Father's Day Drama Part 2
Monday I am home from work, playing on my phone, looking through pictures feeling sentimental about BS (who had been gone for a week) and DH. I made a collage of DH and BS and wrote a sentimental statement about how much BS looks up to DH, it hasn't always been easy for them but BS shows his love for DH, etc. etc. It was really about my BS and his love for DH. I posted on IG and shared on FB, tagging DH.
So OSD commented on it. I wasn't expecting that (nor really gave it a thought) because she hasn't ever liked, commented on anything that I have tagged DH in. With the one exception of an anniversary post a couple years back where I had uploaded some pics from our wedding day and she only liked the picture of just DH. (She had to look through all the other ones to see the one of DH).
So here is some of the exchange from FB:
OSD: Wish he had more time for his real kids.
Me: You guys are all adults. Why don't you call him and invite him to do something? His relationship with BS has nothing to do with you guys.
OSD: I've tried 3 times. Whenever I say we should set something up he never responds. He's the father he should be trying harder then me.... Ever since you came along he's always too buy. We used to be allowed at his house now we have to make plans and meet up somewhere. I wish he never met you. You are the worse step mother.
Me: It's pretty sad that you have to turn a post about an 11 year old into a post about yourself. SS and YSD are welcome to the house. I've always known the way you feel about me so why would I be comfortable with having you over. You can't expect to treat people like crap and be disrespectful and they want to have you over. Also not sure why everyone thinks that the only way you can have a relationship with each other is if it's at the house. Aren't you an adult with your own house??? Invite your dad over. I don't stand in the way of your dad having a relationship with you. You are using me as the scapegoat and blaming the wrong person.
OSD: This is a post about my dad. But like I've said, I've tried. If he wants a relationship with me, he needs to reach out to me at this point. And maybe you can grow up yourself Zero and start acting like a "Step mother" to the 4 kids that you married into and reach out every once in awhile and maybe we wouldn't have the feelings we have towards you.
Me: Reaching out works both ways. SS was just over at the house due to an invitation from me. I sent YSD a baby gift. So I do make an effort. But you have been so disrespectful to me time and time again I prefer to not have a relationship with you. And the way you are acting on this post is the exact reason why I don't mess with you. And again your relationship with your dad has zero to do with me.
OSD: I'm a SM (want to add that she hasn't seen her skids in over a year and has been around them maybe 6 times) and no matter how disrespectful my SDs are to me or will ever be to me I will always reach out to them first. But maybe it just takes a strong enough woman to be a step mother. Maybe if you would reach out to me I wouldn't feel the way I do about you. I've seen you maybe once (not true). Grow up Zero.
Me: Sorry just because I'm a step mother by marriage does not mean I have to put with with kids being rude, disrespectful to me. Step mother does not equal let the step children walk all over you, be disrespectful, steal form you, try to fight you in your own home and then just smile and take that crap.
***Then cue the masses*** Fellow step moms, non step moms, people who know our situation, people who have no clue about our situation started commenting. When it was all said and done she had her ass handed to her. All in very well thoughtful, insightful comments.
She did follow up with: I've reached out to my dad several times. And before I even met Zero (not true) she was mad because I was the first person to cook on her stove and made my dad's father's day shitty. (Potato Gate) I've reached out to him several times and we have hung out once and his grandson asks about him (I don't believe this. Gskid is 3 and has seen DH like 20 minutes in the past year and half) and he doesn't seem to have the time.
Normally I would never let drama on my FB page but she was doing such a good job of making herself look like an ass and I figured the opportunity landed in my lap to let DH's family/friends finally see what I deal with.
I did go back the next day and delete her comments and blocked her from my FB.
At the end of the day her issue is with her Dad. Not me. She just blames me. And yes things have changed since DH got with me. The skids all became adults and started their own families. OSD has moved several times (to different states). We have a house. DH is busy with side jobs. He's busy living his life with his wife. It's like the skids want DH to just be sitting around waiting for them to want to spend time with him and then he is supposed to jump.
And I am still confused why everyone (skids, in-laws) think that the only way that DH and the skids can have a relationship is if it takes place at our house. I haven't been to my dad's house in 9 years and we still have a great relationship. OSD is an adult- invite your dad over! Geez!
I feel that her comments were all about what DH and I need to do for her and the effort we need to make for her. Shit works both ways.
And here are the text exchanges between her and DH in regards to her trying to hang out.
OSD: We should hang out.
DH: Okay!
.... Then that's it. Nothing is planned. I seriously think on Father's Day she expected DH to make a plan with her to hang out and not the other way around.
***UGGGHHH*** Literally as I am typing this my friend sent me a screenshot of DH's FB with a post from OSD from today- picture that is 5 years old of him and the skids (from Potato Gate) that she posts literally every single year around Father's Day with "Miss you dad, wish I could see you." This time it's "Love you Dad wish we could hang out every once in awhile."
- zerostepdrama's blog
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I saw that...and corrected
I saw that...and corrected it. Thank you.
It wasn't even a month ago that she was posting crap about her mom on FB. It is sad. She's so immature.
