detail here to justify the kinds of accusations you are leveling against your wife. I can't believe that any wife would expect that their husband put his children in second place to a new baby. Maybe you are misunderstanding each other. Maybe she is saying that you need to put the new baby first, "sometimes" because she feels that you always put your older children first. I'm not saying that is the case but obviously this is how she feels. And if she's feeling this way then you need to examine the things she feels you are doing and look for ways to make adjustments as a family. You can't just expect her to stop feeling the way she's feeling because you say she's wrong.
Are you truly saying that your wife expects you to ignore the other children and never attend their activities anymore? I highly doubt this because you have custody of the kids 50% of the time. What I suspect is that she feels that the minute the other children are around you are all about driving them around, planning fun activities with them and attending their events and she wants you to balance that time better.
If she is truly as unreasonable as you are painting her to be then it is good you are in marriage counseling. But I have to say the vague generalities and sweeping accusations you are making about your wife makes your view of this situation seem biased. The things you are attributing to your wife seem so unreasonable that I believe either you don't understand her requests or you are completely distorting them to justify your own anger. I don't see you taking any responsibility for the marital issues here and I always say, "It takes two to tango." One person does not grow resentful and angry without the help of their partner.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your comments.
Just to follow-up on a few things:
When I say divorce I don't want this but everyone is miserable. I am. My wife is. My kids and my step daughter want the fighting to stop. It is extremely uncomfortable in my house. We actually did some counseling prior to marriage but stopped when my wife felt that the counselor and I were ganging up on her.
When I mentioned she won't let me take my kids to their events it has nothing to do with my ex who never shows up to anything. She is simply concerned that the baby shouldn't be inconvenienced in favor of my other children. These are her words. She is concerned that the baby's schedule will be thrown too far off.
Right now she is pissed at me because I travel (for work) when my kids are not around. When am I supposed to travel as she won't babysit my kids or take them to any of their activities. When I come home I'll be back to running the kids around after having missed some days with only her and the baby.
I try to see my wife's side. She constantly tells me that she never signed on for this but actually when we got married a bunch of the wedding focused on how not only we were marrying each other but also the whole family. I understand that she doesn't want me to take advantage of her with my kids but why are my neighbors more reliable than my wife when I need a hand? She always knew that I had kids and that I enjoyed doing things with them.
Over the last few weeks there hasn't been a single days without her accusing me of favoring my kids over her and her telling me how she wants nothing to do with my kids. Prior to these few weeks we've had similar arguments in the past ever since we got married.
With regards to putting the baby first my wife wanted me to make the following statement. "[baby name] is my #1 child and I will always put [baby name] first" I have refused to do so and this is why arguments have become more intense. She doesn't mean for the baby to be first sometimes but all the times. She has even told me that she'd prefer if I didn't have my kids around at all as they make her miserable. She doesn't want my kids near the baby as 50% of the time they are near their BM and she doesn't want lips that have kissed that evil woman to touch the baby.
I know that some of this sounds either biased or that I'm blowing things out of proportion but I've tried to capture things that she's actually told me.
Don't I have a responsibility to protect my BK's if I feel that they are being mistreated?
We just started counseling but I am not allowed to say anything that upsets me to the counselor or my wife has said that she will walk out. She also has said that she doesn't want to talk about my kids at the marriage counselor but that's clearly where our biggest issues stem from. So there is marriage counseling but it is being limited in scope and therefore will have limited effect.
How old is the biochild?
How old is the biochild? Could DW have PPD? It can come on up to two years after the birth of a child and since she probably had enough on her plate before the baby she would be more at risk.
I personally am starting councilling to "prevent" post partum depression now, at 19 weeks, because I know that my chances are super high. Even my doctor told me today that the hardest job in the world is to be a step parent. Check in with the Health Nurse in your area, or someone who deals with Mothers and Babies. They could give you resources and let you know what the signs are.
