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o/t - still have issues with the site

Acratopotes's picture

but they are looking into it, seems like the link between earth and Mars is not as advance as what we want it to be,

at least I can pm and blog, and read a bit lol...

missed you all....

oh Twins are up for adoption, any takers.... but I will move over night and never let you know where to I moved....
They are very destructive age now and jeeze the back chat, as if they know I'm step mum and not bio mum......typical...

but I'm kidding myself, will never get rid of the Twins, those puppy eyes gets me time and time again....

had to go for meetings to the City and guess who visited me, still furious cause SO handed my phone number to Princess, but we had a good chat and we had a good long talk without Disney Daddy there monitoring...

I actually feel sorry for the kid, not her fault her parents are assholes, she asked me to talk to SO and to tell him to stop micro managing her, she needs to sort out stuff on her own and she does not want him to fix everything, he needs to listen if she talks to him, sometimes she only wants to tell him how her day went and he takes over ..

she had a flat wheel, called Daddy and stated saying.. Dad I have a flat... his response, sit tight will sort it now,

Aergia... but but Dad... he hanged up
10min later her uncle calls her, where are you, I have a new tire and want to come and help you... you Dad asked me to.. Aergia was sitting with me having a beer (yes 18 is our legal drinking age) I took the phone and told BIL, no need it's sorted... I called SO and told him, you are an idiot, stop it, she had a flat, she stopped and she changed her wheel with help from a stranger, then she went to get it fixed and decided to pop in at my hotel while she waits for the repairs... you never gave her a change to tell you proudly she fixed it..

So I guess that is a major part of the problem, SO does not listen, jumps to conclusion and want's to sort everything out for her, while she only wants to tell him something...

but don;t hold your breath ladies, not going all soft harted, nope, not at all,
Still disengage, ignored her messages today, just replied to some off them, where can I find this in the city Ma'm.. (I lived there for 18 years) If I know I tell if not I tell her google it sweety and get direction...
She burned the bridge 7 months ago and environmental studies showed it's not going to be in my best interest to allow a re build, it's going to destroy my Zen feelings and disengagement

cross your fingers that this posts


Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm still having issues with the site, too. Somd days the emojis work; some days they do not. The Recent Comments that appeared on the left side - miss those HORRIBLY!!! I find the site more difficult to read as the layout does not allow as much to appear. Still waiting for that darn Block feature.

Burned that bridge, but you're having a beer with her... Mmhmm, you softie, you.

Aergia does NOT have to tell Daddy WHERE she is when she has that flat tire. She can call him and tell him things, but when he wants to jump on his steed and race to her rescue, she can stop that by NOT disclosing her location.

On the flip side, very generous of you to do what you did. And I know you aren't getting rid of those puppies. xoxoxo

MoominMama's picture

Glad you are back.

Sounds like Princess is finally growing up.

fairyo's picture

Good to hear from you lady- glad you're still on top of your game but like you,  I'm not yet on top of this site! Guess what? The Ostrich came to counseling with me-it isn't great but at least he put his head up and had a look aroud for a while! Not sure if we are staying together, but I'll keep you posted- that's if the site lets me!