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Does your spouse pay only for their own kids?

happysomeday's picture

It seems to me that in a family, everyone should contribute. My H told me in the beginning, that we would pool our money and share everything.
but then he decided he wanted me to get my own bank account, and pay for everything that has to do with my son or myself out of that.
he pays for himself and his kids only.
I think it's wrong, and it makes me feel like we're not a real family. In a way, it makes me feel like I'm still a single parent.
How is it done in your family?

wickedstepmom's picture

in some cases, it is actually a good idea to have a separate account for your child and one for his child if child support is coming in or going out. that is actually the only expense my DH pays out of his account.

Again, it depends on what the two of you agree on. Marriage counseling with someone who has experience in blended families may be a good idea.

h7's picture

My mom & step dad keep their finances seperate. That way, she can buy $65 moisturizer & he can buy that $200 drill & no one has to question each other. They come together for bills & as long as the bills get paid there isn't a problem. As independant as I am I think this is healthy, especially of my spending habits. I love to shop, but at the same time my credit sparkles. I don't want anyone screwing up my credit. If they screw up their own that's their problem.

Having your own money means you don't have to answer for every nickle & dime you have or spend. If you can find a way to budget better (easier said than done, I know) you can use this to your advantage. He doesn't have to know about any extra money or back accounts, & neither does his daughter.

Frankly, I think your money situation is just one symptom of the real problem. You guys aren't united in anything it seems, & it also seems to be his fault.

BTW - if I could get you a b-day gift I would. I hope you have a good birthday.


When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.

English's picture

I keep a separate account for my children now because in the past, their CS money was getting sucked into the household budget/being consumed as household income. I feel better doing it this way because I can set up an automatic savings plan and I know something is getting put away for college/future. Also, if they need sports equipment or field trip money, it comes out of their account. I realize not all parents have ability to do this but I'm glad I'm able to do it this way because I know what is intended for them goes to them.

I do all the money in our house but it just so happens that DH1 and DH2 didn't want anything to do with the finances. If I'd have married a man that didn't want me to run the financial show, I would have to have separate accounts because that's just not something I'm willing to part with. I have to know where every penny goes.

"Bitter? Table for ONE..."

Sasha's picture

DH and I have separate accounts, too. He still pays CS for one child and will continue for another year and a half (yay!) He pays these bills, I pay those bills and we each can spend our "free" money as we see fit. I used to hate having to ask my ex for permission to buy something for myself. So now if I want something, I buy it and my DH can't say a thing about it, so long as all the bills are paid.

Let me ask you this. I assume you receive CS for your son. How would you feel if your son's CS money went to pay for something your SD wanted?

happysomeday's picture

I definitely would never want my son's CS used for her. In our state, everyone who receives child support has a debit card. I use that only for my son, but also sometimes for myself, because I pay all his expenses anyway, so I don't feel bad about using it as reimbursement.
I would also hate to have my money used to pay child support for someone else's kids, so I can see how some enjoy having seperate bank accounts and having the supporting parent pay on his/her own.

Sita Tara's picture

We plan on setting up a budget in Jan so we can figure out how to make the most out of our single income. I don't work so it's unrealistic for me to have my own account anymore, unless DH deposited some in a second one. To me, it would feel like I was getting an allowance. I am not a big spender. We shop for a lot of things together. Our downfall is we don't like telling the other one no. If he wants it I feel he earned it and I ask for so little he doesn't complain. But without a budget we are falling short of anything but paycheck to paycheck. DH makes really good money and is looking at a promotion in the spring which will help a ton.

I have never felt the need for separate accounts in either marriage, but at both times I have been staying at home for a good deal of time. Once again, don't like the whole "allowance" feeling.
Peace, love, and red wine

Sasha's picture

I didn't think of it till now, but I was married to my ex for seven years before he would change his account to a joint account and put my name on it. Although prior to then, he had his mother on his account!

Funny the things you forget...

happysomeday's picture

when we first moved in together, he took me right to the bank and put me on his account- but those were the days when we were still happy, and he was still promising a lot of things.
I was putting my whole paycheck into that account, but for some reason, he kept saying that I took out more than I put in- which was not true. Now that I have my own account, I have more freedom, but still have not managed to save enough to where I can leave if I want to. I read something from a wise woman, can't remember who, and she said that every woman at all times, should have enough money saved up to where she can move out on her own if need be. I don't.
The thing that really bothers me is that he wanted me to open my own account, saying "there are just some things I won't pay for"- I'm sure he meant my son's and my own expenses. And SD asks me "How much is in your account?" She wanted to go to a hotel with an indoor waterpark, and spend some time with me, which is nice, but she wants me to pay for it...and I'm trying to save to have the opportunity to leave her father..

Sasha's picture

I hope you are NOT going to take your SD to the indoor water park. She definitely does not deserve it after the shoddy way she treats you. She is only trying to use you AGAIN.

happysomeday's picture

I told her I can't afford it. I have better things to do with my money. And don't want to spend a weekend with her anyway..

