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Parental alienation? money grubbing ex

PoisonApples's picture

Where to start?

Dp is separated nearly 5 years. Where we live it takes 5 years separation before divorce can be applied for. Dp filed for divorce 2 weeks ago.

When he separated the ex got his pension signed over to just their children now sd5 and sd7. They separated when she was pregnant with sd5. He also gave her 100K extra from the sale of the family home to set aside for children which she promptly spent in addition to the 150k she got from her share of the family home. His maintenance for the children was more than I've ever heard of anyone paying plus she works and makes a better than average salary.

Dp has been off work for 2.5 years due to illness. To continue paying the outrageous maintenance he sold off every asset he had, save one, and ran his credit card up to it's limit. At that point I paid it for a while to keep him out of jail but after abuse after abuse from her I stopped. This in addition to me paying for most household expenses, day care, clothing and activities for his 2 kids, etc. When our child dd2 was born he gave me the last remaining asset he had, then valued at around 10k to hold in trust for our daughter. The value of that asset is now about 25k. The asset was listed in his divorce papers along with the fact that it was being held in trust by me. Ex was livid! She went to court to try to get it taken away from me but it was thrown out last week. Since then she has stopped all access. We had access EOW and had never missed one. In this country it will take a while to get to court about the breach of access and even then it's doubtful anything will really be done about it.

When dp could no longer pay the full amount of maintenance he paid a lesser amount which is equal to the national average. I contributed to this payment. At the same court where she didn't manage to get her hands on the asset held for our dd, he also got a HUGE reduction in maintenance.

When it was time for regular access she sent a letter (by taxi!) telling him that she had decided that he could no longer see them because of what happened in court and that 'until matters are clarified' (meaning until I give her the only thing that was set aside for our child) they will be staying with her.

Furthermore, I believe this woman has engaged in a steadily escalating campaign of parental alienation, something not often discussed in this country. Some of the things she's done include:
* sending them to our house dressed in dirty, torn, WAY too small clothing and shoes
* calling them on the phone to ask if they want to come home when they are with us
* organizing fun things to do on the weekends they are with us and trying to get them to say they'd rather be with her - to the point of calling dp to beg to get to go with mommy
* texting him a half hour before he's supposed to pick them up to tell them they aren't where they are supposed to be and she'll 'let him know later' where to pick them up
* showing them the old wedding video all the time
* telling them what a happy family they were before I came along (they were separated a year before I even came to this country)
* once our dd2 bit sd5 (after 3 days of bullying), we apologized and dealt with it but when we dropped the kids ex ran out to the car - carrying sd5 - she's ALWAYS carrying her around like a little baby - and demanded to know how dd2 was going to be punished, she kept insisting that we tell her what the 'consequences' to our dd2 were going to be for biting - this was 2 weeks after her dd5 was sent home from playschool for threatening to kill another child with a knife, btw!
* calling them and asking how they are, when they say they are having fun she says things like 'well, I'm just sitting here missing you all day long'
* once she called dd7 and asked how she was doing, dd7 said 'I'm having the time of my life' ex responded by being so cold it would scare you and saying 'that's good, put your sister on'.
* she used to call 10 times a day but we stopped answering so she got court ordered calls at 10:00 am every second day. Once, during summer access (2 weeks) she forgot to call at the appointed time and tried to call that evening. dp didn't answer the phone so she called me. I spoke to her and told her she could call at the normal time the next day. She did not ask me how the children were but I'm sure she could hear them in the background getting ready for bed. About 3 hours later (10:30 at night) the police showed up. She told them she was 'worried' about the children. I had to get them out of bed to come down and talk to the police.
* she has a habit of coming out to the car at drop off (I always stay in the car) and screaming at me. She actually slapped me once. She used to climb completely into the car at pick up time and nose around. She claimed she was 'saying goodbye to her children' but really she was being nosy. I asked her to stop and that was the first time she lunged at me and I saw her violent tendencies. I was 9 months pregnant at the time.

god, I could go on and on.

thanks for listening. I just wanted to get it off my chest.

stepmom31's picture

wow, oh, wow.

As my husband always says, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Don't give up trying to get back access, keep calling and writing, so that you can show the courts your DH and you were always there.

The kids will miss their dad (and you) eventually, and as they mature they will no doubt wake up a bit to mummy's craziness. They might be too young to understand right now.

Stay strong!

"I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can."
— Little Engine That Could

stepmasochist's picture

Well, let me be the first to say, welcome to Steptalk. From the looks of your story, you'll fit right in!

It looks like you've got yourself a case of some very over the top baby momma drama. I personally have not dealt with anything in the league of what you're having to handle, but I'll just say ... wow!

About her withholding visitation I don't know how it works in your country, but here, your Dp (what's the p for?) could go and pick the kids up from school on his scheduled days. He could also, stop by the police department or call and have them meet him at her house and get his kids. This is what angers me most about your story. Yes all of the things you listed are textbook PAS - visitation is the one thing that can counteract all of her nonsense and keeping them from their dad is the worst. A good book to read about PAS is Divorce Poison.

