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PoisonApples's picture

brief history - BF has had court ordered EOW access for sd7 and sd5 for 4 years, ex would delay it sometimes and interrupted a time or two but mostly he was able to pick them up. 6 weeks ago went to court for variation of maintenance and got it reduced. Ex was demanding that one asset given to our child dd3 be handed over to her but judge refused. Ex shouted at him in court and the judge told her to shut up. Ex immediately stopped access and bf hasn't seen his children since.

He spoke to sd7 on the phone last week and she told him that mommy said 'daddy is too sick to be with us' which is not true.

A few months ago she and he wanted to take the children to child psychologist - we because they are suffering symptoms of PAS, she because she thinks a psychologist would recommend that the children see him less. BF agreed for children to go on the condition that they agreed on a counselor together and that a joint letter of introduction outlining problems be drafted. Ex refused and a month later informed him that she was already taking them to a counselor of her choice who she had been seeing and that he should join her for sessions there. He refused because of likely bias in the counselor. he phoned counselor and told them he did not give his permission and the counselor stopped seeing the children. Ex refused to find another counselor.

yesterday, at my urging, bf sent an email to ex asking her to outline what she wanted for him to be able to restore access.

She replied. These are her demands:

1. he must submit a gp report and a counselor report to her on the state of his health
2. his doctors must list (for her) every medication he is taking
3. he must agree to participate with her in family counseling at the counselor of her choice, the one she sees and has taken the children to before without his permission

she says that once he has done that then 'perhaps, access could be re-introduced on a level that the girls are comfortable with, for example, working around their schedules, ie parties, activities etc, which are very important for their development. '

bf has suffered from bouts of depression but it is not really bad. He does take medication for it but I don't think that is any of her business. In no way has it ever interfered with his treatment or care of his children.

All along she has thrown hissy fits about parties. If one of them was invited to a party over our weekend (we're talking 4 and 5 years of age here) she demanded that they be taken even though the parties are always near her home which is some distance from our home. I tried to calmly explain to her that we are a family of 6 people and that we can't expect everyone to drop everything to be so far away for 2 hour parties every couple of times they are with us. According to her, going to parties is the most important thing in life (well, tied with having highlights in your hair and a fake tan - yes, even the 7 and 5 year old are obsessed with these things). She has even scheduled a 5 year old for 3 different birthday parties on the same weekend. That's 4 round trips for us for 6-7 hours of parties in a city where we don't live. WTF are the rest of us supposed to do in between shuffling them between parties? I wouldn't go to that many parties!

I don't object to children attending SOME parties but not being able to go to everything you are invited to is a fact of life and there is NO WAY that everyone else in the family should forgo their plans to take a 5 year old to a party of some classmate that they probably don't even really like all that well. If it was a best friend or close family member fine, but not every birthday that every child in their class has.


soverysad's picture

Take that correspondence to court and file contempt charges. She doesn't get to choose which under which circumstances she's going to follow court ordered visitation. She is being a control freak. She doesn't get to get your bf's medical records / prescription history OR insist on a counselor. In fact, IF the court determined a counselor was necessary, the COURT would recommend or rule that the counselor must be independent to both bf and bm and be mutually agreed upon. Wingnut tried these demands in court and lost. Either way, she can't unilaterally decide to not bring the kids because she WANTS him to do something.

He probably suffers depression because he has children with a complete control freak. This was my dh's problem. He suffered a Major Depressive Episode and was hospitalized for 7 days when married to Wingnut. Now, since his divorce, he is perfectly healthy. Courts don't really care if someone suffered from depression and generally won't base visitation / stipulations on that history. Think about this, most judges have or KNOW someone who is on anti-depressants or have some sort of psychological issue (anxiety, etc.). She may just shoot herself in the foot arguing this point, especially if you can tell the judge that bf is much happier now that he is removed from a bad relationship.

With respect to the parties, I doubt very much that a judge would require you to make a 4 hour round trip to attend a child's party every time there is one. What a child does on bf's parenting time is ultimately up to bf, not bm.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.

stepmom008's picture


"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

stormabruin's picture

Your BM sounds like ours...Counselors, party schedules, lies to get out of visitation. Even down to the highlights and fake tan! Incredible!!!

DH did end up going to counseling with his kids to the counselor of HER choice and paid for by DH. (Court order.) The kids went for a couple of months by themselves and then the counselor asked that he start attending with them. Well, being BM was the one to start taking them in the first couple of months she was the one who gave their background and discussed "their concerns". DH couldn't believe the things the counselor had been told. He said it was like he was part of another life and had no idea. BM told the counselor that DH left them to be with someone else, when in fact, she left him and the kids 4 times before she came back into their lives. Long story short, the whole thing was really ugly and of no help at all. DH came across to the counselor as being a liar because he denied most everything the counselor asked him about. It was a waste of time and money. I certainly have nothing against counseling, but I would definitely make certain the counselor isn't partial to one parent over the other. In our situation, as soon as the counselor started catching on to what BM was doing, BM would change counselors and it'd start all over again.

I really have nothing else to offer, as we don't see skids anymore. What we did didn't work...

nycSM's picture


folkmom's picture

yeah why in the world is he negotiating with her? stop this crap on "how do i restore access?" and haul her ass back into court for contempt.

PoisonApples's picture

Thanks for the advice.

He wasn't negotiating with her. I pushed him to send her the email to trap her into putting her demands in writing so we'd have something for court. She fell for it hook, line and sinker. What a dumbass.

Poison Apples For Sale - My Specialty - Cheaper by the dozen - Hurry while supplies last.

PoisonApples's picture

We are trying to figure out how to file contempt charges against her. Unfortunately in this country nothing usually comes of it. Our lawyer is dragging his feet. It's hard in this country to even find out HOW to file these things, much less get them filed.

We're building a folder on PAS, listing characteristics in one column and in the next column putting in dates/times/places where she did these things with emails and texts to back it up. It's a pretty compelling case already and I've just gotten started.

Unfortunately if we get to court we'll be a test case for PAS because it isn't recognized at all here.

Any help/advice anyone can give me would really be appreciated.

thanks again for your support and comments. It really helps bring me down to earth when I'm feeling emotional, angry and shaky about the situation.

Poison Apples For Sale - My Specialty - Cheaper by the dozen - Hurry while supplies last.