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Why is BM transportation problems interferring with my relationship?

1wits_end's picture

This morning I had to run an errand at the school where his boys attend school...where I taught up until Nov. of 2006..When I saw my fiance this evening, he was all upset saying one of the children saw me driving his truck, which is our truck(when it's good for him)and thought he passed them and the BM up...He said that that was wrong of me to drive pass the school when I know the BM and children are walking to school....I know she called him and went off on him....Then,he says that I can drive anywhere I want in my car, just not in his. I didn't even see them...the BM doesn't speak to me so I wouldn't have been able to offer a ride even if I did see them...It's her choice that she has to walk with the children. I think this is a no end situation....I really want to give up....I don't know what to do!!!!!

Imustbcrazy's picture

Sounds like a desparate excuse for her to call him.... DH needs to grow a pair and tell BM that it is a free country and you can drive where you please. SS and BD go to school directly across the street from BM's work. So when she is leaving work, if we happen to be picking them up from school at the same time, she feels the need to call and see if SS "saw her and got upset"... um first of all, he is 3- even if he did look out the window while we were driving he would not know that it was actually YOU getting into the red car across the street. He does not have that kind of logic yet... and SO what if he DID see you, why would that make him upset???? You think he would RATHER be with YOU than his DAD???? Ummmm, let's think- he would only "rather" with you is when you TELL him that... duh-

Daddys Gurl-

Life is as sweet as you sweeten it.

1wits_end's picture

I don't know where BM gets her logic from or my fiance for that matter....BM's act as though they are from another planet....Thanks for responding....I need to here from people who don't think I'm the one with the problem.

Cruella's picture

So she sees you so what!!!! Why should you have to hide or walk egg shells around this woman. How childish!!!

Imustbcrazy's picture

It reminds me of when my 5 year old tattles on my 3 year old.... MOM SHE'S LOOKING AT ME....

You are absolutely not the only one out there with a BM that thinks she OWNS the world. Where do these women come up with this stuff???? Strange.

Daddys Gurl-

Life is as sweet as you sweeten it.