Oh goodness no she's not my
Oh goodness no she's not my friend on FB. She only saw it because she is friends with DH and DH was tagged in it.
She is now blocked. Before I never had the need to and felt like it was a little extreme. Kind of like a last resort thing.
well, she DID say that you
well, she DID say that you are the "worse" SM }:) }:)
I would have responded "worse? worse? worse than what, you??"
I wanted to respond back with
I wanted to respond back with "Ewwww I don't consider myself a step mom."
Welp, you were right, part 2
Welp, you were right, part 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaay better!!
How I wish we were FB friends, I would have handed that little seeyounexttuesday her ASS for all that bullshit.
A word about "he's the father, he should reach out to me" horseshit. When I was an asshole young adult still sucking down the PAS Kool-Aid by the gallon, I said something similar to my dad. His response? "phone works both ways, missy. Maybe if you were a kid, you might be right, MIGHT, but you're an adult and adults don't wait for something to happen."
I was 21 at the time - I am now almost 51. I still remember, verbatim, what he said to me. And, he was right.
Exactly. I always feel like
Exactly. I always feel like if you aren't getting the results that you want, then do something about it. Men don't like to plan stuff. She has a husband, she should know this. She wants him to chase after her. Like WTF is that even about?
Oh she got her ass handed to her by some former ST members. Let me tell you though... no one was rude or disrespectful. They just spoke the truth about her behavior on the FB post.
"She wants him to chase after
"She wants him to chase after her. Like WTF is that even about?"
Rhetorical? L lol
She wants him to chase after her. She wants to feel like she's the most important person in the world. I feel kinda bad for her husband - shouldn't she want that from HIM and not from daaaaaaaaaaaaddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeee??
You would think! It's absurd.
You would think! It's absurd.
Even my SM commented on that
Even my SM commented on that post. Like "Zero is so kind and loving and has always been welcoming to me."
Because I'm sick of her shit.
Because I'm sick of her shit. She had 3 options. Ignore the post, pm me, pm her dad. She instead chose to make a rude comment. So at that exact moment I was tired of taking the higher road. Had she not responded after my first comment I probably would have deleted both of our comments. But she wanted to keep going... so... I had some things to get off my chest too.
I wanted DH's family and friends to see what I have been dealing with. I'm human too!
I LOVE what you did
I LOVE what you did
Honestly as she was getting
Honestly as she was getting her ass handed to her, I didn't even feel bad. She deserves it. She's the MOST passive aggressive person (proven by her post today on DH's FB, trying to stir up trouble again)and has so much to say but doesn't want to own up to anything. I'm sick and tired of being the "evil SM" and taking the higher road. All the skids are grown. Time for them to own their shit. Same with DH.
Oh yeah moving forward I
Oh yeah moving forward I will. She's blocked and I don't see her IRL so I don't think there will be anymore issues. (There shouldn't be).
felt good, didn't it? Good
felt good, didn't it?
Good for you. And, now she's blocked, and you got that out of your system.
Moving on
Yep... moving on...
Yep... moving on...
OSD: We should hang out. DH:
OSD: We should hang out.
DH: Okay!
And then, OSD, you are to invite your dad over or to lunch or something. You know, make plans.
How would she know he's busy if she doesn't even try to make plans with him? Saying they should hang out is not a plan. Where does he say that he's too busy with his non-blood family?
She takes his lack of planning as rejection, but she has not put herself out there to be rejected, she just wants people to think that.
This is it. From what I have
This is it. From what I have seen it's always her saying "We should hang out." Followed up by nothing.
She was back in our state for 3 months and never reached out to DH. Then DH sent her and the other skids a group text when MIL and SIL were driving through town in April for them to all meet up. OSD met up with them. Since then she sent him 1 text saying they should meet up and that her son was asking about him. DH said Okay. Next text was Father's Day when she told him that maybe he could make plans with his blood children.
She wants DH to make the plan so that he will pay for it. If she wants to see her dad so bad then she should invite him over to her house. Plain and simple. But no, what she really wants is to tell her dad she wants to get together and for him to say "Okay let me take you and the gkids out to eat or to X, Y, Z."
Oh, FFS. What a little drama
Oh, FFS. What a little drama queen. She needs to look in the mirror when she says "grow up". Nothing like deflecting blame. SMH
I know. I've been minding my
I know. I've been minding my own business. I have not seen/spoke to her (NOTHING) since around X-Mas 2015.
Telling me if I would reach out then maybe she wouldn't feel the way she feels about me. Ummm why exactly am I reaching out for?
Exactly!! I used to bend over
Exactly!! I used to bend over backwards for the skids. Did it get me anywhere? NO. What's sad is that DH and I have shown the skids what a happy and STABLE relationship is. BioHo has proved time after time that she's a volatile 'Ho and her house is chaos and drama.
I decided to stop reaching out. It's just asking to get my hand slapped.
90% of my interactions with
90% of my interactions with OSD have been negative because of similar shit like this. I'm done. I was done X-Mas 2015. She really had no business commenting on my post. She could have kept ignoring me and anything I post to DH's page like she has been for years.
