Who's Up For A Cabin Get-A-Way?
For serious inquiries only!!!!!
For real, I have a cabin about 45 min away from Memphis. It is just an old cabin by the lake. Two Bedrooms, Bath w/shower only, full stocked kitchen, running water (but we bring drinking water-well water), air conditioning, TV/DVD, Screened in porch that overlooks the lake. Our cabin is in a private sport/hunting club - its very private and only a few couples there on the weekends. Hubby and I are in the process of building a floating dock. Should be ready in a week or two. Jon Boat, for floating or fishing. No license necessary - private lake. Kinda like upscale camping with style. The cabin is real like walking into a time capsule from the 60's. Oh it can sleep about 12-15. 2 full size beds, ant chaise that makes into a full size bed, two futons that make into a full size beds, porch hide a full size bed. So there is plenty of room, and really don't spend alot of time in the cabin unless it's raining.
Grilling food, big breakfeasts, bom fires, fishing, hiking in woods, napping, drinking, fun !!
Anyone interested in planning a step getaway, let me know. This could be a great fun time!!!!
Post if interested with possible dates?
if i could afford it
id love to but jst cant get to america plus id probly die on the plane bit clostophobic especially all that time lol
life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you )
Would love it!
I hope more people respond! This would be awesome! ROAD TRIP!
I don't have little kids to plan around, so you pick a weekend, and I'll save the date!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I would love to go!
Hopefully it's East of Memphis, then it's towards my part of TN.
I can go pretty much any weekend except July 18-20. I would prefer it be before October because that's when I'm due! But there's a possibility that BF will get all sad and try to keep me from going. He doesn't like it when I'm away. Unless of course he's invited too! (Of course I don't expect that lol)
I get off work around 5 and it would probably be a few hours' drive for me.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
don't let fh stop ya
You can tell him that I'm a nurse and will take care of you.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Depending on date...
I would love, love, love to do that!
cool, yayayayayya !!!!!
Date not set yet, just trying to get a feel about who would be interested, looks like a date should be set.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I want to but
will almost certainly still be broke. I will see what I can do though! It would be so fun and great to see you all!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I'll help get you here if you need.
not sure where your coming from. private me your email or text number.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I think it sounds lovely
I am still trying to figure out a way to organize a SM retreat for us. BUT...if we can start getting together in smaller groups, each one can brainstorm on how to do a real retreat.
I will have to check with DH to see if I could get there or not. Can you send me the name of the town your cabin is in so I can see exactly how far it is from me (and my inlaws? I know DH said Memphis is very doable from their house. It would depend as Nymh said, 45 mins from Memphis- which direction!
Let us know!
ok ladies, I'm really glad your interested !!
First of all, I don't want to hear, I can't afford- BLs bla bla. Because I said it a free weekend. All you have to do is drive (gas would be the most expensive thing). Second of all, our cabin is northwest about 45 min from Memphis. Closest small town is Brownsville. 40towards Nashville, then 385 to Arlington, then right down and on hwy 70.
I don't know about how everyone feels, but spouses may not appreciate us venting about our lives or their kids. It is so funny, I told crüe that no one was interested. This sounds like so much fun. We could do a long weekend.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
If you want, send my a private message
And give me your email and I will be happy to send pics.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
OK Stepwitch...
If flying, I'd fly to Memphis right?
I will even pick you up at the airport. yep yep yep
I'm sorry, will you be flying in on your broom?
or plane, I just assumed the plane, but let me know. hehehe
Yes, by plane. Don't think my broom would carry my fat ass that far!
ROFLMAO !!!!!!!
Your toooooo funny !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Oh, we are SO DOING THIS!!!
We'll probably come back feeling 20 years younger, twenty pounds lighter, and a HELL OF A LOT HAPPIER!!!
sounds like your in !!!!
Good, your my girl !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Now you got me interested
Just don't know where I would tell my DH I was going.
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren
OMG !!!!!!
Haven't seen you in a while !!!!!!! Good to see your Bette Face !! PM me and give me your email and I will send you pics, I really hope you can come!!!!!! i just don't know where your at.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Hey you
I have just been trying to get along and patch some things up with DH. I have a post coming today...the bitch is back! BM is acting like her old crazy self so I will post that later. I'll PM you will my addy.
