Update from yesterday's blog and what I am going to do
Thank you to everyone who responded to my blog yesterday about if I brought the skids back into my life. I got a lot of great advice and a lot of things to think about overall.
Unfortunately for me and DH I don't think anything is changing when it comes to the situation. DH is still lazy, doesn't want to do any of the work, refuses to even try to understand why I feel the way I feel. I think it's easier for him to put the blame on me rather then actually parent and do some of the hard work himself. I know his family and friends think it's a "Zero problem" but it's really a "DH problem". I know that now. This is pretty much how DH is about everything tough in life. Really he has had the power this whole time to make things better and he just hasn't used it.
Also the skids are adults and if they want to reconcile with me they can reach out to me. They aren't doing that. So not sure why all of this falls on me. It's a two way street.
I am going to continue doing what I have been doing but I am going to do it better. I am going to really stop letting the skids take up space in my head. Most of the stuff I post here is usually just about the stupid stuff the skids do that I come across from social media or reading DH's texts. So I am going to do better and not even look at social media or texts. This will help me overall. Because really the more "bad" information I get on the skids, it's just more information to add to my arsenal of all the reasons I dislike the skids. They are assholes bottom line. They aren't changing. I don't need to keep feeding into my dislike of them because that isn't making the situation better.
With that being said I am considering buying YSD a baby gift. It's a catch 22. I think she is the "safest" out of her and OSD to do a nice thing for and maybe try to mend the relationship a tad. But she is also a Daddddy's girl and she is the one that DH allows to get away with most everything because he is afraid to even whisper NO to her. YSD and I have never had a real falling out over anything. She just got caught up in her sisters and BM. I do think she uses DH, I do think she is BM's "bitch" in trying to get money from DH. She is entitled, annoying and I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard then be around her. Buutttt.... out of her and OSD I think having YSD around is a lot better then OSD. Because OSD is JUST LIKE BM in every way and she is a criminal,shady etc. And OSD has been very disrespectful to me.
I'm going to look at it as I am just buying a baby gift and that is that. It's a step I feel comfortable in doing. So while part of me is like why am I making the effort, this could all backfire on me,I'm hoping it's a small baby step in the right direction. I'm hoping she has a registry and I can buy something and just have it shipped directly to her.
So other than the possible baby gift until DH makes an effort on his part things will remain the same. I am going to make improvements in what I am doing so I can handle the skids presence overall. But I was getting to the point where just thinking/hearing about them (even though it was part of my own doing) was making me want to jump off a cliff. LOL. Not good.
Thanks again everyone for your support and encouragement!
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Oh I am definitely buying
Oh I am definitely buying something practical.
"I'm mommy's paycheck"
"I'm mommy's paycheck"
I'm going to try to not
I'm going to try to not involve DH in this at all because you are 100% right he will get false hope. That has always been part of the problem too. If I do one little thing he thinks everything is all good. When I have sent gifts for OSD's kids in the past I have never included DH in it and never told him.
I am hoping that she has a registry and I can send directly to her. If not, not sure what I am going to do?
yes Zero - get them out of
yes Zero - get them out of your head and you will feel much better girl..... they are not worth it....
if they come around , treat them like annoying snotty strangers you simply have to entertain, nothing more... see it as business associates or something lol...
Regarding the baby gift thing.... dang you are way better then me, I would not even bother....I would simply get a gift card at a baby shop close to her, and give it to DH to hand it over, when where and if he does, not going to be my problem, him not telling them it's from me... also not going to cause me to loose any sleep over lol...
truly treat the skids as that neighbor, you greet cause that's how you got raised but you have nothing more to do with them.
Well as of right now they
Well as of right now they still aren't coming over. To get to that point I need to see some change from both DH and the skids. I would be "okay" with YSD coming over. I have always been "okay" with YSD coming over. (Not really but if it was a deal breaker for DH about her coming over I wouldn't let it ruin my marriage) It was always MSD and OSD for legit reasons. DH just always thought it was an all or nothing. They all come over or none of them come over. (besides SS)
I don't plan on doing anything more then sending a gift. No expectation of anything. Nothing.
what about inviting them for
what about inviting them for 4th of July BBQ at home, with a note that each and every one has to bring a side dish... and their own booze.... for a BBQ...
it's enough time for them to arrange it to come over, DH will be out of his skin, cause you actually send them nice invites, DH will be highly disappointed cause they will not show......
Nooooo none of that. I
Nooooo none of that.
I really just want to get to a place that if they happen to come over for whatever reason that everyone can be civil.
I'm not pushing for them to come over. I'm just going to maybe get this baby a gift and leave it at that for now.
dammit I was so looking
dammit I was so looking forward to this party - crashing it and well teach those brats a thing or 2..
I have an good excuse - I'm from Mars lol..... and you would look like snow white compared to me
I do not want any of my
I do not want any of my weekends ruined by hosting them! LOL
but but Zero - I will be
but but Zero - I will be there and I will make their stay very very short if they do show up...
remember Martians are wild wild people.... and after that... eff the hosting we will only drink rum and laugh..
I have way of making skids run for the hills... DH will not even notice it...
@ LF, too lazy to go to your comment and puke a comment there.....
you demoted SD and treated her like you would treat a stranger... dang you are still a good woman...
I'm at a stage where I don't even pretend anymore lol.... I just give my EFF OFF look and she runs, her status in my eyes are lower then snake shit's shadow
I think what you are planning
I think what you are planning is pretty level headed. Honestly, it's easy on this site for us to advise people to cut them off, divorce the dude, etc... but in reality, the majority of people here aren't interested in divorcing and aren't really up for dealing with the fallout from a full on disengagement. I mean, in some cases, leaving the guy is the right thing.. and in some cases disengagement works, but for a lot of people, those aren't realistic.
So, not giving them space in your head is a great plan. Buying a little token gift for the baby is nice and it isn't really like giving the girl something.. it's for your husband's grandchild!
Sometimes the higher road has it's rewards. Not advocating someone continue to eat crap from someone, but when talking about adult skids, sometimes it is possible to grin and bear it for the few times they will enter your orbit. That keeping the peace can ripple through the non-skid times too and give you and DH less overall conflict.
I think my small gesture will
I think my small gesture will help...
Well said, and I completely
Well said, and I completely agree.
o/t - you had me lol... I
o/t - you had me lol... I read diapers and wipers...... I was figuring out what the hell do you do with wipers and a baby??? then I read again
I just keep picturing a baby
I just keep picturing a baby with wipers on his face and the wipers going back and forth. LOL.
I hated that slobber face
I hated that slobber face stage...... and old lady told me....
put vaseline around his mouth and his chin.... he will not get a red mark and well it simply run off his face onto his bib..... it worked
I like the onesie that says.
I like the onesie that says. "All daddy wanted was a blow job. "
notasm - as a joke my mother
notasm - as a joke my mother did get me such a onesie..... it was very funny and I used it as PJ's for Deigma..
Why do nice things for
Why do nice things for people, particularly adults, that are disrespectful to you?
I really don't get that.
I'm only doing a small
I'm only doing a small gesture for YSD. I think a lot of our "issues" is part just normal kid stuff, she is still young, I think a lot of her attitude came from the influence of BM and MSD and OSD. I've done a lot of the back/forth with OSD and MSD but haven't done that with YSD. I am hoping that she has changed and I hope being around her (if it comes to that) that I can be more open to her.
Yes that is really how I am
Yes that is really how I am looking at it. Doing it for DH (even though I am not telling him about it) and doing it for myself. I have a lot of anger and resentment and need to learn to let go of some of that.