Has anyone ever been to a psychic?
I was with friends in my mid 20's and several of us went for readings. I never thought much of it but she did tell me some things that would hapen to me, that have all seemed to come true.
She said I would marry later in life to a man who would be a man who all women would love to have, a great husband, that I would have great luck in my work and be very financially stable, that I would be contacted by a man from another country claiming to be one thing and be another and that I should be aware if I met him, it would be a change in my life for the worse.
I'm thinking about going again and wish I could recall who the woman I saw was, but don't. Going to ask around to see who is in my area that has a good reputation.
Have you ever been to one ? How did it work out for you?
Check myspace...there are
Check myspace...there are tons on there! }:)
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
If you can't find any good
If you can't find any good ones on there, you should definately try Facebook.
No wait!! Craigslist! Definatley Craigslist! That's the best site, according to
Philip Markoff.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Do you want to vist a psychic?
or am I alittle behind in kid speak ? As I thoght psychic was short for Psychiatrist or was it you think you maybe a little psycho, which ever it is good luck with finding someone who can HELP you.
Aren't psychics nothing but
Aren't psychics nothing but liars, fakes , and phonys. I have never known a reputable person in my community to visit a psychic.
Naw... But they are
Naw... But they are attention seeking whores, IMO.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Sorry I think my sense of humour has been lost on you
I just feel that any HELP Tinakay could get may make her a nicer maybe even polite person. Weather it be a Psychiatrist or a psychic. This chic need help!
We're with ya, Zimka
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
and follow your mindset totally.
We are SO with you
We are SO with you Zimka!
Alot of people have been telling her this, but sometimes you just can't fix stupid.
Psychics-I once worked with a girl who drove over two hours
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
and paid over $100 to see one. This girl was from another country, and she had some different beliefs, to be sure.
Anyway, she said the psychic told her that she had a spell cast over her, and until she had the psychic lift the spell (have no clue what was involved with that!), she wouldn't get pregnant.
Sure enough, two months later she was preggers!
True story. But methinks it was more of a "power of the mind" than the $$$ crossisng the palm of the "psychic".
After all, isn't what they claim to do really just playing games????
Mine told me...
The next spring I would meet a man of short stature who would be the one who helped me heal my heart and love again. That this man would ride in wearing shining armor on the stereotypical white horse, and carry a saber. I met DH April 8th, he was an Armor officer, and has a saber above his desk. Oh- and he is only a couple inches taller than me (though he swears he's 5'8 but I'm only 5'3, and with barely a heal on, I am the same height as him.
OH- and she told me that I needed to let go of the man who was my passion and my pain, as he would never be able to decide to be the man I needed him to be, and that this new guy in the spring would know instantly how he felt, would instantly make his decision about me and would be demonstrative to me so I would never have to figure it out! SHE was good!
Of course this other part she told me I have never been able to figure yet- can anyone else help?
She told me to always listen to my own psychic intuition, especially in the year 2009 near anniversary of my birth when a stranger from another "country" would continue to send messages to me and all my friends pretending to be someone they weren't, but showing such inconsistencies in their character that it should be obvious that we should all just ignore them or risk encouraging them further and potentially change our lives for the worse.
Any ideas?
"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
I don't know about the first
I don't know about the first part, but I can definitely relate to the 2nd! haha
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I found a woman here in my area
who does readings. She also works with the police in missing persons cases. She can't get me in until sept for a reading !
but I made an appointment. Going to see what part the step kids have in my life and future for one. Very excited, she has excellent references !
Oh I am so pleased for you...
That you have found someone willing to help you! I hope she is just a pleasent and polite to you as you are to this blog community. Good Luck
My brother told me about her
She is currently working on something so I'll have to wait. Brother is a police officer, and how he knew about her.

He has never used her but knows of her and she has a good reputation. I checked MS, she isn't on there, which is a good sign.