Where is that invisible line again? I swear it keeps moving...
Ok. I'm new here. I'm a SM to two lovely children: SD (age 7) and SS (age 5). DH and I also have a little boy (age 1). I'm having some "boundry-type" issues with BM. I've asked friends about the situation, and they all think she is crazy and controlling...but these are my friends saying this. I want some neutral feedback I guess...
I met DH about 3 years ago not too long after he divorced. You see, BM and DH had a very bitter divorce that dragged on for about a year. BM had cheated on DH with several people, including a couple of his "friends" (former friends now) and a few of her co-workers. It turns out that one of my best friends works with her and basically she told me that BM has a very bad rep. Toward the end of BM and DH's marriage, she meets her new husband (wierd step dad - WSD). DH finds out and finally has had enough and DH divorces BM.
I'd never dated anyone who had kids or who had even been married previously. I hadn't been married or had any kids myself at that point. We casually dated for 3-4 months before I would meet the kids. We (the kids and I) hit it off instantly and have always had a great relationship. I try to treat them in a way that makes them feel important and valued, while stressing that while I am not their mom, I am someone they can talk to and lean on. I listen to them when they talk, I take interest in their interests, and we just have a great time together. The kids relationships with me have never been an issue in our household.
So after some time passes, DH and I get engaged, move in together, have sweet little boy (SLB). In retrospect, this is when all the trouble starts with BM. BM dates WSD on and off and they finally marry about 6 months before we marry. WSD lived accross the country from BM when they were cheating, dating and even through the 1st year of their marriage. Apparently BM and WSD were having problems early in their marriage, because BM begged DH to keep SS and SD for a month so she could go accross the country to be with WSD and patch things up. We do so without question, out of concern for how the kids feel having their BM ditch them for a man for a month. Then we find out that she has dropped the health insurance she was court-ordered to have on the kids. Then DH picks up insurance. Then DH gets laid off and looses insurance. This all happens within the 4 months before DH and I marry.
About 3 weeks before we get married (about a year ago), DH is served with papers early on a Sunday morning. BM is petitioning for DH to have visitation only of SD and SS (every other weekend). Currently, DH has joint custody and we have the kids in 6 day increments. BM cites the fact that we moved 27 miles away as the reason for wanting to make the change...she says that us living so far away is to "incosistent" for the children. We had lived in this location for over a year before she petitioned. We were in the same metro area, just on the other side of town (she lives in one suburb, we lived in another). Turns out the reason behind this is that WSD was finally moving here to be with BM after they "worked it out". She in essence was just trying to squeeze DH out of the picture because, with WSD here, she now had her happy little family (I have it on very good information that this was indeed the case). I did find the timing of the petition very suspect. We also noticed that she had filled out the CS worksheet and left SLB off so she could claim more $$$. She knew we had SLB...he was 6 months old at the time!!! She also was petitioning that DH maintain insurance on the children.
Since the kids still had no insurance, when we married, DH and decided to put all of the kids on my insurance at work. BM basically acted like this was me and DH's responsibility. Never do we (or I for that matter) get a thank you for this, even though DH was paying her child support that included reimbursing her for health insurance. Personally, I was more concerned with the children's safety, so I was all for getting them insurance coverage so they would be safe.
So this petition thing just lingers. We get an attorney, BM doesn't have one. It takes forever to get a hearing date. When they finally do, they are sent to mediation. The first day of school comes around. I get a nasty email from BM ac ouple days before school starts telling me that it is not my place to be there. I sent her a tactful, but firm response basically telling her that I think she is full of it. I bring up that how is it my place to carry insurance on your children that you are court-ordered to carry, but it isn't my place to walk with them with my husband to the front door of the elementary school? It just doesn't make any sense. She has a hateful response, which I ignore because of the legal situation.
Finally, BM and DH go to mediation. BM basically figures out that the petition was a bad move. She gets nothing. Plus, her CS gets reduced because of our SLB. BM complains that she is being punished because me and DH decided to have a baby...boohooo...she cries through mediation, finally giving up 4 hours and $800 in mediation fees later (which she had to pay $600 of). We also end up moving to be closer to the kids...we now live 5 minutes from BM (mixed feelings).
Sorry for the long story, but I was hoping this would give a point of reference for the rest. So now I'm getting ugly emails from BM often about a ton of things (all very petty and trivial). Example: SD and I get our nails done. BM flips out and tells me it is a "mother-daughter" event and I can't do that. Another example: I go to get a hair trim and DH send SD with me to get one too (she needed one bad)....lordy I got a nasty email for that one. Nevermind that WSD cuts SS's hair often. DH never complains about that...I don't see how WSD cutting SS's hair is different from me getting a hair trim for SD. whatever...I emailed her back told her that she was being silly and that she needed to get a grip...I said it nicely of course (really, I did). Now BM has told DH that WSD is coaching SS's T-ball team this year. WHAT????
Ok, so am I crossing the line with the kids? I'm I wrong here? I feel like any problem she has with me and her kids is due to her insecurity. As much as it pains me, I am nice to her in front of SS and SD and I speak nicely of her to them. I don't let them call me mom. I confer with DH on any major issues/decisions. I guess I just think she is being petty....I mean, seriously? She wants to picks fights with me over the dumbest crap!!!!
Sorry this is so rediculously long. I just had to get it all out!!!!
no...she IS crazy. it is
no...she IS crazy. it is not just your friend's being nice.
i would block her email and make all communication go thru your husband.
