Can SK's ever grow too close to a SM?
It is strange and I would love to know if any of you have/ are going through this also.
My ss5 has gone from me being "absent" of the earth to snuggling, asking, "Where is .....?" to actually walking in and giving me a get well present, ( on his own?) This has totally melted my heart...even now, "I love you too..."
The young boy is growing ever so closer and closer to me despite what the bm "states" about me?
I have always just been, "me..." I'm a lil afraid he could get too close to me though. I am only a sm to him.
Anyone? Thanks guys!
My SDs are VERY close to me.
My SDs are VERY close to me. I'm glad that we get along beautifully and they view me as the "mom" of our house. I will never allow they to call me mom and they have never asked.....BUT, it does frighten me, the thought that if (heaven forbid) me and FH don't work out.........that I will have no legal right to ever see the skids again. I, as an adult, could handle it - but the skids. They would be deeply affected by it. FH's last girlfriend was in their lives for two years, and although they didn't really like her and weren't near as close to her, they still cried when she moved out. Very sad.
**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**
My SDs and I are very very
My SDs and I are very very close. SD14.5 comes to me for everything and often talks to me late into the night telling me all her boy problems, emotional ups and down, all that fun stuff.
She has told me so many times that she wishes her mom would just LISTEN to her but she won't. She just writes her off as a kid and that hurts her. It sucks being a teenager and her stupid mom can't remember that and LISTEN to her, that's all she wants. But in the meantime we've become super close.
I often worry too that if something happened to DH would they be cut from my life? I don't think the girls would allow that to happen..... If our marriage broke up, the girls would be devastated so that's not option if for no other reason, than not to hurt the girls.
I say love your SS with all your ability and whatever happens will happen. Enjoy every moment of love.
MWC - children are generally
MWC - children are generally very emotionally intelligent (until it is beaten out of them with snide comments). SS5 knows you are sad. He wants to help and he is reaching out to do so. Let him. Enjoy it and give it back. My hope for you is that he'll see you returning this love and it will continue and you will have have a wonderful relationship with him. I am happy that you are getting this side of him. SD5 has no emotional intelligence whatsoever. She didn't have a single nice thing to say or do during my worst days (even for her father). Her only concern was that our sadness was affecting her play time.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Thanks to all of
Thanks to all of you.
Soverysad, I am completely loving him back, it is just so new to me. SS5 does not know what happened yet...He has not mentioned the all. Odd. Yet he grows closer and closer to me, by the week. SS5 never called me mom, nor do I expect/ want him to call me anything at all. I know I am already a mom so it doesn't really matter. Strange that ss5 is running to me now? I just would hate (founded fears) for something to happen to me and ss5 have yet another loss in his life.
"Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?"
Then on the other hand- lmao- ss5 could revert back to his old self by next weekend and I'll be back posting and bitching....;-)
He doesn't know what
He doesn't know what happened, but I am sure he senses your sadness. Most kids are so in tune with feelings.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Your story tells me
Your story tells me much...
It tells me that I am doing the right thing...I want ss5 to grow up and feel the exact same way towards me.
I desire not to be his "mom" I do desire for him to grow up and be a man that looks at me and knows he can come to me....