Medicinal Marijuana.... UGH~ advice please!
Don't get me wrong... I know that this is a touchy subject... and I personally believe that there are people that SHOULD be ALLOWED to legally smoke weed. I believe my Dad is one of them, however he does not, he just lives with his chronic pain.
Those of you that are familiar with my situation KNOW that BM needs no excuse to get high. She has ALWAYS smoked weed, whenever, where ever and HOW ever MUCH she wants to. If SS is with her and sleeping in the other room, or home with us, makes no difference to her, she just gets HIGH, A LOT.
I have gone back and forth with FH about this for 4 years. I think it is absolutly reprehendable that a parent would do that with a young child in the other room, again this is my opinion. FH believes that there is nothing we can do about it, it is not anything that a judge would take him away from her for and he doesn't want to piss her off by taking her to court just so we would lose, and then she would attempt to get more child support. I disagree, I think it is bad enough to have him taken away, especially since she lives alone, and when she is high there is no SOBER adult there to take action if something were to happen.
SO, BM calls me two days ago (she has no friends.... really, I am the closest thing to a friend that she has) and tells me she was diagnosed with Fibro Mialgya. I had no clue what that was, so I looked it up. Chronic pain in the joints and bones, also causes depression and BPS (that actually explains A LOT). She has always complained about her bones and her joints hurting. The first thing I noticed was that one of the recommended remedies is medicinal marijuana~ GREAT...I told FH and he was disturbed but again answered with a "what are we gonna do about it? Now it will be LEGAL for her to do it..."
So, today all of the kids are at the other parents until after school. So, it was MY day to SLEEEEPPPPP INNNN, no such luck. the house phone rang at 630AM... UGH, somethings not right. It was BM, frantic... "can you come and get SS and take him to school? My dad is an A**hole and I can't take SS to school" (a little back ground, she has no job, no car, and no common sense, she borrowers her dads truck... and he got mad at her for WHATEVER and took it away this morning)
So I get up, throw on some clothes and drive 20 minutes to her house, to head right back to my neighborhood where SS goes to school... as I am waiting for SS to brush his teeth, I am standing in her little "house" (shack is more like it) and I see sitting on the counter, an ad cut out of the paper for a medical marijuana evaluation... GREAT.
So, what do we do? Any thoughts suggestions... do we let it go, because now there is REALLY nothing we can do, she will LEGALLY be allowed to do this... do we take her to court real quick before she has the chance to get the legal card for it?? Is it REALLY not that big of a deal and I am over reacting???
I'd like some input on this. I have never smoked weed, so my opinion of it is extremely bias. I'd like to hear from all viewpoints on this one.
This site might help you
Personally I think that if marijuana is used medically for legitimate reasons, I see nothing wrong with it. The synthetic junk they currently use is not nearly as effective as the real stuff. It relieves pain and nausea and stimulates the appetite, which is especially important for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Should it be used in front of children? I think that depends on how old they are and their ability to understand why it's being used. I hope she doesn't think she can just start saying it's for medical purposes because I believe you have to be approved and carry a card to be able to use it (at least in CA). I know that people use it under the radar for both legitimate and recreational purposes, but I don't know how a judge would view its use in front of children. You might try to find some prior cases similar to yours and see how the court ruled.
Don't get me started on this subject
If I think about it I get angry. Oh well, here I go.
Medicinal purposes? Give me a f'in break! Sometimes I have really bad joint pain too but I value my job and my family too much too risk it. I have thought at times I had Fibro as well and I've even been tested for Lupus because they thought that it might be that. You've got to be kidding me. Last time I checked maryj was still illegal in most situations. That's the same as Lil Wayne telling Katie Couric he smokes it due to his migraines. Yeah right.
I'm with you. There are certain situations where it can be of value. I'm not sure Fibro should qualify. What about Lyrica? At least that is legal.
The BM we deal with smokes it all the time too. She has since junior high according to DH. I wonder what her excuse is? She's almost 50. I wonder sometimes if her future grandchildren will be subjected to her problem. The problem with our BM is that her "issue" has landed her son without a license due to son being pulled over in her car. "Oops, DH I forgot to take it out" was the excuse she gave upon DH's questioning her. Then the dummy tried to call the cops and tell them it was hers and SS should not be punished for her mistake. Hello BM, the damage is already done - how are they going to prove it was yours and not his? Anyway, he lost his license for six months over that ordeal. I could go on and on. I had another time when my exH son called me and apologized to me for having smoked dope with said BM. OK now, so not only is her son bearing the brunt for her mistakes, but now my ex SS was taught by BM how to do this? What else does she do with children? And how did she get her hands on my exSS?
I think young adults are going to do what they are going to do. However, at some point they need to grow up and realize they have kids to raise and it would be the right thing to do to not subject your kids to it. Young kids have enough to deal with from their own peers. They deserve a good role model. We've all done stuff like this before. At some point we should all outgrow it. That is just my two cents and I hope I did not offend anyone!
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
That is exactly how I FEEL
But then there are the other opinions like the one above... that think it's no big deal... so the fear is, what will the JUDGE think??
SS is only 5... so I am not YET concerned about him finding his moms stash and smokin it. I am more worried about WHO is watching SS when she is HIGH???