The clothes thing is a common complaint here on Steptalk. I would suggest getting some clothes for them to keep at your house and send them back in the rags she sent them to you guys in.

As for you paying CS, what if you don't pay? Can't it be modified that since the kid's dad has been unemployed due to illness, he could be let off the hook for a bit, or at least have the CS greatly reduced?

Good luck, keep reading and posting and vent away. Your situation seems very frustrating and I hope this site is of help!

PoisonApples's picture

steperg, they aren't just dirty clothing. They are clothes handed down that her sister's boys wore over 10 years ago. They are ripped, stained, ugly and at least 2 sizes too small. Last winter they wore old shoes that were way too small and had holes all over them. DD7's toe stuck out a hole in the front. When they come over the first thing they want to do is change into the clothes that they have here.

From what I read it is PAS, showing them that daddy's house isn't worthy of wearing decent clothing to. I know they have better clothing, she just keeps these rags around for them to wear to our house.

I've purchased an entire wardrobe for them to wear when here. Unfortunately, they sometimes wear them home and then they are either not seen again (she's admitted to 'dumping' a new pair of boots that I bought) or they are returned with holes and slits deliberately cut into them.

His access agreement specifies that he can pick them up at 5:00 so he might not be able to get them from school. Also, the next scheduled access is during Easter holidays so they won't be in school anyway.

I didn't expect any magic answers when I posted this (although I was hopeful) I just wanted to rant a bit to get it off my chest. Getting the police here to do anything in favor of the father is a laugh.

soverysad's picture

It is a form of PAS and it is prevalent. Wingnut does the same thing. Cheap clothes for daddy's house. It is part of other techniques, but it is real.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

stepmasochist's picture

I agree SVS - anything to make visiting daddy as unpleasant as possible is a form of alienation of one parent by another.

PoisonApples's picture

"bringing them there with old, dirty clothing is not alienating"

I beg to differ. I've seen it explicitly listed as a symptom. The children do not want to wear those rags, they feel like crap in them but she forces them to put them on every time they are going to daddy's. It would serve to alienate them from their father if every time they are going they have to wear rags.

Other things that fit PAS are not letting them share toys between homes,

I think you are taking only the worst indications of SEVERE PAS but it's much larger than that. Before the parent reaches the 'severe' stage they pass through mild and moderate. Right now we are between moderate and severe.

creepedout60's picture

BM must be thin I mean she is using a lot of excess energy on BS, right? People amaze me

luvtobears's picture

wow so sorry, i thought i was the only one with this problem. We pay $800 per month in CS. Every weekend we get him in clothes way to small, sometimes not even wearing socks or underwear. and of course dirty. She also sends him to school like that. And the calling and planing things on our weekends is a constant. I keep hoping things will change but its been three years and its only gotten worse. Keep your head up, I am glad i found this sight. I am glad i am not alone.

Smonster's picture

WOW Marim, I thought our BM was bad, yours sounds like a bitch on wheels. I'm so sorry. It just amazes me how a mother could do that to her children, just boggles my mind. How can a mother/person do that to children????!! I completely agree with Stepmom31's reply, good advice.

Snowflake's picture

WOW... BM actually does over half of the things on that list!!! The one thing I hate is her telling her kids stories about my husband... Like she and him had this fairytale marriage or something. They hardly even spent time together!!! Olderson was only about 3 years old when they seperated and she was about 2 1/2 months pregnant with littleson!!! So they were certainly NEVER a happy family with all of them!!!

She makes over 3 times as much as dh and wont as much as pay for a haircut for her kids. Like we are supposed to feel sorry for her. PLEASE!!! If you can pay for grand vacations to go to see your boyfriend then you can pay for a friggin haircut!!!

creepedout60's picture

Our BM would NEVER let us cut my 2 SD's hair, they are hispanic and had super long thick hair, they hated it and wanted it cut. Hubby sent CS and extra each month, BM always wanted us to buy all school supplies for them, along with having to buy for my 3. Hubby was military, crap money. BM's amaze me also with their stories, all total crap. My 2 SD 29 and 31, totally long for that fairy tale life of their parents. Get over yourself SD's, grow the f@@k up

PoisonApples's picture

Oh I didn't tell you the half of it!

Everytime we pick them up from her they are in tears and clinging to her. When we pick them up from the babysitter they are happy and eager to come along. Their crying stops before we are a block away but still... During summer access (first 2 weeks of July and first 2 weeks of August) she wouldn't let us get them until 5:00 pm. Her entire family spent the day with them telling them to 'be strong' to 'cling to each other' to get through this ordeal. The focus was on how much fun they were going to miss with mommy, how much mommy would miss them. She sat in the middle of the road clinging to them, refusing to let them go. DP (dear partner) had to pry them off her to put them in the car. Then she'd call on the phone and tell them to 'be strong, I know it's hard but you can get through this, keep your chin up', crap like that.

