Check this one out....
This is my recent response to a post under another topic... the post I was responding to is right below my response....
You sound JUST like my ex's wife! I wonder why you don't identify yourself?? Here, I'll go ahead and do it for you JENNIFER... Jennifer is my ex's new wife and she is posting here under 'anonymous' as well as screen name she has joined the group with... When the time is right, I will let you know which new member she is... I have informed my ex and he is checking into it as well.... a couple of months ago I was forced to change my name on this site because Jennifer had linked me to it.... (I was using my actual name at the time).... Dawn went through and changed all of the past posting so that I could not be linked to them... I joined this site for support as I am a new stepmom.... and my son's stepmom continues to follow and harass me even to this very site!
I sympathize with you and would think twice
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 10:41pm.
before listening to chocoholic, I have read some of her other blogs and she does not have custody of her children either, Biomoms should walk on egg shells with the stepmoms especially if the BD has custody, the Stepmom is basiclly raising the child and unless they want us to do a poor job they should do everything in their power to support us and make us happy that is the way I see it.
Chocoholic has mentioned that she would be upset if the stepmom would interfere in a conversation and probably act violently, in this instance I would have to agree with mocha2001, so what once again who ever has custody has the last word, and all chocoholic is doing is making it worse for her biochildren.
I like to go back and refer to this saying: "whom ever rocks the cradle rules the world"
This is now your family and your home do not let another female who has no power tell you how to live your life or run your house hold. if your DH will not have a backbone where the biomom is concerned you need to or give up on the stepchildren all together you need to be happy before you can be good to anyone else.
good luck!
Going out on a limb....
I'm not a confrontation kind of person. For me to go out on a limb and post something that could get me in a bad mix is uncharacteristic. Aw, Hell! Here goes:
I see similarities in gramatical and punctuation errors between the anonymous poster and another poster. (i.e. commas rather than periods and run-on sentences) This person is obviously not very educated in the basics of fifth grade writing. I do hope that she's not helping your child with his Composition homework. j/k
I could be wrong (sometimes that happens, lol), but I do see similarities.
I'm still pretty new here and know nothing about the rest of this, but thought it may ease your mind a smidgen to know that someone else can see the glaring similarities.
HILARIOUS! Oh, sorry... I should gots spelled dat hilereus! ya'll is mad stupid. Now, why on earth do ya th'o't dat dis here iz da same person? what 'chew thinking man? fifth grade, now come on man.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I'm glad someone else caught on too....
I sent an e-mail to Dawn to find out if this can be tracked... I'm sure the answer is no... but I thought should know what is going on anyway. I'm sure it is everyones worst fear for 'her' to find this sanctuary that we all frequent... It really makes me sad that she has nothing better to do than follow me around and harass me time and time again...
Thank you so much for your support didddos.
You're right
It is my worst fear. I've finally found a place where I can vent, get advice, and *usually* be understood. It would be awful if BM found me here. These are my private thoughts and feelings.
I'm sorry that she has nothing more important to do and no life of her own.
IP Address
Choco, of course it can be tracked if the webmaster is motivated to go to the trouble - it's called an IP address and it is a unique numerical identifier for every computer connected to the Internet. (IP is "Internet Protocol"). Every time we accept a cookie, our IP is recorded in cyberspace by the "cookie baker" so to speak.
In my experience, webmasters go on the defense though. She might know it's you by the specifics of your story (God forbid my BM ever go looking for a step-parenting outlet) but if you raise the issue, as the attack-ee in this instance, Steptalk might be able to do some research for you.
Blueberry's Baby
NCP should have rights too! The only thing I feel I can say in response to you chocoholic is actual a very profound quote.......
He who has a thousand friends has not one to spare, He who has ONE enemy will meet him everywhere.....
Sad but the truth, keep your chin up sweetie, you have a thousand friends here!!!!!
Thank you S.Graham!!
I was really a bit nervous about saying anything because in this case I am BM and she is SM.... and this IS a site for step-parents!
BUT, I joined this site quite a while back (had to change my name once) but I joined because I too am a SM, and I too deal with the drama that comes along with the ex-wife. I am on both sides of the fence and have delt with my ex's wife's drama, jealously, petty games, ETC. and as a result I leaned how NOT to act...
I joined this site because regardless of my honest attempts at a peaceful existance with my DH's ex she cannot move on because she still wants to be with DH....
I joined this site for support.... and what happens.... my son's SM finds me here (I was using my real name originally) and she found me using the Google search engine... I changed my name and then she lurked around this site for quite awhile until she was able to determine the new name I am using....
She obviously has no life.... a sad existance, loveless marriage, and is just a miserable human being.... The funny thing is I don't hate her... I pity her and hope she finds happiness someday... but in the meantime I will not allow her drag me down or mess with my family and my life.
That is why I wanted to tell you all what was going on.
You know...
For me, I don't care. If either BM 'found' me here, I don't care. It's my true and utter thoughts, feelings, take, opinion, you name it. It would diffidently be an eye opener for either, that's for sure. But like Daddysgurl states, this is where I let my frustrations go... vent and let my hair down. I don't talk much about it any other place, so here's my outlet. If it just happens that one of my SK's BM happens to bump into me here, so be it. Hell, maybe one of them already 'found me'... hmmmm.... LMAO. But the bottom line is that I stand behind my thoughts and feelings. If I wasn't comfortable with something, or unsure, I say so, or don't say anything at all. I control what little or most information I want to talk about or post, no one else does. And technically, there are soooooo many people out there that it would be virtually impossible to totally suggest that one person is another person... in less they are a dumbass and use their email address, or such identifiable info online in their post, etc. Hell, I've come a crossed users where I wondered if that was my SS's BM, but of course, after reading, turns out diffidently isn't, because so many stories are sooo similar.... it's scary that way. It's bound to happen but I don't let that scare me, nor dictate me. If someone gets upset because you dared to have an opinion of them through your eyes, so be it.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
If you found me repeat after me...
ROTFLMAO... that's hilarious!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I am with you on this one StepMom. If she found me oh well. What I am saying is true and she would have to prove it really was me anyway.
What is to say she didn't create the blog herself??? She can't prove a damn thing.