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Racist Biatches!

StayorGo's picture

Tonight was the town I live in Christmas parade... and as with every year, we go. My nieces were in the parade this year and that was the highlight, their little faces just lit up with us calling their names and waving like insane people! So anyway, my BIL is African American no biggy right as are my nieces (AA and white), well he tells me that while walking to where we were standing on the parage route, my sister and BIL run into BM, her new family and BF's daughter. So BF's daughter is jumping like a crazed child at my sister calling her name and hugging on her and my oldest niece... and then my BIL tells me "OH YEAH, you should have seen BM and her family staring at me like I was a side show freak... all they were missing was the sheets and cross for my front yard". I was like IF she even thinks of saying anything to BF's daugher about interracial couples, I am going to club her right up side her racist head!

BF's daughter mentioned that "someone" told her that white people should be with white people and black with black, so they dont get shot! Really who the hell tells a 6 year old that stupid crap? Does anyone else have to deal with a racist BM?

buttercup123's picture

Wow, that's bad. That's not cool at all and she sure as hell shouldn't be saying stuff like that to a 6 year old who has no idea what she is repeating!

Totalybogus's picture

I think it goes both ways. My nephew is mixed. He claims he is treated poorly by his black teacher. He says that the black students get preferential treatment and he gets picked on because he is mixed.

Lilly's picture

Unfortunetly racism still lurks its ugly head. Our BM is a racist, the only thing she is not racist about, is being a racist.
Everyone is up for grabs, African American, Latino, Jewish, overweight people, homeless, Italians.
She is a real piece of ignorant trash. I have slammed her numerous times. Thank GOodness SS realizes how wrong she is.
Their are very few times that I actually pick up a phone to call her, and when SS spills some of her garbage, she knows she is getting a phone call from me.

StayorGo's picture

I can only hope that BF's daughter does not take after BM's beliefs and her "new" family! For me, I dont care if you are purple with red polka dots! People show themselves by their actions not the color of their skin.

BM claims to be a "Christian", but for the life of me... I dont think that is what the higher power has in mind for anyone that claims to be a Christian. I think acceptance of others differences is the ultimate show of who you are as a person, and not just who you claim to be.

Even sadder is BM married this person that portrays himself to be a "good ol' boy" and really he can enjoy driving in the mud, hunting, wearing camo, and whatever else that floats his boat, and now she dresses the same, traded her car for a truck, wears Wranglers and ropers (when before she shopped at Lane Bryant) but when these two start pushing ignorant racist viewpoints around impressionable children... then you show yourself to be trash!