MOTY award goes to........ and other laughing matters
Fine it's knowledge by now that Aergia moved out to BM about 2 months ago, after a huge huge incident at home.
House is in the market and well we broke up for a week, got back together and things are a bit better then before but still not fine.
Aergia's farewell words to me was... BM is a better mother and person then me or SO and she hates us and we are useless people, she never wants to see us again and she has no father.... SO have asked her to return on various occasions, but she refuses.... either he gets rid of me or he does not have a daughter... but this same little bitch has no problem using the house as a party house on week-ends when we are not there... this same little princess has no problem coming by weekly, raid the fridge and get Daddy to wash and polish her car... which stopped past Sunday....
See this same little lovely girl asked her BM to take her to the lawyers and I got a nasty letter stating that Aergia is never to be alone with me, either SO has to be there or BM... I love this letter, I stick to it, and no your possy of friends does not count .... Sunday she arrived, SO was not there, I refused to unlock the door or opened the gate and told her... you and BM send me a letter stating this.. your father is not here, you can not come in.. She started swearing and calling me names.. yeah snowflake I recorded you, SO came back and was furious at me for not opening the door, I said - The letter states.. gave him a copy (never told him before about this letter hiehiehiehie) and then I played the recording and said - Your daughter still does not feel sorry for her bratty manners... SO told her to get lost, he made it clear in our house she will respect both of us, if she can't she's not welcome..
Well today I found out - BM refuses to give Aergia her wifi password, BM refuses that the maid do cleaning and laundry for Aergia }:) (but when I demanded she do dishes I was a bitch :? ) Aegia now asked Daddy to get her her own wifi.... and maid... I almost exploded and told him NO.. next year there will be no maid cause you can't afford it, she will have to learn how to do it all by herself.... and get her pre paid wifi.... 5G a month should be enough, it's affordable... she's not getting unlimited and also not 10G.
Another snipped that came out - BM promised her little snowflake that she will buy her a flat in the city, now try and keep up, BM is going to buy the flat, in her name, SO is responsible for paying the bond... I laughed and said NO... if BM wants to buy a flat for precious then it's between them... you already said you have X amount of money budgeted for accommodation and you will stick to that. Accommodation will include, roof, utilities and basic food and toiletries... nothing more. Not cable and not unlimited wifi, that she can get all for free in the dorm, but Aergia does not want the dorm cause she will have no privacy... meaning she can't have fuck fests over week-ends, cause males are not allowed in the dorm...
I wish that darn house will sell now so I can walk out, I can not put up with this stupid man anymore, who will admit by handing Aergia everything on a golden platter did not work, who promise he will stop doing it and start paying off debt... but then out of the blue I have to hear about all these luxuries she's trying to get out of him... and he falls for it
- Acratopotes's blog
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Wow, Acra, what an update!
Wow, Acra, what an update!
So did you really put the house up for sale? Where's he gonna go?
So many, many things going on here. Maids? Oh, my! BM won't let the help pick up after her? hahahahahaha!!!
He should have insisted she live in the dorm or no college. Freshman should live in the dorm. It's set up to help them succeed at transitioning from the nest to independence. And for crying out loud it's where you make your friends to start off campus life!
I can't believe the letter. Truly unbelievable. Then the trainwreck wants to violate it herself. Speechless.
So is stupid man still your SO or not?
Yes I put the house up for
Yes I put the house up for sale after I was banned from it, my own effing property lol.... he tried for 2 months to get me to change my mind and I refuse,he also tried that I should cancel the assault charges and I also refused, kept my story, either you buy me out or we sell, take what we've put in, divide the profit and go our separate ways.... he then came up what if we sell and use the proceeds for another house and start fresh... new house where Aergia and BM never lived in, I said no problem....
before the blow up - it was said she will live in the dorm.. she changed his mind, I don't care, the money in his budget covers dorm only or an outside room with a bathroom, nothing more..... Oh she's got enough friends in the city and I say.. you are there to study not to socialize.... (Actually I will opt for more in the budget cause dorms close for holidays and I don't want her
The flat buying I will stop... BM is welcome to buy a flat, but there will be a legal contract with clear stipulations and SO will only pay what's in the budget.. SO is not paying off BM's flat... no effing way.
Regarding your question where will SO live - frankly my dear I don't give a damn.... he can move in with me, or live under a bridge... choice is his, not mine. I just want my money....
