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Heading for divorce

terbear9's picture

I'm new to this site. I'm not sure where to start. My DH and I have been married for 3 months. However, we have been together for 2 1/2 years. We have 5 kids together. My BS14 is the only one who lives with us full time. Skids are 14(girl) and 11(boy). I have another BS6. When my DH and I first got together my DH couldn't stand his mother. I said do you want me to get along with he r or do you want me to defend you. DH replied by stating "defend me". So I did, she is tight with BM and DH didn't like this. BM had an affair for 1 year. Well, I told MIL what I thought of her not supporting her son etc, etc. Of course, no she doesnt like me. So now MIL is coming to town, I don't care to see her. Last night DH told me Skids don't want to live with us anymore because of me and my BS14. They fight like brothers and sisters, noone is really at fault. SS11 (crying) told BM he doesnt want to come over here because of me and my BS14. DH told me I dont get along with anyone. When I asked for examples he has none. He is very angry saying now he is losing his "family" because of my drama. We are now having a meeting with the Skids and my children. We are very close to a divorce after 3 months. I must say I'm very insecure. My BS14 and I moved to a new community, new house(we bought together), I have no friend. DH and skids never changed anything except for this new family. I emailed BM and asked for her to tell me why the skids didn't want to come over? Still no reply. She doens't want my DH to be married. DH is very angry at me.

Squillion's picture

I'm sorry you're going through all this.

Sounds like your DH needs to learn to stand up for himself. You shouldn't be handling his mother or his ex for him. What an unfair burden!

I don't really have any advice... other than that he needs to find his spine and tell those two that they aren't to contact you... you are no longer their business.

He needs to work the skid issue out with BM himself.

Sorry hon Sad

LizzieA's picture

Don't you love that you had the nads to speak up and you are the one shunned? Your DH shouldn't have put you in that position with your MIL. That was a weasel move on his part. He looks like the good guy and you get blamed.

He should let his family and the skids know that you are here to stay and they need to learn to deal. Did all this start after you got married? Welcome to the club. It's common as people get very threatened by that, why I don't know, they are psycho. Before your meeting can you and your DH get on the same page regarding the kids? You need to set the tone and the ground rules. Then their crap will stop. Right now they think they can drive you and your BS away and they'll get daddy all to themselves.

terbear9's picture

Things got worse after we were married. Not sure why. We lived in the house together 8 months before. I feel very betrayed by DH. It's hard because he doesn't stand up for me. Before we were married he handled the kids, now he never discipline them. He wants to be the good dad and me the bad SM.

Most Evil's picture

Marriage Counseling? Things got worse for me too with SD18 AFTER we got married. If your DH refuses to defend you against his other 'family' members, then maybe he does need to be single again! Did he not JUST TAKE a vow to you?

He is the problem and needs to stand up to them all, MIL, BM and skids. Throwing you under the bus is very self-defeating for him personally too, as well as your marriage. He is allowed to have a life, no matter what the people who DID boss him around think! Good luck dear
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2