CS almost over!!!!
SO's CS obligation is ending next month. Woo Hoo!!! We consulted with a lawyer about 5 months ago to see if anything needed to be filed and were told no. The qualifying event is SD graduating on June 2nd which ends his obligation. The language in the order is specific with the beginning date and the following "and continuing until further order of the court, or until the child marries,dies, is emancipated, reaches age 19, or reaches 18 and is not a full-time high school student, whichever occurs first. It also says 1/2 due on the 7th and 1/2 due on the 21st by payroll deduction.
Well as it turns out BM texted him to advise him he has to pay her through July 1st because SD graduates on June 2nd so the whole month for June is owed. The lawyer we spoke with said since it is due on the 7th his obligation ended before the due date and it is "likely" he won't have to pay the CS for June at all. So we were all good but we would have to file paperwork asking for the wage order to stop. We did that and found out you have to file a request for order with the courts, have a court hearing and have a commissioner decide that the CS obligation is over. Or both parties could stipulate to end the CS per the original order and be done with it.
Well BM won't sign the stipulation unless she has the full amount for June in her hands, which SO was willing to do just to be done with it. But she wants the stipulation to read that CS obligation ends July 1st not June 2nd and won't sign it unless it says that. Even if he pays her the month of June. He is concerned with the date of July 1st because that could possibly mean he owes for the month of July by stipulation. So now he has to go to court in a month and see what happens.
- Newstep's blog
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I can't believe how petty
I can't believe how petty some BM's can be. Why would you try and get a few more weeks of CS out of a person. Is BM that dependent on the CS that she has to try and milk a few extra weeks out of your DH? That is sad.
My DH is at least $10000.00 behind and my BS is emancipated. I never will get that money. So it really irks me when BM's milk every dime they can out of a man considering some of us got NOTHING and still managed to support our children.
That's terrible you are owed
That's terrible you are owed so much for your DS!!! I wish everyone was like my SO and even my ExH who paid every month on time never even thought about not paying it.
Yep she is desperate for the money and SO was even willing to pay for the month of June even though the lawyer told him not to pay and see what the judge says because he (the lawyer) feels he won't have to pay it.
Exactly! I got a big fat
Exactly! I got a big fat nothing burger from both of my ex husbands, yet my children were trained properly and got a proper education--now are productive adult members of society.
Meanwhile, the Girhippo is practically committing armed robbery "for the skids" (TM) yet these kids are going no where fast. School is routinely blown off and OSS (20.5) floated around a while before becoming a dishwasher at a casino.
WOB your post disappeared
WOB your post disappeared :?
But just wanted to respond to you. The actual language says half due on the 7th and half due on the 21st. SD turned 18 in January so she is already of age.
Yeah, I went to edit it and
Yeah, I went to edit it and my screen went black.
Hmmm - I would double check on that since even the attorney is unclear about June, but in any event, there is NO WAY BM is owed one cent for July.
Just file with the court to have it ended. Screw her.
What a greedy pig
What if y'all agreed to have
What if y'all agreed to have the obligation end on June 30th?
That way she'll get her full June payment (I'm assuming y'all are okay with this since it's probably cheaper than trying to go thru the courts), but y'all are not obligated in any way for July.
We tried that too but she is
We tried that too but she is dead set on July 1st, I have a feeling her desperation for money will have her agreeing to sign it before the court date.
She just has to create DRAMA. I keep telling myself I would rather be me that her ;). I never depended on CS and was totally fine when it ended because I had a job and didn't live off of CS.
It's the last grasp at
It's the last grasp at straws--last hurrah--final power play of a GUBM!
So when a CS obligation ends
So when a CS obligation ends is it an automatic thing or does the NCP have to file something with the courts? My DH CS automatically comes out of his check every payday.
What we found out was in CA
What we found out was in CA private pay not through the state program you have to motion the court. I believe if it is paid through the state program they handle the court filing. He also had to pay a filing fee of 175.00.
Omg I can't imagine being so
Omg I can't imagine being so petty, desperate and pathetic to text and demand that I be paid for one lousy month!
Kind of like BM2 who will text DH 2 weeks before CS due to "remind him" that she needs a check. (like he hasn't been doing this 18 fucking years and doesn't know??) And because SS18 gets SSDI because DH is disabled, DH only has to pay $105.00 a month. I can't imagine being 40 something years old and that desperate from month to month for a hundred freaking dollars.
OMG seriously $105.00??? I
OMG seriously $105.00??? I can't even imagine. SO does pay a pretty hefty amount it almost $900.00/month.
