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Newly Wed heading for divorce

doormat to sd's picture

Where do I begin? I've never posted on a site before like this but I need feedback. My H and I have lived together for over 8 years and married a week and a half ago. He has one daughter 38 yrs old. He is 70, i'm 67. I have never been introduced to SD ! Saw her about 3 seconds at a hospital when mil was there. She came in saw me and immediately left. H did not have the backbone to have a nice chat with her over treating me that way. He simply to me she did not want to know me and didn't like me. Fair enough, I don't like her either due to seeing a few of her poison penned emails to her dad berating me. He never addressed that either with her. She manipulates him to death.! No joke, she calls him and says "Dad what does it mean when your tire keeps going flat"? She is a college graduate with her Masters and Bachelor's degree. She has a great paying job. She is divorced with a 10 yr old child. Every single phone call she makes to dear ole dad is riddled with strings attached to hubby's wallet. He has paid for things for her including a cruise and a trip to Disney and tons of home repairs and car repairs. It's never ending. He told her the end of Nov we were going to marry. She emailed him a long letter begging him to not marry me and sent him a text telling him to read the email before heading to the Chapel. This was ON OUR WEDDING DAY. She was invited but she didn't come. I've skipped the hurtful part. He told her on a Fri about the wedding. She emailed him on MON she had talked to Her atty and she wanted him to go with SD to the atty and make out his will . Also insisted he make her is POA and POA over health. I have been beneficary on his insurance for 8 yrs but SD insisting that be changed to HER name. He is so spineless with HER that he has indeed met with this atty and the will is being drafted as of this blog. He does not know I know any of this YET. It's all I can do to even look at him now. He is so sneaky and underhanded. He did this on a work day and left work early to tend to SD wishes. She had him to list practically all he has including his car. I'm going crazy of how do I handle this? Anyone have advice? PLEASE !!!


SugarSpice's picture

i feel for you. at your age, no one needs adult children calling the shots on your happiness and marriage nor your husbands.

for the most part, men tend to self castrate after remarriage especially if they have daughters. your dh sadly seems to be encouraging his daughters behaviour since he has given her no boundaries. emailing him a cease and desist on his wedding day? sd is selfish and wants her daddy for herself and his money. she in not interested in his happiness.

search mini wife on this site for more on this.

you are his wife and not his daughter. since she is divorced sd is pathetically looking for a man in her life and has found a romantic partner in her own father.

clearly this is sick but it happens all the time.

let your dh know in no uncertain terms that YOU are his wife and not his daughter. clearly and calmly state that you will annul your marriage if he continues to keep you as second fiddle.

then carry through with it and have him served. hopefully you have not joined finances with him and are able to have a cheap summary dissolution.

twoviewpoints's picture

I'm going to assume that your SD's father (your extremely recent new DH)could well afford whatever you witnessed him pay for his daughter over the last almost decade. The man was 62 when he moved his GF (you) in to live with him. Many many years and years of working for his income and assets that had absolutely nothing to do with nor included you.

It took the man another eight years before getting around to putting a ring on your finger. Tennessee does not have common law marriages nor is it a community property state. What was his before that 'I do' was still his after the 'I do'. Any marital 'property' began a week and a half ago. Frankly I'm amazed the man waited until age 70 before making a will.

From reading your blog, I am also surprised that if the SD is as evil as you say she is, that your DH did not pursue a pre-nup before the 'I do'. Your age has nothing to do with it. I will assume too here that at your age (of both 59 at move in and current 67) that you also have pre-marital property and assets you've worked and earned over the many years of your adult life prior to coming into and being the GF of this man. Correct? Have you not drawn up your own will and taken the steps to 'safeguard' any of your pre-martial holdings? If not, you really should have.

Up until the 'I do' your SD and perhaps his mother (if she is still living) were legally considered your new DH's next of kin and would have made any decisions instead of you. Yes, now married you would automatically have legal decision making powers. But up until about nine-ish days ago if the man had had a car accident and died, you would have zip for say. I will assume when your Dh spoke with his lawyer that he is a competent man with all his senses? Regardless of what your SD says and/or wants, the lawyer would be working for his/her client (your DH) and it would have to be your DH who agreed to and signed anything changing and/or regarding this estate and medical powers.

I do have a question. If this was all so sneaky and totally behind your back, how do you know what all your Dh has listed in his will that you state was being drawn up as you blogged. Just because you may have read a text or email from the daughter does not necessarily mean these are the things your Dh , himself, has actually chosen to do, change, list.

Why did not your 2BDh and yourself not take care of all these legal concerns knowing these are important things to have done at your ages and about to finally marry? Do you have any children? Have you taken steps to make sure that if you passed suddenly next week that all your pre-martial holdings are taken care of per your wishes? I'm just really stunned that all of these things were not discussed and taken care of before marrying. As an elderly couple about to finally get married and live out your last chapters of life together and then one day as a widow/widower it just would have made sense (IMO) for all this to have already been addressed.

doormat to sd's picture

So much I left out of my narrative. I'm not by any means a gold digger nor am I totally stupid although at times lately I do question my own sanity. I own my own home and I have for 14 years. My First husband died in 2003 from a massive heart attack. I was his second wife and he had one son. We were married 20 years and everything we had was solely for each other. It was naive of me to thing all marriages worked that way. DH had his clothes, a rattletrap auto, and a motorcycle and tools when he moved in with me. Together WE have accumulated several things and live a very comfortable life. He was so in debt he had no extra money to spare. I helped him get back on track with his finances. After he was back in the black he started paying the utilities and I paid house payments. We bought two automobiles and replaced a couple of appliances. YES WE discussed going and making OUR WILLS together. WE (so I thought) were going to do this the second week of Jan. I had already told my two adult kids should I die all the house and all in it was his until his death, then to be divided between HIS Daughter and my two kids equally since WE are NOW MARRIED as ONE. I thought that the right thing to do. I told him I was putting him on MY checking acct and making him beneficiary to my IRA. I have always believed as husband and wife you take care of your spouse FIRST. I had NO reason to think he would have gone behind my back with SD and make a will and designate POA to her. He has not given thought that with her having that power she could ban me from my own husband's funeral should he die before me. Also as his Second POA he is making it his best friend ! As for the insurance, I WAS the beneficiary on it for 8 years solely. As to how I know about what is going to be in the will, I saw the DRAFT of it the atty sent to him to go over. He already had SD on one of the insurance policies and that was fine with me. I've known that from the beginning. I have opened the door several times for him to tell me what he is doing but so far he is totally MUM about it. I don't give a squat about the monies, I DO give a squat he is so sneaky and doing this with HER. She is the one that came up with it and insisted to him he do it. As I stated earlier, I have NEVER even MET HER as she refuses to meet me and get to know me. BTW, he and I went to school together so I have pretty much known him all of my life. One other thing I want to add, Tennessee IS indeed a community property state they do not recognize common law marriages but they DO uphold community property.

Livingoutloud's picture

You were never even introduced to SD, why are you willing her your house (even if a third of it), I don’t get it. You dont even know her!

Dovina's picture

This is something the two of you should have discussed prior to marriage, but hand slapping you now isn't going to be helpful.
I hear you , this is underhanded and sneaky. Obviously your DH is not transparent with you, and is an enmeshed daddy and he succumbs to his daughters wishes.
Basically what he is telling you that during life it matters that you can care for him, fulfill his needs, be his companion. After death his concerns for your welfare is not considered. Regardless of whether you have your own assets to provide, its a slap in the face, putting financial aside, that you are not important enough to care for after death, even in a small way. Or perhaps you have the assets to care for yourself after death? That would change this scenario.
His daughter is in the prime of her life and is able to work and form her own wealth (or not). You, chances are will be at a stage where your working life will be coming to the end and will have to live on your own retirement or assets. That should make a difference in DH's reasoning.
If you are sharing this house, making this your home, caring for your DH, then I think it is wrong to not have you as his wife willed to personal assets that the two of you share. This is my opinion.
You need to talk with him and clear what will happen upon each others death. I am not sure what kind of spouse would be able to leave a spouse with hardships after his/death if that is the case. Regardless if children are involved. Even after death step situations continue to be a source of anxiety and hurt.
Good luck

Disneyfan's picture

"His daughter is in the prime of her life and is able to work and form her own wealth (or not)."

During the prime of her life, the OP should have done exactly what you think the SD should be doing now.

"You, chances are will be at a stage where your working life will be coming to the end and will have to live on your own retirement or assets"

When did that become a bad thing?

Dovina's picture

Its not a bad thing, and I never indicated it was. You should really read my entire comment. My look at life is we raise our children to be self sufficient. I also believe that spouses who share a life together obviously have worked together to build a home, better each others life emotionally and financially. My point was what the couple have worked on together should be passed on to each other. Not his entire assets or what came before the marriage.
Do not be quick to pounce on comments without reading the entire content. That's called cherry picking an argument.

WagiMorri's picture

This is so hurtful. From my perspective, the most hurtful aspect is that he doesn't think you know and he's sneaking around making these decisions at the behest of is daughter, who seems to be insinuating that YOU are the manipulative one who is after his money... Ironically she's the one manipulating him for the sake of receiving his money.

This is not how a man honors his marriage. He should not be conspiring against his bride, the woman he has been with for eight years now. He clearly knows that you would disapprove so he is skirting around the part where he informs you of anything. I wish I could ask him why, and how he thinks you would feel if he died and in the midst of all that grief you learned that he also did not trust you and conspired against you in favor of his daughter. There shouldn't BE favorites and there is NOTHING wrong with him wanting to be sure that something is left to his daughter, but secrecy like this is a killer of relationships..

You'll hear it from a few members here: about how you married him and should remember those vows, but they always do this and consistently overlook the fact that a relationship is a two way street. Expecting the wronged party to remain loyal and obedient while the other gets to do as they please is the cruddy expectation too many people seem to have.

You are his wife, you have every right to be treated as such. I know certain people will wonder why you would care so much about money but again they're choosing to overlook a far more interesting question: why would a man choose to marry and then decide that the person they entered a union with should not receive anything without telling them?

What would we say to your husband if he came here and told his story about removing his partner of eight years as his beneficiary because his daughter insists she receives it instead?

On to more practical questions: Is the meeting with the atty to completely change the beneficiary or perhaps add his daughter as a contigent recipient? (That would be a good idea, really...)

doormat to sd's picture

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments. Thank you for being able to put yourself in my shoes for a minute and understand my hurt. I was foolish to put all my trust in him about this. After 8 years, I never thought for a second he would sneak around with her and stab me in the back. He came into our relationship with no real tangible assets that would HELP US while living. He had only his clothes, an old auto, a motorcycle and his toolbox and maybe $50.00 in the bank.

hereiam's picture

I know retirement accounts, you have to have your spouse sign off on it if you are naming anyone other than said spouse as a beneficiary

Actually, it depends on the retirement account and the state. An IRA is treated differently than an employee covered retirement plan. He probably can designate someone other than the OP as beneficiary of his IRA.

hereiam's picture

Yes, 401K accounts and any retirement plan that is through an employer falls under pension law and spouse has to sign a waiver. But if he has an IRA and they don't live in a community property state, he can probably put whoever he wants as beneficiary.

thinkthrice's picture

Synopsis: Mini wife SD38 doesn't want any $$ going to SM. But she'd be glad to take SM's money then piss in her face and tell her it's raining.

Disneyfan's picture

The SD would not be able to get her greedy little fingers on one red cent of SM's money without SM making the CHOICE to allow her to do so.

still learning's picture

So what he's telling you is that you have no future w/him. His daughter will make all medical decisions and recieve all of his assets. You were willing to give his daughter half of your home, wow, please tell me you've changed your mind.

Time to visit your lawyer by yourself and draw up your own will, file for divorce and evict the fool out of your house. Let him go live w/dd, his true wife.

doormat to sd's picture

Thank goodness I have NOT made my Will. We WERE going to do that together, so I thought. No Way under the sun NOW regardless what happens will SD ever get one red penny from my house etc. She Blew it big time with me.

secret's picture

He still doesn't know you know, right?

Isn't the most recent version if a will the one considered valid?

Bring up going to get your wills done together...never even mention the one he just did. When there, talk about the things you know he did... like get him to put you as POA... get him to split the house/assets as youve discussed together...

He'll be on the spot to either admit he did it, and refuse, or keep his dirty secret and have this new will override the one he just made.

If he goes through with it, great you got what you wanted. .. and if he refuses, then you're already in the right place to ask the lawyer to draw up divorce or anulment papers.

doormat to sd's picture

I appreciate your reply. Thank you very much. That is actually not a bad idea.

SacrificialLamb's picture

I think this a good approach also, where you don't start off by confronting him and having him get defensive.

You also need to research grounds for annulment in your state. You already mentioned waiting until the middle of January to address it. That tells me, that like his past transgressions, you are likely to turn the other cheek on this as well. Do not do this to yourself! If it were me, I'd kick him out to his DD's house and then enjoy my holidays with my family.

doormat to sd's picture

Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply to my initial post. You each have given me lots to think about, sadly I know you are all right. I see nothing but doom and gloom out of this marriage to this man I thought I knew well. I'm going to try to make the best out of Christmas since all of my family will be here for a "happy time" with us. I know I can't live with my knowledge in secret much longer. I'm thinking mid Jan I will let him know I know what he has slipped off with his daughter and done. She even has the ATTY cc: her all the emails and documents and she is right beside him at the atty office. She's making sure she get what she wants. DH and I had talked prior to the wedding about US going together and making our wills etc so I had no idea he would do this days before the wedding. Funny thing, I was actually at the mall buying his Christmas presents the very time he was sitting in the atty office to start the process of his will. He has done several other things thru our 8 years that almost made me kick him to the curb but he always begged forgiveness and promised to never deceive me again. Example, we both have FB accounts. He bought me Shari's Berry's for Valentine 2 yrs ago. They were ok but I was not a huge fan of them, certainly not for the price $40 for 12 berries. I didn't complain about them as I thought the gesture was so sweet. I made myself eat a few of them and thanked him over and over for them. He later ask would I like him to send them again for my birthday which was in 4 weeks. I told him no that was not something I liked that much to eat. He posted on FB a pic of the berries and got lots of comments of how wonderful they looked. One lady on his friends list (among many) said they wish they had some to try. This lady is very pretty and daily he would like her pics (she loved selfies) and he would tell her how she looked like Racquel Welch..She doesn't but he actually made a fool of himself always groveling over her pictures. Her birthday was in July. He actually sent her 2 dz of the berries $100 worth !!! He privately told her to NOT speak of it on FB it was their secret ! I held this little tidbit to myself for a year before confronting him about it. He was stunned I knew. When I asked him WHY did he do this, he said it was HER birthday. To which I said all 500 of his friends have birthdays on FB does he send all of them berries and say to keep it secret ! He was so embarrassed over it he deleted his FB. I told him that was fine with me since he had a problem being on it respectfully. She is married btw and I highly doubt her husband knew who sent them to her or why. Even after this betrayal, I put it aside and tried to salvage our relationship. As my mama always said "there is no fool like an old fool"

Livingoutloud's picture

The whole situation is confusing to me. How can you accumulate anything together or apart if you are on total disability for the past 14 years. How did you make Money for the past 14 years? Investments? You says you accumulated stuff for the past 8 years? How did you do that on total disability?

Why did you marry him if you knew he was a bit of a jerk all those years? Buying fancy gifts for other ladies? Hm

doormat to sd's picture

I'm sorry my situation is confusing to you Livingoutloud. It is really simple. I had worked all my life until I became disabled. I was in a professional position which paid me very well. I have always been very good at managing money. I have zero debt other than my home. I have several credit cards but very very rare I use one. I may if I'm shopping in a certain store I will get a nice discount if I charge it. I will do that then as soon as the bill come in I pay it in full. If you read my post thoroughly, you would see I have my own IRA i've had for many years. My deceased husband was just as good as me with money. We had no debt other than our home at the time. He had insurance and had me as beneficiary as well as I inherited his 401K. Since he fell dead in our home, I could not bear living there and I sold our home. I made a nice profit on it. I bought and paid in full for my car and paid a large down payment on my house I currently live and contributed a good deal into my IRA. I already had all the furnishings I could ever need. With no car payment, no household goods I just had to have,and no credit card debt, I've managed quite well. DH NOW makes pretty good money. I have bought things and so has he. WE have been able to buy flat screen tv's, a couple of computers, iphones as though we are a couple of yuppies. I pay 100% of my house note which is over $1,000 and he pays all the utilities, we are tit for tat on groceries. I certainly have not gotten a "free ride" these 8 years. Just because i'm on disability does not mean i'm not good managing money. If we don't have "IT", we don't spend "IT". He does have a credit card he uses but it is for his OWN pleasures not for our home. As I previously stated between us and both of our monies we have lived comfortably. As for him being a jerk, that was 2 years ago and silly me forgave him with the promise he would never do that again. Yes he's done other things through the years too but because I love him, I tried to work though them as well. As for leaving anything concerning MY HOUSE to SD, I was genuinely offering what I thought was a honorable settlement for all 3 of our kids to split things once we both were gone. I offered that because I am not a selfish person, even with the fact I have never met her. I felt what is MINE is DH and visa versa and the fair thing to do. Sorry this all confused you.

Livingoutloud's picture

I don’t understand people willing their property and possession to adult SKs whom they didn’t raise and often barely know. In situation with OP she wasn’t even introduced to SD yet she is leaving her a house? WHY?

notasm3's picture

I am not the OP - but I made a fair amount of money over the past 15 years after being totally disabled. I took my pension as a lump sum plus invested money from the sale of a home in California. When I rebought years later my new home cost 1/5 of my CA home.

My DH came into the marriage with almost nothing but social security. But fortunately no debt at all. I had an attorney set up a trust that holds all of my assets. My DH will get a monthly income for life and the choice to live in one home. He will have a comfortable life but will have no assets to go to his worthless son.

doormat to sd's picture

Thank you for your reply. I think many think because you are on disability you have became a deadbeat or next thing to it. I guess they haven't heard of Investing, saving and spending wisely.

doormat to sd's picture

I will suggest that after the holiday since I had already suggested that before finding any of his out. I just want to get the holidays over with and I am being referred to a cardiologist the second week and just don't want to deal with a confrontation until afterward. Plus it gives me time to know exactly what I will be saying. I'm running in circles now.

doormat to sd's picture

I sure do understand where you are coming from. I wish you the absolute best in Feb too.! Good for you ! I think you and I both will feel lots better once we have it taken care of. I keep telling myself that next year things will be much better at Christmas. I cannot and will not live whatever years I may have left like this. Trust totally shattered, heart broken, and love flying out the window. I deserve better and so do you !