I'm guilty of wanting this promise from my Dh as well. I know it is unreasonable and I'm looking for help before it becomes too big of a problem.
Best of luck
frustrated dad- I've been
frustrated dad- I've been through this. my husband and I had to work a lot of these exact same issues out in our marriage. i think i can help you. PM me if you want to talk by phone.
I'm dealing with alot of
I'm dealing with alot of these same emotions his wife seems to be having. Did you too?
Many of your statements sound
Many of your statements sound like things my DH would say as well, except you seem more able to articulate them and give examples. Just reading between the lines a little, I feel like I can see a bit where your wife is coming from, so maybe I can try to help you see her view (even if you dont agree with it).
My DH and I have 2 girls that are "ours" (ages 7 and 9) and he has this 14yo boy from a friends w/benefits situation turned bad. DH has always paid CS and takes his visitations every other weekend. The main difference though is that DH was a practicing alcoholic for the first 12 years of this kid's life, so I can tell you that his visits did not include much "parenting" and our relationship had so many problems that I just simply would not take on one more thing and the visits mostly happened outside our home (at DH's parents house) - so, with that, DH was NOT the "involved" parent of this kid like you have described yourself to be. Also, DH's kid isnt involved in anything, so there isnt anything to go to. BUT, being sober the last 2.5 years, suddenly now DH thinks he is a "parent" and I'm just a jerk for having no part of SS's life (sorry, but I was busy raising 2 babies mostly by myself, but anyways...).
So from my perspective, I feel that DH has this "visiting child" and then he has this "family with me and our girls." DH actually gets to RAISE our girls with me, and we are actually a nice little happy family - except for EOW when the spawn needs to "visit daddy for a sleepover at grandma's" and DH does nothing but indulge this child out of guilt. HOW can DH POSSIBLY *not* favor our girls?? He's actually closer to them, and is truly having an impact on how they turn out! His son is turning out just like his mother, which I'm sorry to say is not impressive.
DH sees our girls every day and is a real parent to them. He VISITS and INDULGES his son, and what they have is not a real life father-son relationship like if he'd been raising him in his own house. It's not fully his fault, as I dont see how ANY person could raise ANY child on a part time basis. Parenting takes full time consistent commitment! And DH does NOT have that with his son. I think it would be natural for him to just automatically FEEL CLOSER to his daughters who he is raising.
Besides...SS actually lives in his own family. He has his mother, SF (since 2yo), and 2 younger half sibs. He has the typical American homelife, except for being shipped to DH eow, thereby making him feel like he doesnt fit in anywhere because his actual family just goes on without him.
What I'm saying is that your baby with your wife ONLY HAS you and her. Your baby doesnt have some other home/family to go to. You're IT. Your other kids do. THAT is why your wife and daughter should take a slight preference over the other kids, if that's what you want to call it. Does that make any sense at all??
And if you are arranging all of your travel during the time that Would be with just wife/baby, then that is wrong. Why is that not divided evenly? Why arent you willing to miss SOME of the time with the other 3 and some of the time with your wife/BD? While you are gone, your wife picks up your slack with BD, but if you are gone during visitation, then THEIR mother should pick up slack for those kids' needs. Period. That is not your wife's job. It's not like you expect your ex-wife to pick up your dry cleaning while you're gone - it's her own kids' needs she should cover?? But no, you just give her a free pass and sh*t on your wife. I hope this helps you see it differently.
wow this woman seems to have
wow this woman seems to have some serious insecurity issues. Two things i've noticed. 1. some women on here seem to have a hard time accepting the fact that it is the WOMAN in the wrong. 2. Your statement "after having missed some days with ONLY HER AND THE BABY." perhaps it wasn't stated like that purposelly but if thats how you look at it as just missing time with her and the baby no big deal i can see where "some" of your actions/statements have led your wife to this unreasonable stage she's in. Anyway i don't live your life my advice stick with the counseling and BE HONEST if wifey walks out then she walks out. Your just throwing money away if your not gonna be honest with your own marriage counselor!