Oh between the SSDI and what
Oh between the SSDI and what DH pays she gets almost $1,000.00 a month for one freaking kid... Who is not going to graduate, has no job, who posts videos of himself on Snapchat skipping school and smoking dope, who has been caught shoplifting, drinking at age 14, and Lord only knows what else that we DON'T know about! cause you know, the dads who never get to see the kid and get told constantly that they are a horrible parent must PAY these women who are doing such a bang up job of "raising" (I use that term loosely)the kid! :?
Whatever, her gravy train is coming to an end soon! We can't wait for the day!
"Who is not going to
"Who is not going to graduate, has no job, who posts videos of himself on Snapchat skipping school and smoking dope, who has been caught shoplifting, drinking at age 14, and Lord only knows what else that we DON'T know about!"
Do we have the same skids??
I don't know?? Is the Gir
I don't know?? :? Is the Gir Mother of the Year? Because I know BM2 thinks SHE is! :sick:
OH definitely! The Gir is
OH definitely! The Gir is the "All American, Corn-Fed, Girl Next Door, Soccer Mom Whose Phoenixesque Rise from the Ashes of Divorce Bestows Upon Her Unprecedented Mother of the Century."

Phoenixesque Rise from the
Phoenixesque Rise from the Ashes of Divorce! That perfectly describes BM.
She loves to tell people how hard it was when DH left her and the kids high and dry. How she's worked and pulled herself out of the mess he left her in.
Holy crap Lady, if you can survive when you got the house, everything in it AND $5K to $8K a month you are in big trouble.
Just think: this will be over
Just think: this will be over soon. Life after CS is SWEET. DAMN sweet. SUPER damn sweet.
Ignore the petty woman. You and DH have won the war regarding CS. This is her last stand, trying to exert her control.
Granny, our BMs sound like
Granny, our BMs sound like sisters. I don't know if BM ever switched to full time though. I believe she finally got the message that DH will not be bailing her out again though. Breaks my cold dark heart for her.
It's so nice to see those funds go into something you choose.
BioHo is absolutely FREAKING
BioHo is absolutely FREAKING that CS is about to end. No more $$$$ beach vacations. No more money to fund 'Ho's wardrobe and weekly mani/pedis and hair appointments/root touch-ups. If 'Ho wants these frills, she'll need to a) stop smoking (HA!), or b) get a second job (double HA!!).
Stupidly, she's been going on and on about CS ENDING....and PigPen has NO idea that DH is not his bio? Even PrincASS has finally figured it out.
PrincASS is actually quite
PrincASS is actually quite intelligent, but like a bit like Sheldon. Yes, he knows. He said something to DH and DH told me.
DH is waiting for BM to sign
DH is waiting for BM to sign off Consent Final Judgement to modify his order b/c SD18 is graduating but needs the new order to pay for SD13. The current hold up with BM is that she is wants the girls college money. Both girls have Prepaids but she wants the money refunded to her and not go to the girls if they "don't go to college".
Woot, woot! YSD is 17
Woot, woot!
YSD is 17 TODAY...so let the countdown begin!
Our BM asked us to pay extra months on the first two. OSD turned 18 in November and then graduated a semester early in January, so technically we could have quit paying February 1...BM bit**** and moaned about how she WOULD have graduated in June and she was still at home...so we agreed to pay until June.
Last year, SS turned 18 in April and graduated before the end of May. BM asked us if we could continue through the summer...until September. No reason/excuse given this time. It was so weird. We paid through June on him, too...so one extra month...but said absolutely not to the whole summer.
YSD will turn 18 and graduate May of next year. Wondering what BM will consider "fair" for her...
Well...no. OSD and SS are
Well...no. OSD and SS are about 18 months apart. (right now, he's just turned 19 and she's still 20...will turn 21 in November). SS and YSD are almost exactly 2 years apart. SS turned 19 in April, she just turned 17.
In practically any other
In practically any other state, CS would be ending for SD 18.5 who is graduating HS (maybe) next month, but this is NY where the kid can sit around and watch cartoons in the BM's basement whilst the CS flows till 21.
(at which point the BM will get an itchy community college application finger and try to extend CS past age 21)
Patent Pending
My youngest SS graduated
My youngest SS graduated around the 3rd week of the month. As I recall , we pro-rated our payment based on the number of days in the month . It was a wonderful feeling to finally be free of it. Congratulations!
I have 9 years, 4 months and
I have 9 years, 4 months and 4 days left of CS. I am sure in exactly 9 years she will file to continue CS as Chucky will be in Grade 8 if we are lucky by then.