If we are stuck in traffic when returning them from visitation and are even 10 minutes late she insists that they be picked up 10 minutes late the next time to make up for it.

Usually on Friday he picks them up from the babysitter at 5:00. He doesn't work on Fridays so he could pick them up earlier but the one time he did this she hit the roof and went on and on about him 'breaching the agreement'.

For christmas access he was supposed to have them from the 23rd to 2:30 on Christmas Eve. The time for pick up wasn't specified. He asked to pick them up at 9:00 AM but she refused and instead sent them to a babysitter until he could pick them up at 5:00.

Once when dd7 was 5 she left a stuffed bunny (that she STILL carried around with her all the time, not because she wanted to but because mommy thought it was cute and made a big deal about it - ex babies them to the extreme). ex was panicked, we got constant phone calls, texts, and emails asking us to please find it. I found it one morning after dp had gone to work and dropped it off to the day care where dd was since it was on my way. EX was livid! She sent emails demanding to know why his 'mistress' breached the access agreement.

She tells everyone that I broke up the marriage when in fact they were separated a year before I even came to this country.

Thing is, they have a great time with us. We do lots of camping and crafty things. They have been very happy here but her alienation is taking it's toll. They are more withdrawn and start giving one word answers. It's taking longer and longer for them to loosen up.

If we buy them something for our home she buys the same for hers to make sure there is nothing special here. Roller skates, bikes, mp3 players, nintendo, dvds, books and I mean she gets them the EXACT same book, dvd, bike, rollerskate, etc..same brand, same title. If we take them somewhere she takes them the next weekend to the same place. We've stopped telling them what we are going to do next time because she ALWAYS does it first if she knows what we are planning or where we are planning to go.

She's turned the 5 year old into a little 'mini me'. She keeps her in identical haircuts to her (which is always whatever hairdo that skanky Victoria Beckham has - she seems to idolize her, why I don't know). When they are with us she dresses them in old boy clothes but with her she always dresses them in pink from head to toe and often dresses them in identical outfits. I know this isn't PAS but I think it's weird.

I HAD a great relationship with them but it's deteriorating because she tells them not to interact with me. She even sent a photo album with pictures of her and her family in it to 'console' them while they are here. She imagines (and has said many times) that they spend every second that they are here pining away for her but they don't. She thinks they cry themselves to sleep wanting her but they don't. They don't even mention her and often when she calls the oldest one rolls her eyes and says she doesn't want to stop what she's doing to talk to her and we have to make her. They are given the phone and they go off to talk then hang it up. Some time ago she sent a letter through her lawyers complaining that the calls were only lasting a couple of minutes so now we have to stand there and force them to talk to her longer even though they don't want to.

Before dd7 started school I taught her to read and sent the first book she read home with her to keep, thinking her mother would be proud of her. Her mother told her she didn't have time to listen to her read it and the book disappeared. Now, 3 years later she's still reading at the same level she was then.

She keeps them helpless. Every independent thing they've learned to do - dress themselves, ride a bike, tie their shoes, get their own cereal, turn on the TV - EVERYTHING - they learned from us. When we pick them up we see them both still sit down and wait for the mother or the babysitter to put their shoes and jackets on them. They are totally helpless with her even though they are well able to do all these things at our house.

I'm so glad to have found this board! It's nice to talk to fellow Americans who understand. I tried posting on an Irish board but I was attacked for being an 'ex-basher' and they just make excuses for her, tell me to be understanding because it's hard for her. What a load of crap. Even if nobody reads this or replies it's good therapy to be able to get it out. Also, she was posting on that board telling lie after lie so I started posting after her telling my side but without disclosing to everyone else who I was - while making sure that she knew who I was iykwim. She sent a couple of select posts of mine (ones that discussed the situation without saying anything about her) to her lawyers who threatened me with contempt of court for discussing the case! Note: in Ireland all family law matters are held in closed court, no notes are taken and no one is allowed in except the divorcing parties and their lawyers. That's why it's so unfair and one-sided.

soverysad's picture

You're practically living my life! We were fortunate and after nearly 2 1/2 years of this nonsense, the courts gave us 50/50 custody and we were able to reverse some of it, but Wingnut still calls Creature and asks her if she is ok (in a tone that clearly lets her know that mommy thinks she isn't) and if Creature says yes, she'll say "its ok honey, tell mommy the truth. They're being mean to you, aren't they?" It is pathetic. I started making the kid hang up everytime her mother starts her crap, so those calls have practically ended.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

whitetara347's picture

We have the same problem. Its so frustrating! Especially when I work with her and I have to see her on a regular basis. She tries to play it off, but I know she bad mouths me as much as I do her. But I wouldn't if she tried. My fiance works extremely hard and pays her so much CS for her to sit on her ass and tan, get her nails done, and get her hair done. Her and her boyfriend can barely pay rent, the kids never have new clothes unless the father buys them, and they don't get to do anything! Even if she had the heart to spend her 'tanning money' *CS* on the children, she wouldn't want to exert the effort to take them on her days. God forbid she actually be a mother.