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Not Sure If This Article was Posted Before: Dad as ATM

thinkthrice's picture


Thoughts and comments anyone?


thinkthrice's picture

i.e. "Hi girls, this is my new friend I'd like you to meet."


how DARE dad move on without mom's and our consent!!!!

thinkthrice's picture

" If a kid is being poisoned by their mother about a woman - "an internet slut" in this story - then they are NEVER going to be "ready."

Bears repeating (over and over)!!

thinkthrice's picture

I especially enjoyed the part about how the father is supposed to tip toe around the BM as regards moving on in life. Perhaps any prospective new woman in his life should be "pre-interviewed" by the BM. /s

Who knows? His new relationship is probably on this forum even as we speak! Biggrin

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo was PO'd because DH was no longer at her beck and call (translation: DH wasn't available to take the skids AND Spawn whenever 'Ho wanted to go out, get drunk, and find some nookie).

wckedstepmommie0925's picture

Me too! Which I FOOLISHY did only to be TOLD I still could not see her children!

And now that we are married I am told all the time, you aren't the "mom" you are a friend and nothing else.

I too have an ex husband that re-married, not going to lie and say that there weren't comparisons so rough feelings at first, but after some time I am just happy to have another adult that is good to my kids! It has been 5 years in my case with BM, guess I will always be Cruella DeVille Wink

Pharlap's picture

Is it just me, or does Canada have some pretty screwed up family law statutes and judgements? I mean I know we have our issues with our courts in the US but the crazy seems to run at a whole other level in Canada.

TwoOfUs's picture

Noticed the date on the article. 2012. Hopefully this dude and his new partner weathered that storm. Both his girls should be out of university if they stick with it, all their money belongs to their household now. Woot!