OT: Wedding Albums
My SO and I are both divorced. He has kids (sons 21 and 19, daughter 14), I don't have children. We are both in possession of our wedding albums from our first marriages. I have no reason to keep mine - it's still sitting in a box in the garage from when I moved. His ex left theirs behind when she moved out. I'm about to move in with him, so we're both in clean/purge mode.
What have you all done with yours?
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My mom offered to give me her
My mom offered to give me her wedding albums when I moved out at 18. Your DH may want to offer his to the eldest. If he doesn't have any takers from the kids (I didn't want them) you two can enjoy a nice campfire one evening this spring. }:)
I would keep it for your own
I would keep it for your own memories. I have only few loose pics. I was 20, looked great, in a dress my mother made herself. Nothing to do with my ex husband, but I like to look at those pics for me.
i gave mine a big ol' epic
i gave mine a big ol' epic heave-ho into a dumpster. i only kept one picture from it, it's one of my bro, father, and grandfather - the only time in 30 years they've all been together in one spot.
my maternal grandmother has a bunch of pics from my father's wedding to mom - maybe your SO-I-L could take custody of SO's album?
To me it's kind of just
To me it's kind of just showing something that doesn't exist anymore. Of course DH's ex is also SUPER high conflict... But we both agree that pictures of DH and his ex aren't going to be kept.
I think it was further cemented with MIL tried to give me this lecture on how "the skids shouldn't feel their family is divided!" Because all that did was make us both go. "well no, divorce is literally dividing the family. So instead of making them feel an inexistent family unit is whole, it's more important to focus on the skids feeling they can still be and feel loved regardless of the situation." But that's just us. I think it's fully up to each situation to decide.
If BM wasn't so psychotic and MIL wasn't so obsessed with making the Skids feel their family is "whole." (even though she says BM really has no right to come back to them after everything??? Still trying to figure that out. LMAO) we might have felt different... But with everything going on, it's a nasty taste there that doesn't need to exist. If she had been sane and not sleeping around the whole marriage and wasn't neglectful and emotionally abusive to the skids... There may have been more leeway. There just isn't given the situation.
I left my 1st wedding album
I left my 1st wedding album with ex. Didn't give any hoots about it by the time I left. I do have the negatives and a bunch of other pictures (which I should go through and cull out a whole bunch sometime).
I am in your situation where
I am in your situation where I don't have any kids thus no one to pass down my wedding photos.
When I divorced my ex, I gave him all the photos out of the album of him and his family. I sure didn't want them but I was trying to be amicable and knew he would appreciate having them. And he did.
The ones I still have are of me and my family - the group photo - which of course has my ex in it. I am glad I kept them as many of the older folks (including my mom) are now gone. Every photo of them I have is precious to me. I don't look at them often but I am glad they are there if I want to.
I also kept the solo photos of me as they are some of the best I've ever had taken in my life! My photographer had a wonderful eye and great skills. And God knows I will never be that young and pretty again! It's nice to be able reminisce.
I believe my SO still has a few of his wedding photos around in his old albums. It doesn't bother me if he has them. I figure everyone is entitled to their memories (good or bad) and it was a significant time in his life. Maybe some day he might give them to his daughter but that's between the two of them. She's not very emotional/sentimental so she would probably just trash them. SD also sent us photos of just her, BM and my SO at her recent wedding. Why she thinks we'd want one with BM in it is questionable, but whatever. A bit passive aggressive IMO.
In the grand scheme of things, a few photos or an album don't really take up a lot of space when cleaning house. I have so much other unnecessary stuff I can get rid of! And I don't feel threatened if he chooses takes them out from time to time to look at as long as he doesn't do so in front of me.
FWIW, I do remember when I got married I got rid of a lot of photos with old boyfriends in them since I thought that they were passe and stupid to keep. As I get older, I wish I had kept some of them - not because I care about the boys in them per se but more as a remembrance of those days of my life.
I think you and your SO should each decide whether or not to keep your respective photos with no pressure from the other as to their disposition.
Great response, thank you! I
Great response, thank you! I feel very much the same way. I actually have a photo of my mother and me from my wedding day framed and on display - it's an awesome photo and she hated having her picture taken so I have very few of us together. My SO has never said a word about it. It's not a matter of insecurity, etc - it's just those darned albums take up so much space!! I can't ever imagine him taking them out to look at them, and I honestly never have. It just feels weird to me throwing away photos... I don't know why.
Oh, but I did put my foot down about his ex's hope chest, which is still in his room. She didn't take it when she left and when he asked her about it, she said their daughter may want it. I told him she can store it at her own damn house!!! It's just another one of her control things. He moved it into his daughter's room last weekend.
Give it to his kids. OSD had
Give it to his kids. OSD had every album and home video in BMs house digitized and all the skids have copies, including BM and DHs wedding album and albums from anniversary parties. OSD has the hard copy. YSD and SS incorporated some of those photos in their weddings. I have no doubt I will see BM and DHs wedding photos at OSDs wedding.
I'd probably digitize both
I'd probably digitize both and store them in a cloud account. That way, you have everything and his kids have equal access to the photos, but they aren't physically taking up space in your life.
When my daughter bought her
When my daughter bought her first house, I gave my wedding album to her. I had no need for it, but she wanted the photos, especially the ones of her late grandparents.
In your situation, if you have no kids who might want it, then time to say goodbye and trash it
As for your SO, he should digitize and give to his kids. Or not digitize and give to his kids, depending on how savvy he is
SO only has negatives but
SO only has negatives but keeps them in a lock box for the boys if they want them.
I kept my album. The boys laugh because their dad was one of my guests and is in a lot of the pictures.