If DH is okay with you
If DH is okay with you taking the kid to get their nails done and trimming their hair, then it is okay. He is just as much a parent to the girls as she is, and if he says they can, they can.
This woman is just an out of control whack job.
Let DH deal with her.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
Dealt with similar
Dealt with similar situations with my SS's BM and my DH. A couple key differences, SS lives with us and generally sees BM about 4-10 times a year for a few hours or so at a time; and DH for a long while, kind of dumped the parenting thing in my lap (of course I enabled that situation, but that's a whole other blog).
DH used to get scathing voice mails and phone calls about my role with SS. I wasn't allowed to go to parent-teacher conferences (okay, well, she wasn't going to go and DH was working, so shouldn't someone show up on SS's behalf), I wasn't allowed to tell SS what he could and couldn't do (including ruining the brand new bath towels with model paint, writing on my wood stairs, kicking the dog, etc.) even if DH wasn't home. She really just wanted to control our lives. It boils down to the same insecurities your BM has.
Our BM, who I lovingly call Dippy, still has feelings for my husband (been split for 11 years), and once I came into the picture, she saw me as a threat to their reconciliation (even though she was already married, she still wanted that perfect little family--in fact she has even said this to DH trying to reconcile) Something within the last year has changed though. She has since divorced and has decided that she doesn't need to control every aspect. It may also have something to do with the fact that she never saw any of her shenanigans get to me, nor did it ever change any of our behaviors at home. We just kept doing what we thought was best and she eventually stopped.
I do have to tell you the worst one was on my SS's B-Day two years ago. My In-Laws usually have a dinner for him, but their kitchen was being remodeled and my parents offered to make dinner at their home for all of us. So there we sit at the dinner table, SS, M and F, the in-laws, DH and me. DH had already told BM that SS would be dropped off to her at 7 or 7:30 pm. Well, 7:15 rolled around and the cell phone rings. DH doesn't answer. 7 phone calls later and multiple voice mails are left on his phone. DH answered the 8th call. BM wanted to talk to SS. DH handed the phone to SS and asked him to tell her we were just finishing dinner and we were running 15 mins late. SHE EXPLODED ON SS. Told him that he shouldn't be with my parents, they have no right, he shouldn't associate with them because he's not related, etc, and worse. She also threatened to call police saying we've kidnapped SS!!! We can't kidnap him, DH is the custodial parent!! Needless to say, SS was terribly embarrassed and angry with BM. BTW, we saved those nasty voice mails for use at a custody hearing we ended up having. (BM's retaliation for DH filing for CS. She didn't win, in fact, the mediator suggested to take some of her time away)
Anyway, just wanted to share that story.
I've decided to remove
I've decided to remove myself from this site Thanks for all of your advice!
I think I am going to just
I think I am going to just keep on keepin' on and not respond any longer. She's an idiot and she has no right to tell me what to do. I mean, what is her jurisdiction over me? haha
That's my plan too. I just
That's my plan too. I just figured it out this week. I think to tell you the truth any person would have to get sick of wasting their breath eventually. I think that my DH and I will just ignore her crazy rants and continue to be the best parents we can be.
Your right! You never married her and you two don't have any kids together so she should really have much say in how you interact with them as long as they are happy and safe and it's okay with your DH. I've thought that all along and have been trying to push that view onto her for 3 years and it still hasn't sunk in. I don't think it ever will.
I'm glad to have read your post! It made me feel really strong!
Thanks again!
You are welcome, and thanks
You are welcome, and thanks for your input. I feel better too!!!
Here's what I don't get
Here's what I don't get about some BM's. DH could have married:
a) a total deadbeat loser
b) someone who doesn't give a crap about the kids
I am neither. I think she should feel lucky that he married someone who treats his kids decent.
I feel like it is my responsibility to treat SS and SD as well as I treat my SLB! I mean, how would you feel if your dad and stepmom had another baby and you didn't feel like you were as important??? She has said that I treat them like they are my kids.
Well, when they are with us they they mind me and treat me with respect. I think that is because I don't treat SLB like he is a step above them..I love them all the same. I think she knows this and I think it bugs her.
I've decided to remove
I've decided to remove myself from this site Thanks for all of your advice!
Make sure you keep any
Make sure you keep any emails you get from her, and print them out for any future court hearings, along with your polite level-headed responses. Chances are she'll try some shit again so you guys need to be prepared.
Dont cut off communication with her let her continue to shoot herself in the foot.
kdragon1010- Do those
Do those actually hold up in court? We have been keeping them, but are unsure if they will actaully help. She also trash talks me on Facebook. Do you know if those would be valuable in court?
I get the ole FB BS myself
I get the ole FB BS myself as well. It's whatever. BM tries to trash me to some people who know both of us through the Skids extra-curriculars. I think they are falling for it (kinda). Anyone with half a brain will figure out eventually that she's full of crap. You listen to her long enough and she starts contradicting herself...her lies catch up with her. We used to have a mutual friend, whom has basically caught onto BM's crap and has stopped being friends with her. BM cycles through friends pretty quickly. It never takes too long to figure out that something about the little picture she creates doesn't add up.
Anyhow, trashing someone on FB is so juvenile. Hopefully anyone that sees one of these BM's doing it takes is as BM showing her ass, cause that is what it is!