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren
don't lie to him,
Just tell him you have been invited by an old friend for a weekend camp out.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I think I CAN!
I just sent this to SW and SarahB via PM, but....
My inlaws don't live far from Sarah B, so I could take Anna and SD down to them on a Thur (six hour drive) spend the night there. Then I could hook up with SB in the morning and drive on to the cabin fri afternoon. Stay til Sunday, drive back to Inlaws and spend the night, then drive back with SD and Anna. That way it's not like 10-12 hours alone in the car straight through!
Let's throw out some possible dates.
Also, how many can we sleep in there?
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
It's beginning to take form.
If possible, I hope that everyone can find another that lives close and car pool. For several reasons, safety etc. Anyway, we can meet in memphis and follow to cabin or whatever. I'm getting sooooo excited. think of it as the BIGGEST BITCH FEST - ever !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
how far away from missouri is memphis?
im geographically and locationally challenged
but id love to come!
If you take 155 from missouri, it crossed the MS right into Tennessee. Close to Dyersburg, millington in 1 hour from dyersburg, so when you get to dyersburg you will be closer to brownsville than millington. 155 is of of 55.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
anyone down south?
Have you decided on a date yet? That would be great to get away if it were possible!
I'm in KY
I wanna go.................
This sounds like a great time!!!! I have a jet ski I will bring.
i WOULD love TO GO, MY INCREDIBLE, LOVING dh, told me I could do it, he would stay home to watch baby.......yeah, I got the good stuff!!! Need to know when!"~waiting on the world to change~"
sleeping bag
You got room for one more sleeping bag? After all you may not have enough room for all these people.
I say we all start throwing out dates we CAN'T be there
And let SW pick the date that hopefully all of us can come.
I will check my calendar for when we have things specifically planned that would exclude those dates.
We'd better start crackin' or we'll never do it!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I wish
So wish I could get to America. Hope everyone who can go does go and you all have an excellent time
This was last year weebabe
I haven't looked up where you are from yet, but there must be other SMs there!
I would love to revisit a retreat idea. SW was gracious enough to host twice last year. This year a few of us met up in ST Louis for a baby shower of a member.
Now that BD3 is in preschool, I may start looking into the retreat business.
When I saw you had commented on this older thread, I was hoping SW was tossing out another invite!
So much other shit going on in my head didn't think to look at the date lol.
I'm in Scotland btw
this is interesting
It was in the ad next to this post just now. Though I don't even see you listed for Scotland! Not sure how it works though. So it doesn't look like there are many SMs on here near you.
Wondering why there's so many in the US on here. Cultural? Or site relative.
How much would round trip cost!
I live in slc utah. would I be invited even though I am not a stepmom anymore. Or would it be uncomfortable?
Once a SM...
I feel anyone who's lived thru and survived this situation is and will forever be part of the StepSistahood.
Unfortunately, there's no retreat currently scheduled.
But we could start looking to spring if everyone's interested. I'm in OH, and I've met ST people from NM, CO, KY, AR ,KY, MO, IN, TN...am I missin' anybody?
There's a women's retreat center in NY ithat I have been thinking about booking if we had interest. They are very affordable, and I believe they take requests for special subjects. Surely SM's would fall into that category. But I also attend an all women's writing retreat every April in OH so I can't do two very close together.
I'd like to try to see them
I'd like to try to see them stop me from going again, and I'm not a SM. I go to be part of the peanut gallery and drink them all under the table and be the last one up..... And, make inappropriate hot dog comments..... And, sink my teeth into some jello shots.....
How is this the first I'm reading this forum topic? What planet have I been on?
To every thing there is a season.
Ana- this is from the first time we got together
That time we had about 6 or 7 planning to come- then SB's FIL (or father? Can't remember) became ill, CG broke her collar bone a week or two before and couldn't fly out, Sunshine (I think) got guilted into not coming by her DH, etc.
It ended up just SW (of course- her cabin) me, Harley, and Kathleen (miss you on here!) Then b/c of CG's inability to join us, SW quickly offered up cabin retreat number two where more made it, including you.
I'm hoping we can get another retreat together soon, but am looking for ways to not put SW out again. She's put a lot of work into those two retreats.
Let me know.....
You know my loud ass will be there!
I claim being busy at work
I claim being busy at work and exhausted on this one.
To every thing there is a season.