Our BD is 6.5months and my
Our BD is 6.5months and my wife has had dramatic hormone swings that have been medically verified but she refused to think that she is depressed even though she is easily angered and cries a lot. How do you convince someone that they might have PPD? I think that it is more than PPD but may be some depression that existed prior to PPD. My wife sees depression as some kind of defect and she refuses to ever speak to anyone about it or be tested for it.
These would be questions for
These would be questions for the Dr or the nurse. You are this childs father and you have every right to the information about what could be going on with your wife. I'm sure they would help you as much as they can. Maybe you could leave some fliers about it kicking around the house, in places she may pick them up just because she's bored and read them.
Depression is a condition, not a defect. I'm sure you understand this. All you can do is look for the info and help her with what you can. The doctors may be able to give you baby steps to help her out of it.
I also want to say "Good
I also want to say "Good job!" for reaching out on this and not just kicking her out of your life. It must be super frustrating to be dealing with her issues more then she is. Maybe with the right help you can really make a difference for her and save this relationship!
I am so happy to read this
I am so happy to read this post. It's so different to see things from a "dad's" point of view. I really wish your wife was on here so we could hear her side of things. Anyhoo, she's not and I dont know that i have any real advice. I kinda know her feelings though in wanting her baby to be number one. I just hope she doesnt really mean it. A lot of women here talk about the dad favoring his kids when they are around and I've often wondered if my future kid would be "number one". Not in the way it sounds but more that I wouldnt want my child to be on the back burner to the kids that already exist. As far as her not wanting you to take the baby when it has to do with your biokids is she afraid of what your kids may do to the baby? Is she afraid that you wouldnt have to ability to watch over the baby while you are taking care of 3 other kids? These are all just wild stabs in the dark from what I've heard sm's here complain about...
My most frustrating thing is
My most frustrating thing is that for some reason my happiness doesn't matter. My wife is seeking for me to make changes that I've told her will only make me more depressed than I already am. I don't sleep well and I've lost about 30lbs in the last two months and I really hate that way things are now. My wife's solutions is that if my kids need to be somewhere then I need to hire someone to get them there as she doesn't want me taking the baby. I already feel that my kids are isolated and now she doesn't want me to be a part of things that are important for my kids. One of the key causes of my depression is that I already feel like a crappy dad for ignoring my kids and that my wife always telling me how my kids ruin her life.
At the same time as I said my wife sees depression as a weakness and a defect. She refuses to see it in herself and she just gets more pissed off that I'm depressed. Sometimes this makes me feel that she can't love me if she can see the physical damage that is happening to me between weight loss, not sleeping and my hair thinning like crazy.
When I try to tell her how I feel she gets angry and says that I brought it all on myself by having kids with an evil person. She just wants me to apologize over and over for every transgression that my kids, parents or ex-wife have ever made. (By over and over I mean about 6 or 7 times a day).
I spend half the night tossing and turning with tears in my eyes. I have no solutions because my wife doesn't want to be a part of any solution. She just wants problems to go away.
I wish that I had answers but right now misery is all I come up with.
I'm sorry, and maybe this
I'm sorry, and maybe this would just fuel the fire, but do you think she may need some help? Maybe she should just talk to a therapist individually and you all see one together as well? It sounds like you all have some differences, but that those stem somewhat from her issues. Maybe if she worked through some of this on an individual level, she wouldn't feel attacked by you? It sounds like she maybe is having some hormonal problems from the pregnancy. I had some PPD pretty severe, so I can relate to what sounds like hurtful behavior.
It's hard to really know without hearing her side, but I do think that a husband and wife always have to listen to each others concerns. My problem with what you are saying is happening is this new adverse reaction to her stepkids (your other children). When she married you, you had these children, so in my opinion she knew what she was getting into. She can't punish you or them for that...marrying you and having a child with you was her choice. It is not fair of her to ask you to put one of your children in front of the others.