Sita Tara's picture

Both marriages I was with generous men. Although I did see a slight miserly side in my exH once he inherrited a decent chunk of money. He had been insisting I couldn't go back to finish my BA b/c we couldn't afford it. This didn't change after he inherrited a lot of money. That was the last straw for me. If I had inherrited it I would have placed it in both of our account. He kept it in the one his father had (who he inherrited it from.)

My DH now put me on the joint account as soon as we were married. I had a fear if something happened to him before it was official that his money grubbing ex would show up and take everything "for her daughter" (my stuff was here too- how could I prove who's was who's). I did hold onto my house til after we were married. Not the best thing to do financially, but it was in the back of my mind that I would be able to go back home if needed.

I don't feel the need to have a stash for leaving him. It doesn't ever even enter my mind I would ever want to. Besides, when I decided to leave my first marriage I simply did. No back up plan, no job at the time. I made my decision and then went out and did it. You have to watch having your own stash anyway and most everything is considered joint once married. I do think it might be a good idea before you're married though, since you have less legal protection financially (if any).

Peace, love, and red wine

Mrs.C's picture

From all your posts I would really wonder what good is he to you, certainly doesn't sound like he treats you decent. I also wouldn't stay with someone who didn't take care of me or my children. That being said I agree every woman should have money socked away, a good amount. I did and thankfully I never have needed it, but imo you should start disengageing yourself from him and his kids. By all means sock money away, get a 2nd job at night if need be, or even babysit for extra money. Life could be a lot better for you.

Angel's picture

"but then he decided he wanted me to get my own bank account, and pay for everything that has to do with my son or myself out of that"

So the men get a wife & housekeeper, but only pay for themselves?? This attitude is so sick. IMO
I can see that more and more men are doing this and more women are letting them.

Tired2's picture

Much like some of the rest of you as soon as we were married and living together DH took me to the bank and put me on his account. We also kept my account from the state I came from because it was a credit union and there are no fees PLUS I had a little bit of money in it. When we went to visit my parents we went to the credit union and I put him on my account there. I guess I'm lucky in that My DH does make more money than me but he knows that I make good money too and nothing is ever questioned. He pays the CS for his daughter out of the same money...I bought braces for my daughter out of the same money. The way we look at it is this - we both work extremely hard and if we want it and the bills are paid we get it. Like Zenmom we usually shop together and neither will tell the other no. Good for us we both have a good head on our shoulders when it comes to money. I have no intention of leaving him but if I ever did I would just do is too short to be unhappy because you're broke.
Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs! Smile

LVmyBOXERS's picture

I am an accountant so it is only natural that I would be in charge financially. DH has a seperae account that I transfer a set amount in each time he gets paid. CS comes straight out of his check so we do not pay that. BM does not send the medical bills that we are supposed to pay half on. Not sure why but she doesn't. I know they are covered under our insurance and her new husband's so there may not be any bills leftover after that. Anyway, I am sure she will hit us up at the most inopportune time. Anyway, I am crazy about $$ and have to know where every dime goes. Love making budgets and spreadsheets to see where the $$ goes. DH loves this because he always knows the bills are paid and he has his $$ to spend how he pleases. We do not buy anything for the skids during the year unless it is bday or Christmas and then depending on how they have treated me, he buys or I will buy or help buy.

sixxnguns's picture

but if BF ever needs anything and doesn't have the money I defiantely pitch in. In regards to his son, I don't buy him much because he has both parents, an aunt, and grandparents that spoil him rotten. I buy him a treat every so often but thats it. I pay my own daughter's way, it's a responsibility I don't feel comfortable putting on my BF.

lovin_my_life's picture

My SO (who lives with me and my 2 girls) has never had a problem paying for all of us. As a matter of fact, he even bought them school supplies and school shoes. He pays for meals when we go out, buys the groceries, and if we happen to go to an amusment park or anything else he pays....ALL OF WHICH GOES ON HIS CREDIT CARD!!! He offered soooo much to his ex that all he gets to keep at the end of the month is about $1500....$550 for his truck, $250 for his insurance (bad driver!) $200 cc payment and $300/m for my engagement ring (I wish he didn't finance it...but it is beautiful!). He's only left with $300/m and I don't even know where that goes to. I pay all the living expenses and utility bills. We have seperate accounts, but I think we're going to combine accounts so we can manage our finances better. I will still keep my savings seperate, and keep putting some of my "fun money" in there. He treats all of the kids equal and I'm very thankful for that!

NaturallyMom's picture

It sounds like something from the 1920s but my husband and I make almost the same amount of money so we have separate accounts and it is pretty equal for the household expenses. Now the crumbsnatchers are different because there are only his two and we have full custody of them so we don't think twice about it. We have separate accounts because we have both been burned financially.
My ex husband and I, on the other hand, had a joint account. Worst mistake of my life.

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

LVmyBOXERS's picture

an account could the courts seriously use your income as well????

LVmyBOXERS's picture

I hope I never have to deal with going back to court for more $$ but I know once SD turns 19 they will have to go back and have it refigured for 1. I guess I will need to have things in order before that time. We have some rental properties too. If just my name is on the leases can they count that too. His name is on all the mortgages so I do not know how that works.