I get that she is upset with her dad's responses (?) or lack of making an effort, but that's between them. Does she think I'm holding a gun to his head when she texts telling him to not hang out with her? She's acting like she invited him to do something and he said "No I'm hanging with Zero's BS instead." And even if that was the case- Ummmm DH, Me and BS are a family. We do make plans and do stuff together.
Your DH's responses and
Your DH's responses and efforts are not YOUR fault. BUT (and it's a big one!), you, as the step, are easier to blame. The skids are resentful because Daddy has a new wife/child/house/life. There are times when I believe that SD21 is all about loving drama. Something is either Fabulous or Horrific. There are no so-so things or MILDLY upsetting/irritating/pleasant. It's one extreme or the other. And it bloody well exhausts me.
Agree about the different
Agree about the different extremes.
It's because HORRIBLE or
It's because HORRIBLE or FABULOUS both produce what they really want, DRAMA. They can't get that being nice and normal.
Zero, in addition to the
Zero, in addition to the crimes mentioned above, I hold you and all your powers responsible for all the war, famine and natural disasters for the last 30 years.
My sincere apologies. LOL!
My sincere apologies. LOL!
Please share these powers you
Please share these powers you possess.
Muuuaaahhhaaahaaa I'm keeping
Muuuaaahhhaaahaaa I'm keeping them secret :-0
"I decided to stop reaching
"I decided to stop reaching out. It's just asking to get my hand slapped."
I love that statement, Aniki.
Oof. I'd permanently send that drama queen to the air lock chamber. I'd ice the living crap out of her. Her and her passive aggressive, projecting BS would seize to exist in my world. You handled it great, Zero.
I reached out so many times
I reached out so many times with her. The last time she screwed me over I decided I am done. And I stuck to that. So she's mad about that? I seriously think she thinks she can walk all over me and be a jerk and because she is my husband's daughter I am supposed to take it.
That's one of the reasons I
That's one of the reasons I blocked SD21 from my cell phone. She's 21 and she knows EVERYTHING. She's bossy, condescending, and wants things HER way. If she doesn't get her way, it's a bloody tragedy. I'm fed up with her dramatics and I'm not playing her games - I took my ball home!
Have to say, I've come close to renaming her Mini BioHo except she's not a skank like her mother.
I have had the same
I have had the same conversations with DH about my skids, too. Why should I have to take their shit because they are his kids??
Um, no. They are rude, somewhat disrespectful and bring nothing to my life. Why on EARTH would I reach out for that??
I wouldn't let someone that I
I wouldn't let someone that I actually liked/loved treat me like that. Why would I let someone who I don't have a bond/love for treat me like that?
"I seriously think on
"I seriously think on Father's Day she expected DH to make a plan with her to hang out and not the other way around."
Yep, I call BS on this as well. It should definitely be the Skids responsibility, if they're an adult, to make the plans to see their dad on Father's day.
I feel your pain about being the scapegoat, SS still blames me for everything too. Unless he REALLY needs something from DH, then he brings on the water works and reminds DH "you weren't there for us growing up".
She 100% thinks that he needs
She 100% thinks that he needs to plan everything because he is the father. And on Father's Day? :?
"***Then cue the masses***
"***Then cue the masses*** Fellow step moms, non step moms, people who know our situation, people who have no clue about our situation started commenting. When it was all said and done she had her ass handed to her. All in very well thoughtful, insightful comments."
HEHEHE I love this!
I feel like it was karma
I feel like it was karma finally making an appearance.
One of my friends who knows
One of my friends who knows ZERO about the step situation was like "instead of bashing this family for the love they share maybe you should find some professional help for your issues."
Good one!
Good one!
I love your friend!
I love your friend!

And most comments were about
And most comments were about her dad not responding to her. Okay... what does that have to do with me? Ridiculous.
I'm confused as to why you
I'm confused as to why you would think I baited her? I have been posting stuff about DH, BS, DH and BS on FB for years with no response like this ever before. I'm an adult. Married. I have been with my DH for over 6 years. His kids are adults. I don't worry about what I post on FB when it comes to my DH and my BS. I don't feel like I have to think "will his kids be offended??" Why should they be offended over my post?
BS and his dad do have a GREAT relationship. What does him not paying CS have to do with their relationship? BS doesn't know what CS is or that his dad doesn't pay it. During the school year they don't see each other a lot but in the summer time they do see each other. BS was just at his dad's for the past week. Yeah Ex is lacking in A LOT of areas when it comes to fully being a parent and responsibility but I have ALWAYS said that BS and his dad have a great relationship.
Not really sure though what my BS's relationship with his dad has to do with OSD acting like an ass though? :?
I just wish someone had
I just wish someone had posted:
"SD - you should try to be a more pleasant person. Your personality is such that your own father doesn't even want to spend time with you."
Someone did. LOL. They said
Someone did. LOL. They said do you ever think that maybe your dad doesn't spend time with you because of something you did... or something like that. }:)