I have a similar family situation and I would never do that. Maybe that's just me, but I don't think that would be healthy for my biological son to see me treating his half brother and sister as if they weren't as important as he is. Not to mention how bad this is for the skids.
I think she is really having a problem if this all came about after the baby was born...this may not really be her...she could be having an emotional issue?
With ehr age, and this has
With ehr age, and this has all transpired after the babies birth, im really thinking ppd myslef..its just too drastic and doesent make sense for a person to change so rapidly...
Loving Wife to my hubby, Mother and friend to our darlings.
Hang on, something I picked
Hang on, something I picked up on from your post that I'd like to comment on...
It sounds like you travel for work during the time when you would be home with your wife and new baby but then you are home when your other children are around. When do you spend time with just your wife and baby? Is all your time at home spent catering to your other children?
Maybe your wife resents that your entire home life is built around them? That's how it was in our house for a while and we nearly split over it. It took a long time to make my dh understand that life doesn't stop when his other kids aren't here, the rest of us are here between times and we deserve his time and attention as well.
You also said that you want to take the baby out to do activities for your other children. What kinds of activities? What does a 6.5 month old get out of it? I don't think there's anything wrong with taking the baby but...and this is important, where is the balance? Are you also spending time with your nuclear family, your wife and baby, without your other kids? That time is vitally important for both of them. If you are spending all your free time and energy trying to make up to your other kids for not being in their lives 24x7 then you are cheating your wife and new baby. I don't blame her for resenting it.
I doubt we've been given a balanced view of this situation. I'd guess your wife is feeling a bit neglected and pushed aside.
I could not have said that
I could not have said that better. I AGREE!!!
IF DH only spent time with his kids while at home, and then when they are gone he is not even at home to spend time with ME and OUR child. HECK yes I would resent him and I wouldn't want the skids around me.
So you travel when the kids
So you travel when the kids aren't there and when they are you are rushing around to get them to activities etc...?
So of course she's going to be upset - when in there do you make time for your wife and the new baby?
With all the stress of having to deal with a new baby on her own and than more kids 50% of the time you really do need to give her a break. If that means the kids sometimes miss a practice or two than so be it. It's not going to kill them and a happier marrige is better for them in the long run
Frustrated_Dad, have you had
have you had a chance to think this over some more?
I just reread your posts and your problem lies in what you wrote:
"Right now she is pissed at me because I travel (for work) when my kids are not around. When am I supposed to travel as she won't babysit my kids or take them to any of their activities. When I come home I'll be back to running the kids around after having missed some days with only her and the baby."
Duh! Of course she's going to be pissed at you. Of course she's going to think that you only care about your other kids. What do you expect? If you want a relationship with her and didn't marry her just to have help with your other kids then you need to set aside time with just her and time with just her and the baby. Your kids are old enough to not have to have daddy there every second of the day.
"Over the last few weeks there hasn't been a single days without her accusing me of favoring my kids over her and her telling me how she wants nothing to do with my kids. Prior to these few weeks we've had similar arguments in the past ever since we got married."
Then stop favoring them. You've basically admitted that you DO favor them by spending all your time doing activities with them and then going away to work the rest of the time. You do favor them. Your wife is right.
"Don't I have a responsibility to protect my BK's if I feel that they are being mistreated?"
Yes, and it sounds like your wife is assuming HER responsibility to protect her (and your) BK when that child is being mistreated by YOU when you constantly put your other children first. That child with her is your BK too and deserves your attention as well. Your wife is not your slave nor is she your live in babysitter. Stop building your life around your older children. It isn't good for them, it isn't good for you, it isn't good for your wife and it won't be good for your baby when he/she is old enough to see how you favor the older ones.