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
I'm sorry but
where did I say it was no big deal? I said I see nothing wrong with using it for LEGITIMATE MEDICAL PURPOSES.
You asked for opinions and I gave mine. Sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear.
I am sorry if it came across that way... I guess I should have elaberated.
Since the illness she has IS considered an LEGITIMATE MEDICAL PURPOSE, it seems that it is viewed as no big deal, but where does the fact that she has a 5 year old son at home to care for come in to play?? I mean, I am sure she is in pain if she does in fact have Fibro... and if a judge has the same view as you on MEDICINAL MARIJUANA in general, do we stand a chance? Depending on the degree of support the Judge has on this subject there is a chance that there is nothing we can do. Even I believe that there are LEGIT reasons for it like I said, I think my own Dad has a legit reason. But he doesn't do it for several reasons... one being, his wife has a 20 year old son that lives with them... he doesn't want to bring that in the house while he is there.
I didn't mean to insiuate that YOU think it is not a big deal... I apologize. I do want opinions... YOURS included. I suppose I didin't word MY response well.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
That's okay
I'm glad you clarified what you were trying to say.
Personally I think she's probably trying to use her diagnosis of fibromyalgia as justification to continue using pot. I would hope that if she has a legitimate diagnosis her doctor would opt to try some mainstream medical treatments first before jumping on the pot bandwagon. I don't think it's very easy to be approved to use pot for medical purposes, especially with something like FM.
Hey, my nephews mother smokes meth and her boyfriend is wanted for manufacture of meth. Everyone knows including the cops and so far they have done diddly squat, so don't hold your breath. They may just tell her not to smoke in front of her child.
And you're forgiven![Wink](
I also think this
that BM is using any excuse she can to continue the dope use.
Around here they don't put up with any crap where drugs and drinking are involved. In fact, now if a parent sponsors a party for youths and there is underage drinking/drug use involved those parents are in trouble big time. All you have to do is call them in with the address and they're going to jail.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
You're right that is a
You're right that is a difficult subject. The only person I know that every used it was my aunt. She had been battling cancer for years and had undergone 2 bone marrow transplants. When she was doing the last round of chemo it was terrible for her. So her doctor enrolled her in a test group. It seemed to ease her pain some and helped her have enough appetite to let her get through the day. She preferred it to going on a morphine drip. All I know is it helped her live out her last few months without being in too much pain. I don't know what I would do in the same situation.![Sad](
I could understand... if BM came to me and said she had cancer... it would be one thing...
The remedies and suggestions given on the website were ALEVE, NAPROSIN, you know.... pain relievers... and then at the bottom it said Medicinal Marijuana. I just KNEW she would JUMP on that opportunity to get her card. Then it was confirmed with the ad I saw on her counter this morning. It is typical for her to choose the remedy that includes smoking weed, rather than the more traditional method, like TYLENOL or Lyrica (I think that is what it is called). It, in my opinion, is a bunch of crap...
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
I agree
in a situation where cancer is involved, mj could be very beneficial.
In our situation even my SS himself said BM is turning psycho. I think it's from all the years of use. We're talking daily use pretty much, not occassional use.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
If she uses drugs recreationally or otherwise, can you ask the court to order her to have drug testing ?
More so if she drives with the kid in the car... and high.
I think but not sure.... they can tell how much pot has been smoked ?
Maybe she is abusing it ?
because she may be able to legally smoke pot, but can she legally drive stoned?
and what about the kids? are they smoking it with her? drug testing on them too maybe ?
Driving under the influence is still illegal!
Just one SS, he is 5 so I am not concerned about that YET... we will get to the bottom of this. I think today when I mentioned to FH that BM is the ONLY adult there (it's just her and SS) and what happens when she is HIGH and something needs to be taken care of... emergancy whatever... there is NO ONE there to pick up her slack. For a long time he just said "she lives with her mom, her mom would take care of him" that is not the case anymore.
I promise you that she is abusing it. She has not gotten her legal permission to use yet, she was just diagnosed 2 days ago... she is just planning on it, and want to prevent her from trying.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
That is strange
I have Fibro and so do two of my g/f's and we have never gotten offered Mary Jane and we live in a pretty liberal city. We just got pain meds - which as you all know still had side affects like causing drowsiness.
I admit i used to smoke weed when I was younger and tried a lot of other things too but I turned my life around once I had a kid. If she can't get her shit together maybe SS needs to be living in your home.
I used to manage a commercial property and one of our tenants provide mj but it was for cancer patients and patients that had AIDS and I thought it was awesome to be able to give this to people that were suffering.
I think it burns your brain cells
I can see it in some medical cases like cancer. I know fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose and is often a 'catch all' diagnosis when they can't figure out what is wrong.
But people like your BM seem to be addicted to pot and can no longer think clearly - and trust me I have known plenty of people who have smoked it for years and they seem to be pretty fried even though they claim to not be. My family and I have had our own issues with various things and I can recognize just trying to justify their use.
It clouds your thinking overall with that much use and I think a judge would be VERY interested to hear a BM does it period - I think you can request mandatory drug testing, especially if SHE has had any arrests or legal problems because of it.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin