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When your SO goes on and on (and on) about how special their snowflake is...

Puzzled9401's picture

... how do you keep a smile on your face when deep down you know said child is less than remarkable?

Personally, I drink a lot, roll my eyes hard and practice saying things like “oh isn’t that wonderful”, “of course dear” and “bless her heart”. Does anyone else have any good tips to keep from gagging when their husband or wife loudly proclaims their child to be the next “doctor-lawyer-astronaut-president-super model with the heart of Mother Teresa”?


advice.only2's picture

I'm mean I tell my DH the truth, he used to espouse about SD about how great she was going to be and I would just say "well if she can ever pass her classes, stop smoking pot and drinking she might turn out okay." DH would get all upset, but honestly I had 7 years of being told I was an awful wife and SM so it doesn't bother me that his fee fee's get a little hurt since for 7 years he didn't take mine into account at all.

Cooooookies's picture

I tell DH to stop treating SS like special wittle snowfwake, the sun does not rise and set on his bum. He's the same as any other 15 year old obnoxious teenager so give me a break!

The Disney runs strong in DH so I do my best to keep it in check. He's gotten much better but if I'd have let him continue the way he was going it would be out of control by now. Nothing wrong with a gentle (or maybe not so gentle) reminder that their kid is NOT the Messiah.

notsobradybunch's picture

DH does this with SD17 all the time. DH is convinced she'll make an excellent real estate agent one day. SD17 has BIG BIG dreams of selling multi million dollar homes but still struggles with ordering her own cheeseburger when we're out. SHE IS SEVENTEEN!!!!!

Puzzled9401's picture

Same with my SD, only DH thinks she’s gonna be a doctor or a vet someday, or really anything that’s highly prestigious.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Prestigious? Not exactly what I was thinking when I was scraping fishy smelling cat puke off my scrubs today. Smile

Puzzled9401's picture

Hey say what you want, that is an accomplishment! Getting into vet school is no easy task.

Kes's picture

If someone tries to enumerate the virtues and achievements of someone to you, with the aim of getting you to think well of them, imo, it has the opposite effect, if you already have no love for them. ie it makes you dislike them more. This I find is what happens with my DH and the cuckoo snowflakes.

I feel sorry for him that he has no-one to celebrate them with - but to my mind - there is little yet, to celebrate. When they actually achieve something - I might then celebrate.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Kes, it might be different if the NCPs actually parented and weren't Disney parents and the skids weren't arseholes...

TwoOfUs's picture


That's Nice.

Repeat on a loop at ill-timed moments throughout the monologue. They'll eventually get the picture.

Merry's picture

At one point I had enough of the superlatives that described an adult who wouldn't stay in school and wouldn't hold a job, who blamed everybody with never anything kind to say about anyone. According to DH, at every turn, every new job, it was the best break the kid ever had. This job is so wonderful, not like those other losers. I'm sure SS will be a manager in no time. They're so lucky to have hired him. On and on and on and on, and jobs lasted for 6 months at best, repeatedly. But SS wasn't the screw up. It was everybody else's fault.

I went all analytical on DH one evening when I couldn't stand to hear it any more. So you think washing dishes in this restaurant is better than washing dishes in the last one, that you also said would be so good for him? How is that? Sure, I'm glad he's working but it doesn't look like a career path here. And then, so you paid for another full-time semester? What makes you think THIS semester will be the one where he doesn't drop down to 6 or 8 hours?

Turns out DH was doing all that talking to make himself feel better, knowing his kid was a giant screw up. At 32 years old, said kid has since straightened himself out, so there is hope.

DaizyDuke's picture

thankfully my DH has never done that, because he would honestly look like an ass and he knows it.

Now if there was a Sociopath Olympics, or maybe a Bong Marathon or something like that.. THEN DH could brag about how well SD and SS would do, but I haven't heard of any thing like that so, no bragging from DH.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Marvellous children?? I would want to know if these men know who their own children are.
If they can identify who I know to be their child, I would want to know if they actually know what is going on in these kids lives.

With my own husband, there is such a lack of insight and reality when it comes to his kids. His daughter is a train wreck, his son is struggling in school, smoking pot, chasing skirts... But daddy is so proud. He either had low standards or he is delusional.

momjeans's picture

I break out the wine, or quickly order a glass or 3 if we’re out having dinner, and try my hardest not to roll my eyes and keep a straight face. I usually get a dig or two in, pointing out the hypocrisy of his delight in something his precious snowflake said or did, that he would in no way tolerate from our children. That usually shuts him down fast.

Sorry I don’t have any real and constructive advice for you.

Acratopotes's picture

5 minutes into how wonderful Snowflake is - I will say..

Did you see the palm trees are blooming
Who scratched your car?
Did you remember to pay .....

I date a goldfish, memory span of 3 seconds }:)

secret's picture

"Every parent thinks theirs is the best."

"Of course you think they're great, it's your duty as parent"

If questioned as to whether you think so too... "I don't have the same daddy goggles you do"

They can interpret as they wish.

"I'm sure many parents are proud of a c student/adult child living at home/ whatever the case may be"