Maybe this is YOUR perception
Maybe this is YOUR perception of what YOU THINK your wife wants? Maybe she wants you to spend a little more time with baby like she has to? Maybe give her a break from doing it all the time? Sometimes when there is a baby in the house the focus has to be on baby for a bit and the children need to realize they are not the only ones right now. Being 7 and 11 they are alot more independant then a baby. I know my husband misinterprets what I'm saying and he blows it way out of proportion. To your wife that little baby is everything and needs alot of attention and is a demanding little thing.
Some posts really get to me,
Some posts really get to me, and this is one of them!!! She wants to know that you love baby as much as you love biokids... can you not see this!!! If you want to leave and play guilty daddy to yet another biokid that is your choice, but don't you dare blame your wife for loving her kid more than anything in this world. My husband is ALWAYS with OUR daughter, and that makes me very happy. In your post all it sounds like you are worried about is your other kids... maybe you should think about the kid you have made with her.
Well said Purple
Well said Purple Flower....
Sounds to me like there is a whole lot of frustration in this home on both parts.
Question: Did you travel like this before the baby was born?
If so did you still make
time for you two to be alone even when you had kids?
You seem to be feeling overwhelmed because you are wanted in so many directions. Possibly feeling sorry for your kids because BM doesnt take them to their activities. So when you have them you over compensate for her behavior.
Your DW is frustrated and possibly not expressing her feelings properly. The woman has got to be exhausted and overwhelmed herself. Taking care of a baby alone while you are gone. And then when you are home it seems as if you are very busy with kids in activities. I would imagine she feels very alone.
Question: How long has it been since the two of you have had a
nice romantic night alone together?
Even when divorce isnt an issue and you have Bio kids together sometimes we as adults get so wrapped up in the activities of our children and forget to take time with each other as partners. Sometimes you just need to take a time out for that to remember what made you fall in love to begin with.
We also need to remember that as men and women we feel diffrently about things. Men are physical thinkers and women are emotional thinkers. I know when my DH and I fight to him as soon as we have sex everything is all better. To me they are not because we have not discussed the problem fully and come up with a solution. We as men and women mis-read each other all the time. And I think it is important and put this into play in my own relationship to remember the diffrences. Try this with your wife when you speak with her and see if it helps. Bring her roses, pamper her a bit, take some time to just sit with her and the baby. If you have to cancell just one day of activities for the Bio Kids do this. At the age they are I am sure that they have plenty of things that they can do to entertain themselves.
Please let me know how all goes with you and I wish you luck.
I can's not that
I can's not that women see the face of BM in the's that men cannot handle the balance of old family vs. new family. I am generalizing here, but it's easier to jump in as a SF than a SM. Usually the mother has the parenting thing in motion and the kids are in the home for more time, and a SF just needs to jump in as a backup and seems more like an extra family member. The usual role for father and stepfather dont vary much from each other.
For a woman to chime in as a SM, for some random number of days per month, and combine that with being the Mom of the house for most days, to her own kids (either from prev or joint), and also having a BM to contend with...all while the man takes a back seat with her kids and a front row with his puts women in a precarious position. Not only does SHE not know what her role is supposed to be, but HE doesnt even know what he wants her role to be!
And what's worse is that nobody expects this to even be an issue. Nobody discusses it up front because...well they are just kids, right? How hard can it be? I love mine, he loves his, surely it will all work out. Wrong! Having assumed expectations that seem logical to each person will only set everyone up for failure. There ISNT a "set recipe" of how this is supposed to work because this is NOT how its supposed to work! People are supposed to be together and have kids together only - not move on and try to do it separately and with multiple people. THAT's why it doesnt work. Square peg - round hole.
Each situation has its own dynamics. If the couple does not give this the weight and attention it needs up front, they can add another failed family/relationship to their resume for the next person, and it only gets more complex from there.
Midwestmama I agree with you
Midwestmama I agree with you completely and very well said. I know that is exactly how I have felt in my second marriage. My roles seem to be changing all the time and without any warning. I am the Momma in the home and then I am not the Momma. I am the wife and then I am the bi-stander.