Combined property is dealt like a business transaction and not part of the relationship - you are dating me not my bank account
nope not court order, simply
nope not court order, simply a shitty lawyers letter lol....stating I can not be alone with princess..
verbally they told SO I'm not allowed back in the house, that's when I told him it's over, cause he would rather listen to princess and his ex wife..... he quickly changed that but the house is still in the market.
Our courts gives a shit about disputes like this lol... they simply would've told BM... well why can't your daughter then stay with you....
So you guys own the house so
So you guys own the house so and little princess lived in and had your own place?
Man I work full time and don't have a maid.
What a bunch of idiots girl time to move on.
yes Sweet T - I had my house
yes Sweet T - I had my house long before I started dating him, all paid off now.... I rented it out when I moved in with him, and he was in a lot of divorce debt, about to loose the house, when I bought 50% out. Use to be their house..
Remember on Mars things are differently... we all have maids and gardeners and the legal rate for domestic/garden workers per month is about 180USD per month for 45 hours. I only have mine cause I love her to death but she just irons (1 hour a week), and 2 days a week she's at SO's house, doing laundry, cleaning and ironing... she even walked my dogs for me cause she loved them to bits, she's been 18 years with me.. it's like my second mother. She will be going on pension in 5 years time all provided for.
OMG, and I thought we had it
OMG, and I thought we had it bad. :jawdrop:
Salems - I actually see this
Salems - I actually see this as a full blown comedy.... it's not that bad at all.... it's shit funny and well I'm evil..... I can't help using their words against them, I can't help being a bitch...
I never scream or shout, I simply keep quiet and hit hard... then I sit back and enjoy every one running around like headless chickens...
Oh, Acra, I hate hearing
Oh, Acra, I hate hearing this. Your SO is a butthead for continuing to fall for Aergia the Tramp's sh!t. I wonder if he will EVER realize that Aergia sees him as her personal bank account and nothing more. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
pffft that's why I'm
pffft that's why I'm demanding him pulling his weight on the financial side now....
I agreed to marry him finally after 12 years of him asking, but only on condition... we can get married the day he has no debt and is financially strong enough to retire and look after me... now that will not happen in the next 100 years lol.....
I would like to kick him in
I would like to kick him in the arse!!
the arse.... I hope your aim
the arse.... I hope your aim is off woman.....
it's going to take me years to house train this man... Mum said it took her 30 years to train Dad... I'm half way there, I just hope I can keep up lol
Acra, I'm going to wear
Acra, I'm going to wear cowboy boots. I'll definitely make contact with more than his arse.
I'm waiting for you, wine is
I'm waiting for you, wine is chilling, oven baked Camembert with rose marry and roasted garlic heads ..some crackers as well....
knock 3 times so I know it's you, I will send him to open the door and you kick his "arse"
(No subject)
Isn't this the same girl who
Isn't this the same girl who had a mental breakdown in your home over some married man she was screwing?? Did cops get called etc?? Why is BM acting like YOU are the psycho?? Your SD is a straight up monster. I can't even imagine
yes the same little
yes the same little princess.....
with the assault cops did not get called - I went to them and filed, can't wait weeks before they arrive, I wanted the scratch marks and bruises to be photographed and the torn close to be evidence...
I was actually nice, I said not to pursue...she's a minor and I don't want her to have a criminal record, she will never get a job and never get to study, I don't want that over my head and the possibility of her permanent living with SO,,,, but this only means if she has one other charge against her for assault before the age of 21.. this case will be brought up as well to proof she's a danger to other people... Cops told me she's turning 18 in a months time we can do this as adult, I smiled and said no.. minor please....
Sheesh, I missed something.
Sheesh, I missed something. Assault? When, where? Is there a blog on this? I'll go look now.
Your SO is not worthy of you.
Your SO is not worthy of you.
I don't care if she comes
I don't care if she comes around to collect things or talk to her Dad... Really I don't it's his daughter.
But she will show respect, not swear and call any one names.
I have more then one letter
I have more then one letter lol.... I only played one letter now... the rest is waiting for their turn...
yeah they clearly did not think it through, but that's BM and Aergia for you, they think every one faints getting a lawyers letter and every one is scared of them....
that's my motto lol.... a
:jawdrop: that's my motto lol.... a poker player never shows all his cards till needed
(hugs) I agree you need to
(hugs) I agree you need to get the house sold. His money needs to be his and yours needs to be kept very far away from this unholy mess.