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A question

FuBaR's picture

Does any of your DH/FH/BF's get angry and quit talking to you when u express how much you cant stand how his kids treat u and u in turn not liking them? My FH gets so mad he quits talking to me about it..I think Im done with all this crap anyways, I cant stand the FSKIDS at all no matter how hard I try too..

The Principlist's picture

It took a minute for Dh to see that his little angels were in fact "Hell's Angels." EVERYONE and I mean everyone saw it but him. They are very manipulative and know how to put on a show in front of company and BEHAVE, be respectful and polite. When there were no observing eyes their true colors would emerge. All it required was to visit us for more than a couple of days and you got a dose of what they are really like.

Last week we were on vacation and my 13 year old niece was with us. She and SD are usually oil and water, but had been getting along really well these past few months so we brought niece along. SD was soo mean to niece, even when niece would concede the issue and allow SD to have her way so as to not cause a scene. Niece had me to herself for a few minutes and said "I don't know how you do it. I used to think that you were just being mean to them, but now I see, they do some STUPID stuff. I see how they try to ignore you when you tell them to do something and they look to their daddy to see if they have to. I don't want kids." This was a freaking 13 year old.

DH has seen the light for a minute now. There were a couple of times that I was ready to throw in the towel and it made him stop and re-evaluate things. He said things had to be really bad if I was feeling like leaving so we have found a middle ground. THings are a lot better, but we are 7.5 years in too.

Yes it is frustrating, but you have to figure if you can tolerate it or not or how much. Know your limits.

My new StepMother's Motto:

When life gives you lemons... Make a damn good Margarita.

FuBaR's picture

I doubt my FH will ever realize his bratty daughter would ever do anything bad.. I know this probably sounds stupid but I love my FH so much I kno he is the one for me, but can I stay bc I dislike his BD so much..Congrats to both of you I hope me and FH can get a middle ground soon or near future..Thanks both of you guys r a breath of fresh air..

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

frustratedinMA's picture

YES.. mine gets really pissy. Its like he isnt hearing correctly or something.. I try to say it nicely.. just falls on deaf ears.

Loobyloo's picture

My Hubby used to get annoyed at first, but now, he completely agrees with me. It took a while though, and lots of retarded behaviour on their part for him to see what monsters they have grown into. All I can say to you is stick with it, if their behaviour is repugnant he should wise up to it at some stage. Try to make sure he gets to experience some of her attitude towards you. Your the grown up, you can make sure she looks stupid wiothout much effort!
Good luck, and dont let this brat ruin your relationship, remember she will grow up and move on and if he lets you go over it, he will be alone.

FuBaR's picture

Thanks you gals are some of the most amazing ppl, I have ever met in my life..Thank you Thank you...

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

sarahbernheart's picture

I can not say too much about his little angels either, he does the same thing, just acts like I am talking on mute.
doesnt stop me from doing it though!!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."