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Hubby says - Who cares what anyone thinks, We know what's best....

stepwitch's picture

Back again, Grandmother really made me feel horrible about saying that she would let SD live with her and pay for her college, bla bla bla... SD had childhood cancer, been remission for over 14 years or so. SPOILED ROTTEN. Anyway,
Husband and I went out for dinner and drinks just the two of us last night, and he informed me that I did the right thing, by putting her out. He agrees that she needs to grow up, and stop acting like a spoiled brat. He said that his mother was wrong for saying those things to me. He told me don't worry about what people say, that they are not the ones who are responsible for her. He said she 18 and if she wants to act like white trash, thats her perogotive. We do not need to enable her. Oh my god, he was so supportative. He said that he has tried to run interferance for years, and she goes and acts stupid. That she got exactly what was coming to her !!!

Is this my husband? I knew he had had enough. Then, we seen a couple who are friends of ours, and they said that they saw SD at her work, and he asked her if her daddy saw that piercing, because i know he wouldn't approve, and her reply was I don't live with my dad and he knows, and he can't do anything about it. BITCH !! She lookes so stupid with an earing in her lip. BUT SHE"S STILL IN CONTROL & KNOWS EVERYTHING.

Husband tells me to let it go and don't worry about it, but I can't help myself.

need2vent's picture

It is great he is communicating about it and supporting your view/actions!
Let's hope for more(or we will have to beat it out of him with that frying pan)LOL

need2vent's picture

It is great he is communicating about it and supporting your view/actions!
Let's hope for more(or we will have to beat it out of him with that frying pan)LOL

need2vent's picture

I hope I am not picking my kids up at the wrong school next week! LOL

Sasha's picture

It's great to have a DH back you up instead of letting your backside flap in the wind making you look stupid.

Your SD clearly wants to have it both ways. She wants to be grown up and make her own decisions yet wants her dad to continue to support her. She has made her choice and she has to live with it.

Sita Tara's picture

I'm glad to hear H was supportive. Mine is too. They seem to be a rare breed among the SM's on this site.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you this...

we are very lucky and should be very grateful. That support can make all the difference in the world.

Peace, love, and red wine

sparky's picture

I am glad to hear that your H is backing you up. As far as what other people think. SCREW THEM!! Unless a person has walked in my shoes and dealt with my pain they better not even think about pontificating about my life.

evilsm's picture

It seems your DH really is a great guy. I am glad he is standing up for you to his parents. I think SD needs to fall on her face a bit and the GP's need to stay the hell out of it.


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

sarahbernheart's picture

You are one very lucky girl to have a DH that finally gets it, it is a shame that so much had to happen first but it does give some us HOPE!!

and as sparky put it so eloquently about the "others" SCREW THEM!!

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

stepwitch's picture

And he said that she didn't even bring it up. Maybe she got a clue when I told her that there would be no way, that she would allow that type of abuse in her house.

Hallalujah, Hallalujah, Hallalujah!!!!!!! Now, just have one more of Hubby's siblings to deal with, but ya know, all are right - who cares what they think, they haven't had be raise the little ingrate! Thanks for reading my sob story!!!!!!!!!! I keep on reading yalls. It always amazes me how we all are so different, but the same!

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

losingmymind's picture

You have done all the right things...if you didn't stand your ground that would teach her that she can get physical and no consequences will ever come her way. If the mother in law refused to listed to reason that would be on her consience one day when the girl got picked up an hauled off the jail for battery or worse some day! We are supposed to learn from our mistakes.

Keep your head up!! Smile

stepwitch's picture

My nephew, her grandchild was always in trouble and she would complain all the time, that the other grandmother was babying him and wouldn't let him learn from his mistakes, now she is doing the same thing about her "favorite" granddaughter. Makes me SICK !

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!