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Where was this website 3 1/2 yrs ago??

whatsnext's picture

This sounds familiar to you all I'm sure. I'm a newbie here and glad I chose to sign up. I'll bore you all with the usual. It's nice to read what I've been thinking and feeling for so many years now. Whew I'm not alone!! I met my now fiance 3 1/2 yrs ago and he has 2 kids who are now 13 and 10. The first yr him and I were together the BM had NOTHING to do with the kids. Then she filed for divorce and full custody of the kids 1 yr 2 mos later. She really only filed for divorce because she realized that her then DH had moved on and wasn't taking her back! I'll do my best to make a long story short. BM walked out on her DH and 2 girls 8 yrs ago. The kids were then 5 and 22mos old. I know I know she's just great! BF had taken on the full responsibility of caring for both kids. He had to close his own business down and take on odd jobs to work around the schedule of now having to be a father AND a mother. BM didnt see the kids but maybe 2 or 3 times a year and that was when they were at her mothers house. There were many of times she would tell the kids she would pick them up and never did. The 22mo old had nightmares for yrs after MOTY left. MOTY= MOTHER OF THE YEAR! Everyone has nicknames! That's been hers since my almost DH and I have been together. Anyways, it was a nasty divorce and a lot of strain on mine and almost DH's relationship. We, I should say I,stuck it out and got to the light at the end of the tunnel. BF was awarded custodial parent and BM gets every other weekend starting on Thurs after school til Sun at 7. The other week she gets Thurs after school til 7. Piece of cake for her but not enough. Guess she felt she didn't stick it hard enough to the now ex hubby. Now 7 mos after the divorce being finalized she's filing for full custody of the kids because my 3 dogs got into a fight and she fears for the safety of the children. Yes it was a nasty fight between the dogs and my oldest dog required vet assistance. Almost DH and I met with his attorney and he recommended we get rid of the dogs. WTF, you gotta be kidding me! Like I said before, I'm making a long story short. We all have the what's left inbetween! Where the hell was she 8 yrs ago when she was soooo concerned about the safety of her children? UGHHHH, I just can't stand her! Sometimes I think it would be easier to just let her win and I walk away. I love those kids so much like they're my own. I've been more of a mother to them than there own has been. At any rate, thanks for reading!

DISbelief's picture

We were here 3 1/2 years ago Wink Welcome.. sounds like you have a full plate! You are in good company!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

TheOtherMom's picture

It was here. I have been a member since 2006. I just changed my name due to rotten BM.

The stories have been the same over the years. What can I say? Step Parenting is classic.