I tossed mine in the garbage
I tossed mine in the garbage when DH and I moved into the first house we bought together. I had no children and did not want those memories of that failed marriage, and didn't want anyone finding it, either my SKs or our future kids, of which we now have 2, DS16 and DS10. I only hesitated a minute, since it did include pictures of some loved ones who had passed, but I knew I had pictures of them from other events, so it wasn't worth keeping. 18 years later, I've never regretted that decision.
I'm sure DH has no pics of BM in his possession. He had some cards that she had bought him at his apartment he had moved into following his divorce, and I believe he threw them away when we moved in together.
I didn't keep the entire
I didn't keep the entire album from my first disaster, but I did save photos to give to BS, now 21. He has zero interest in them, so I tossed them .
Mine are all on a
Mine are all on a locked/private album on Facebook. There are several pictures of old family and friends, and pictures of me where few others exist of me at that age. DH had a few pictures of he and BM from their wedding. He tossed most of them, but I think he kept one or two for the boys that were just of BM looking pretty.
I don't get bent up over pictures. If DH still had racy pictures of BM, that might be a different story. However, these are just pictures of our pasts. Despite how our first marriages ended and the craptastic nature of those relationships, our weddings were good memories because of our families and friends. I keep the pictures as a reminder of my past, not because I'm pining for my XH.
However, I have a fairly liberal view on photos like this. I think it's good to keep memorabilia from the past, even if that past didn't have a happy ending. It makes you who you are now, and I like having those reminders. Heck, sometimes those wedding photos remind me how much I don't want my XH back!
Ahhhh wedding
Ahhhh wedding albums/pictures!!
My DH has zero pictures from
My DH has zero pictures from any of his past life as his 2nd wife destroyed everything he ever owned.
I've seen pictures of DH and BM (wife #1) in his brother's pictures. I don't care.
I've never been married lol,
I've never been married lol, thus I have no problem with this.
BM took all the photo's thus SO has none, Oh she shows Aergia photo's of happier times in SO's life, then Aergia will show SO and he simply say.. yeah my mistake day, she stopped showing him pictures lol
Okay so....I have BM/DH's
Okay so....I have BM/DH's wedding album and it will go to the kids when they are older.
There are some lovely photos in there that the kids will want.
I personally do not have any ill will towards their marriage or having the photos.
Many think I'm insane for keeping said pictures-but its my choice.
I did give BM the option of taking the pictures back-she only wanted a few copies.
DH said to burn them. I refuse because of the photos of BM's parents/siblings my inlaws etc.
The kids will want these one day.
Not to mention they made a very lovely couple and I think it's okay for the kids to see these pics.
My mom trashed any and all photos from her past-my grandmother passed down her photos from both her marriages.
And I kept only what I wanted.
Mine are in a box in a
Mine are in a box in a closet. One day I’ll ask my son if he wants them. His grandparents and great grandma are in them as well as an uncle who’s passed away.
I found another album of random pictures taken by my exMIL, rehearsal pictures, wedding day and opening presents the next day. I gave that to my son to give to his Dad but he didn’t want them either so my son kept them. He thought it was funny how young we look in them.
DH has no pictures, none. BM kept them all. His Mom has given us a few of the skids when they were younger. I put them up with my kids younger photos.
MIL and I went through some pictures of when DH was younger, lots of them have BM in them too. I like seeing them because I didn’t know DH then. It’s fun to look at them and see a DH as a teen or young Dad. Throw back Thursday stuff.
DH doesn't have his wedding
DH doesn't have his wedding album, but MIL does. She also has his engagement photo with BM. DH doesn't want them and I doubt BM would either, since BM weighed at least 100 pounds more than she does now and DH weighed about 70 pounds more than he does now.
My SSs - who make fun of overweight people when we are out (so classy!) - would be horrified to see what their parents looked like. Both DH and BM had bariatric surgery when SSs were 3 or 4.
Put me on the list of those
Put me on the list of those who chucked them in the dumpster. Ex and I didn't have kids so there was no need to keep them. My ex once asked for some of them but I never sent them and we went no contact so I figured the trash was the best place. I have no good memories of my life with that @sshole.
DH doesn't have any of his wedding pics but I suspect BM does. I'd only like to see them for sheer laughs because they were married in the 80s so I'm sure BM's poofy hair and 80s dress and DH's 80s tux would be pretty damn funny to see now.
DH was married in the 80s too
DH was married in the 80s too and the pictures that MIL has are pretty funny.
Big hair, big puffy sleeves and metallic blue bows, all pretty funny!
I tend to keep all things
I tend to keep all things "paper" and it really bothers me to destroy pictures. I kept the wedding album from my first wedding in a trunk with other keepsakes. I was so glad I did because it had some great pictures of my Dad, who has since passed away. I looked at it once in a very long while when I was feeling particularly nostalgic. I don't have one bit of feeling towards the ex, just nice to look at friends and family.
When DH entered my life, he had the album from his first marriage as well. BM threw it at him and said she never wanted to see it again. (Unfortunately she didn't do it with any other pictures, including those of the skids. She kept them all, even though court ordered to either make copies or let him make copies.)He was keeping it in a box of "garage stuff" - so I just put it in the trunk w/my album. DH has no pictures of himself as a young man and I liked being able to see him when he was much younger.
SD lived with us for a very short time. Somehow the subject of the wedding albums came up, and I told her they were in the trunk. At that time she was going through a phase of hating her Mother so she didn't even want to look at it. After she moved out I discovered both albums missing. Why she took mine I have no idea. I was initially pretty upset, but discovered my Mom had copies of almost all the pictures, which was a great relief.
She denied taking it when DH asked her about it. Due to this and the circumstances under which she left (which involved her calling the police for a civil standby - which was totally unnecessary)I have not seen her in over 3 years and have no intentions of doing so anytime soon.