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Will the immaturity ever end

Coco72's picture

FH got home from dropping SS10 off and tells me that as he was leaving the pick up/drop off spot that she speeds up then slams on the breaks as he is driving out of the parking lot, then proceeds to give him the finger right in front of the kids.

I guess there’s no wondering why SS acts so disrespectful.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

If he can he should record this. That is threatening and unsafe behavior. The fact that the kids are present and she basically indicated that she would run into their father shows she is not a sane person.

This wasn't just disrespectful. It's aggressive.

Coco72's picture

She is not sane, she is completely unable to control her emotions. But she is a master at playing the victim, she can cry on the spot, and has a sob story for every occasion. And her lies are endless. We have called the police on so many occasions and she is never held accountable. It's frustrating and exhausting.

moving_on_again's picture

After FH recorded BM violating the restraining order against her, she stopped pulling stunts like that. We didn't even actually record most of the time, just pretended to.

Coco72's picture

BM's sisters ExH wears a body-cam for pick up/drop offs, crazy runs in the family, lol

Thumper's picture

Will the immaturity ever end? Gosh I understand your question compete but it is deeper than that.

Her behavior is not immature COCO, her actions are dangerous. Immature is pulling her pants down in the middle of the parking lot at age 14, 15. Immature is shaking up a soda can your friend bought and watching it spray all over the ceiling. STUPID and immature behavior.

Her behavior is reckless and can hurt someone. Per usual nothing will or can be done until someone is hurt OR the cops catch her being unlawful.

I would call the cops when she does it again if the kids are with her trapped in the car.


Coco72's picture

You are right, this is not immaturity, she is dangerous, and I've been saying that for a year now. She is completely unable to control her emotions, and then excuses her behaviors when she is called out on them. He should of called the police, I think he feels defeated because nothing is ever done, no one takes him seriously. For goodness sakes, he has a Relief From Abuse order due to her stalking him and we can't even get the police to enforce that when he has actual evidence via texts or call logs, and she is not suppose to be contacting him. We call, they call her, she cries, they call him back and tell him to cut her some slack, she is doing the best she can.

Rags's picture

Bring the pain. Pain is the only thing that members of these toxic shallow gene pools understand.

And have fun beating them into submission. *diablo*   Figuratively of course.