When you are in a first time family and you discuss a childs behavior it is because you are a concerned parent one to another. When you are in a second marriage with Bio and Skids and you discuss a childs behavior it either becomes a blame game or a jealousy thing.
Deep Breaht.....No wonder some of us are very fussy
Frustrated Dad, I can see
Frustrated Dad,
He wouldn't be concerned with me or my daughter on the off weekends...we wouldn't anywhere and he wouldn't spend as much time with my daughter as he would if SD was there! :O How unfair and hurtful...Over time and my bringing it to his attention, he was able to see and understand how I felt and his behavior did change...we are still family when SD is not there, but more of a family when she is with us...I don't necessarily expect him to put my daughter first, but she sure isn't going to be put on a backburner so he can cater or make up time with her BD...I understand he feels he's missing out with stuff with her, but it's not my fault nor my daughter's fault that he and her mother are no longer in a relationship...I'm not about to compromise myself and my daughter for him trying to "win" his BD over...of course he should enjoy the visits with her and she should feel comfy while doing so...over the years that area has gotten a lot better...though they are other areas that need improvement, but that's a whole 'nother thread/blog! But it did get better and I enjoy having my SD over and doing things with her, but now my DH knows that my BD does not freeze in time until next weekend and that we (him, me and BD) can still do things when SD is not there even if something small like going out to eat or catching a goes on...
but I will help DH with my SD...some weekends unexpectedly he has to work and sometimes that falls on his visitation weekend...I have no problem helping him with that...then it turns into a "girls weekend"...that also came with time too...Outsiders (people not in our situation) think that blended families happen over night! So untrue! It takes time...I think your wife may be experiencing some type of depression, like you've mentioned and/or possibly PPD...Don't throw the towel in yet and good luck to your marriage and your family...
I can see your point of the situation as well as your wife's...I have a SD11 and BD7...when we first got married and she would come over every other weekend, I would literally see my DH transform into "super dad" :O ...he would then throw around the word "family" :jawdrop: ...we would do things and go places...When her visitation was over so was "super dad"!
Frustrated Dad, Rather than
Frustrated Dad,
Rather than comment on the things that you may be doing wrong or trying to help you see things from your wife's point of view, I would like to comment on a couple of things that jumped out at me. These things have nothing to do with figuring out the problems, but are things that may stand in the way of finding solutions. I know I'll probably get flamed, but here it is anyway...
FIRST: "We just started counseling but I am not allowed to say anything that upsets me to the counselor or my wife has said that she will walk out. She also has said that she doesn't want to talk about my kids at the marriage counselor but that's clearly where our biggest issues stem from. So there is marriage counseling but it is being limited in scope and therefore will have limited effect."
SECOND: "How do you convince someone that they might have PPD? I think that it is more than PPD but may be some depression that existed prior to PPD. My wife sees depression as some kind of defect and she refuses to ever speak to anyone about it or be tested for it."
So, you all are going to marriage counseling, but you can't talk about the problems from your perspective, only hers? Does she even acknowledge that she may be playing a part in said problems? If not, it just sounds like she wants the counselor to tell you what YOU are doing wrong & what YOU need to do to fix it. If she only wants to talk about how she feels & what she wants, why do you even need to be there? Maybe her time would be better spent in individual counseling in that case. However, you are indicating she won't do this because it would mean that she has some kind of 'defect'. (It amazes me, in this day & age, some people refuse to see depression as a medical condition-even when there is medical proof of an imbalance, as with your wife.)
