New here!
Well I finally signed up and it's amazing to see so many people have problems dealing with SKs. My DH has a son who is now 17. When we started dating he was 14. Everything has always been "what he decides". He gets his way with everything. You know when you're in love you always think things will work out in time. It took me one year of marriage to realize it doesn't. He decided he didn't want to attend our wedding. He decides if he wants to go to family gatherings. He decides when he wants to spend time at our home. Our total conversation when he is here is hello and goodbye. Nobody in my family has ever met my SS except my BD last Father's Day for dinner. We were both treated like we were at another table. BD even told me that she does not like the person her SF becomes when he is around his son. I decided to disengage myself from him for the past 6 months. I feel bad for my DH but if I don't stand up for myself there is no one else in my husband's family who will. That's my quick synopis of where I am right now. Any feedback?
Will you be dealing with SS when he turns 18?
I hope for you that your ss will want to be on his own at 18. Then you won't have to deal with what ss wants.. It is so hard to talk to your spouse about their children, because it seems to me that they only want to talk about the good and bad only exists in the steps eyes. (But not always).
Welcome to the site, glad you found it.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
will be dealing forever!!
Hi Stepwitch,
I read some of your posts. I know you are going through some bad times. Thank you for responding to mine. I feel like I will deal with this forever. My SS is treated like he is 10. I raised BD to be an independent woman. It kills me when I see how my SS is raised by BM. I have to keep telling DH, not to forget when he is dealing with his son that he is trying to raise a man. BM has no clue as to the mistakes she is making. She always says everything is DH fault. I look like the bad one all the time. That's why I've pulled back. I don't even feel like I can express my opinion anymore. I feel like I spend all my home life walking on eggshells
your not alone..
It takes so much energy and it becomes so draining. Especially when morals and values differ between the parents, let alone the step parent. I hope you dh can see that you have a proven way of raising a responsible child/adult, I hope he will take his head out of the sand soon and listen to what you are saying. I mean hear the content and not just the words. Hand in there will be more responce to your post I promise. There is a big step community here, don't get discouraged because I am the only one who has posted.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
your not alone..
It takes so much energy and it becomes so draining. Especially when morals and values differ between the parents, let alone the step parent. I hope you dh can see that you have a proven way of raising a responsible child/adult, I hope he will take his head out of the sand soon and listen to what you are saying. I mean hear the content and not just the words. Hand in there will be more responce to your post I promise. There is a big step community here, don't get discouraged because I am the only one who has posted.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Welcome and you are not alone
I feel your pain, only my ss is 7. He does everything to destroy my relationship with my dh, right along with bm. I don't have problems with my sd 11 and 9. I figured that they would be the ones giving us more problems, since they were approaching the teen years. It just amazes me that a child could be so ruthless. My ss always is very withdrawn but when my dh's family comes to visit he acts like a perfect little angel. Most of the time with my family he just stands there and doesn't respond. I feel that is so disrespectful, my dh and I have been together 4 years, and my family tries so hard to include him, he just wants to be a brat!!!! Currently he lives with bm and doesn't come to our home and it has made such a wonderful difference in our home. My dh goes and spends time with him, 2-3 hours a week. So far it works good and I don't have to deal with the stress of his crappy attitude.
There are so many stepmom's and I was so glad to find that there are others dealing with many of the same problems. Were all here for you and we listen "read" and give advice. Always know that you deserve to be treated with respect, and don't settle for anything less. Disengage!!!! At times it may not seem like it works, but it does. Remember above all respect yourself and stand up for your home, he will be gone one day and what will you have left if he keeps running your home. You have a say in what goes on in your home and when he can be there (step parent rights) stand up!!!! Trust me it is hard for me too, very hard but I always remember they won't be around forever and where is your marriage going to be when they are gone. Always trust in God and he can bring you through anything stronger than you were before!!!!!
I hope you have a great day, I am intending to!!!
"Love is strong yet delicate. It can be broken. To truly love is to understand this. To be in love is to respect this."
Hi cookie
I'm sorry you are going through this with your SS. This is indeed a strange situation, but not unique- if you have been reading the boards for some time.
It sounds like your SS has been given too much "power" by the adults in his life. Since when does a child get to "choose" such important things, like opting out of family gatherings and attending his own father's wedding? It's no wonder this "kid" behaves the way he does- he's be allowed to for such a long time, with no consequences from either parent.
I'm sure you've read on these boards that we always suggest conseling. Have you been, either as a couple (strongly suggested!) or for yourself at least? That is always a good place to start.
As with so many others out there, it sounds like your DH is indeed suffering from a combination of guilt-parenting and clueless-parenting, which indeed puts you in tough predicament (trust me, I'm living it with you
) And unfortunately, like so many of us, things just slowly go downhill and get more contentious as the behavior of the child/teen/young adult continually goes unchecked.
Good luck and keep us posted.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
Hi cookie
I'm sorry you are going through this with your SS. This is indeed a strange situation, but not unique- if you have been reading the boards for some time.
It sounds like your SS has been given too much "power" by the adults in his life. Since when does a child get to "choose" such important things, like opting out of family gatherings and attending his own father's wedding? It's no wonder this "kid" behaves the way he does- he's be allowed to for such a long time, with no consequences from either parent.
I'm sure you've read on these boards that we always suggest conseling. Have you been, either as a couple (strongly suggested!) or for yourself at least? That is always a good place to start.
As with so many others out there, it sounds like your DH is indeed suffering from a combination of guilt-parenting and clueless-parenting, which indeed puts you in tough predicament (trust me, I'm living it with you
) And unfortunately, like so many of us, things just slowly go downhill and get more contentious as the behavior of the child/teen/young adult continually goes unchecked.
Good luck and keep us posted.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
thanks for your support
Thanks for the support! I keep telling myself it's not going to last forever. It just seems like the older ss gets, it just brings different kinds of problems. (Need a car soon..please cosign..mommy said ok, so you have to pay half..))He thinks everyone is made of money and he is owed anything he wants. BM started asking for more $.. 5 days after we came back from our honeymoon. Sorry I'm ranting. I do that sometimes.
One more year.........
Welcome. I hope you find this a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some good advice.
My thoughts as they are .........
At 17 the issues your SS is dealing with are his and no one else's. We all inherit issues from out parents but at some point they cease to be our parents issues become our issues to deal with.
As far as a relationship with your family (you, DH, etc .....) that is up to the young man. At 17 I would give him a choice. Participate as a decently behaved member of the family or don't let the door know hit him in the ass on the way out the door. Then let him make his choice. Either way, in another year he does not have to be a member of the family or get the benefit of family resources.
I think you should discuss your daughters observations about your husband with him. I know that when I go through periods where I am not someone I particularly care for I appreciate it when my friends and family point it out to me so I can fix it. Your DH may need the info so that he can fix it.
Just my thoughts anyway.
Good luck and best regards,