I don't really have any advice for you, but from what you have posted (I agree it would be nice to hear from DW), this is what I'm hearing: You are trying to find answers, trying to get counseling, trying to save your marriage. Your wife refuses to let you talk about your feelings in counseling, and she also refuses to talk about her own feelings of depression & anger. That's not to say she doesn't have valid concerns & legitimate complaints. I'm sure she does. And it certainly sounds like she may be suffering from PPD, which can be debilitating all by itself, even in the 'perfect' marriage. But, unless she is willing to do her part & allow EVERYTHING that's causing problems between the two of you to be discussed in counseling, you are just spinning your wheels. Marriage is a partnership. Unless BOTH of you are willing to communicate openly & honestly & compromise when necessary & appropriate, your problems will never be solved.
I wish you the best of luck.
your in a tough position but
your in a tough position but it could be the difference of years between her kids and now the baby. Communicate, talk and give her reasons as to why you feel she is being unfair. Its obvious you 2 have ex marriages with kids, that should be a lesson learn to do the right thing now. COntinue the cousneling and good luck.
I know that this is a site
I know that this is a site full of mostly stepmoms, but if your side of this story is accurate, you are going to have a rough life ahead of you unless your wife starts trying to understand your side of the story too.
My DH went through the same situation with counseling with his ex.The therapist basically just started telling DH what he needed to do to "deal with" or "cope with" things that she said or did, rather than to help her see that was she was doing was hurtful to DH and to their marriage. Your wife's resistance to admitting that she has some problems is really hurting what could be helpful therapy sessions.
A lot of women on here are getting on your case for travelling. He has to make money. I'm sure he would love to stay at home all of the time if you could. That's not always a possibility! He says that his wife refuses to have anything to do with the kids (as do a lot of women on this site), so when is he supposed to spend time with them?
I don't see anything wrong with taking a baby to an activity for your children. DH and I are going to try to have a baby this summer. I'm sure that baby will be to many school programs, soccer games, etc and I want it that way! DH's kids will be my baby's brothers, and I don't want any resentment on anyone's part.
That being said, I think that you do need to make sure that you have some quality bonding time with just your wife and baby. That time is important. I'm sure she has a lot of hormones now. I know that I can get a lot of feelings of jealousy towards my skids and I really have to step back and see if my feelings are valid or if I'm blowing things out of proportion. Make sure you are having family time when your skids aren't around as well.
I don't think anyone should ever have to say that ANY of their children is #1, because that's just not fair. It sounds like she is insecure for some reason about your baby's place in your heart. I'm not sure if you've given her a reason to feel that way.
If you guys have a chance of working this out, you will have to get your wife to be open to the possibility that she could have some depression or PPD going on. She has to let you be open in counseling sessions. If you can do that, you have a chance. I wish you good luck!
although my dh and i don't
although my dh and i don't have any kids together (hopefully) soon, he knows i favor my own over his (he does too to a degree) because they treat him like crap and THANK GOD he is not "blind" to the FACT.
i can see YOU loving them all equally, but can't see you asking your wife for the same (it just don't happen) i tried treating my skids like my own and there's too much disappointment, too much resentment, it's like falling in love with someone that will never love you back the same way IT HURTS
my thoughts exactly
my thoughts exactly
Who's resurecting old posts
Who's resurecting old posts anyway? LOL
Your DW might feel like since
Your DW might feel like since this is a baby and the other kids are older that the baby needs the most attention? I am not really sure but like the other women who have posted her hormones are so out of whack and she has baby fever so I would continue the counseling and see how it is in a few months.
I once heard on Dr. Laura
I once heard on Dr. Laura that "the first family should come first". She's an idiot, but that statement has stuck with me and I know DH believes it. There is so much guilt for leaving that he will forever be trying to make it up to his kids. It's okay to put your first family first once in awhile. Your wife shouldn't tell you where you can take the baby. Keep reassuring her how much you don't like your ex. That would help me. Also, keep telling her how wonderful she is (not in the same conversation). Spend alone time with each kid if possible. Maybe one kid a month? Do something w/ that kid's interests in mind. If alone isn't poss. go together, with the idea that you are doing it bec. ______ wanted to.