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Dh disagrees

Goblin's picture

Dh and i sat and talked last night. He doesn't believe that ss embarrassed him on purpose or that he was being manipulative. He blames himself since ss did tell him that bm couldn't buy the shirt because she didn't have any money but dh thought bm was being cheap. She has said before she didn't have the money for something but managed to pay it when dh said no. I tried to get him to see that ss shouldn't have yelled what he did but dh disagreed and said his behavior was normal. I got frustrated and told him that was the problem that it shouldn't be normal and after thinking about it he agreed. He is going to call the audiologist today and find out what he prescribed ss (if he did) and see what he can do about the yelling. He gets ss tonight and he is going to talk to him about having pride and keeping your business to yourself. He also said he is going to apologize to ss for not making sure he had a shirt. I told dh he needs to forgive himself first because he looked really best up last night. I asked him what he was going to stay to his stepdad but again he thinks dad, like ss was innocent in their behavior. I'm going to let that go because his stepdad can never do wrong in his eyes. Thanks for all the help yesterday. How do I change my username? I don't feel like a goblin anymore and would like a different name.


Acratopotes's picture

you delete your profile and create another email and new name... but don't....
this is not the end.

and I agree with DH, SS did nothing wrong Hon, BM pumped his brain full of shit and SS only told what BM told him,

DH should simply explain to SS the CS matter and show how much he pays for BM, DH must make it clear to SS, even though only BM gives him stuff she got the money from DH....

Goblin's picture

Dh has already explained to ss that he pays bm child support and that he helps support him at mom's house. By delete profile do you mean delete my whole account or is there a seperate profile page?

Acratopotes's picture

there you go lol.... you will need the name more and more the longer you are a step parent hehehehe

Acratopotes's picture

last time DH stepped up to get the kid something BM enrolled him into - BM flipped and pulled out, her DH had to drive around like a mad man getting the kid to soccer even on nights kid stayed at BM.....

so I totally get her DH's stance on this... do not interfere on BM's time.

Ninji's picture

If I had a dime for every time I swore I won't pay for something that BM is supposed to provide, I would have just spent it on more skid crap. Smile Smile

Disneyfan's picture


You don't use your children as pawns or a shields in your war against your ex

Goblin's picture

Dh doesn't use his kid as a pawn against bm. He doesn't even think of bm, he is indifferent to her. Normally she is prepared and ss has never had to go without. If dh believed ss was not going to have the shirt he would have bought it even though he pays child support.

Goblin's picture

No it's reality. He isn't going to pay for something because bm is being cheap. If he knew bm was really broke then yes he would have brought it.

Disneyfan's picture

But he was used as a "sheild". One reason didn't take part in scouting was because of mom's actions in the past. The kid was used as a shield to protect dad from mom's bullshit.

One could argue that mom used the kid as a pawn to make dad look like an ass at the ceremony.

twoviewpoints's picture

"Normally she is prepared and ss has never had to go without"

And the child has had what he needs for cub scouts up until his one bridge over event. Provided by BM. Obviously he's had the cub shirt, along with whatever else expenses for cubs that needed provided, it has been...but the one time BM couldn't make the cub/scout thing work for the kid? When the kid was worrying over this time he would not have a shirt? Dad decides to take a stand and force a point.


ESMOD's picture

I guess there may be other things, but that dumping on him happened 5 years ago. Maybe she had stuff going on then that isn't happening now?

If I were the dad and wanted to be active in scouts with my son, I wouldn't let her past behavior dictate my future behavior.

Disneyfan's picture

But his stance hurts his son, not the mother.

He knows that BM may flake. Instead of also flaking, he could ask others (Grandpa) for help.

Dad wants to do a father/son activity. The kid asked his dad to do scouts with him. But making sure mom doesn't stick it to him again was much more important to him.

Goblin's picture

SS has always had what he needed, this was the first time she flaked on ss. If dh knew she was going to do this he would have brought him the shirt.

ESMOD's picture

I think that her DH should certainly approach SF and tell him that he honestly thought that BM was going to get the shirt.. that the deal was he covered karate and all the trimmings.. and she took care of the scouting stuff. He can say that he had no idea that she had those financial strains and that if he had known, he would have taken care of it.

Goblin's picture

I don't think dh heard at first since he is so used to ss yelling that he was tuned out and then I think he was just stunned at what was happening. He won't be in cub scouts anymore he will be attending the boy scout meetings.

Disneyfan's picture

I think it depends on the troop.

When we lived in NC, my son's troop was very laid back. They were more concerned about the experiences than the look. Uniforms were optional. Jeans, shorts and a scout tee shirt were fine with them.

The troop here in Brooklyn was the exact opposite. Those bougie folks were all about protocol and the right look. You had to be in full uniform at all meetings and ceremonies.

Goblin's picture

I will talk to dh about this. The rule is we will only do one activity. If he has to pay for boy scouts that breaks our rule and ss will have to make a decision.

WalkOnBy's picture

then you tell Grandpa to STFU and stay out of it.


Good Lord, Disney...hey, why don't YOU pay for it??

WalkOnBy's picture

Great. let him go through BM. If I recall correctly, this dude is Dad's SF, right?

Move away from the ASSholes and let them play together.

Easy peasy.

Goblin's picture

If dh has to pay for scouts then it breaks our one activity rule and ss will have to chose.

WalkOnBy's picture

OR you could not give a shit what "activity" he does on BM's time (and do not participate in any way) and keep the kid in the activity at your house.

I am no BM lover, and I parallel parented with Asshat for 11 years, but for the love of all that is holy, I don't understand why you two are so intractable about this issue.

Goblin's picture

As long as dh isn't paying for scouts it's not breaking our one activity rule. We will only pay for one and we pay for karate.

WalkOnBy's picture

so then this is simple.

DH does not pay for scouts and mom can do or not do whatever on her time.

DH pays for one activity on his time.

Pretty simple, no?

twoviewpoints's picture

Buying one shirt does not make for "pay for scouts".

What's the plan and "rule of one activity" going to be when your daughters decide they want to branch out from karate and join their school's softball team or be a cheerleader or a band member?

Jlbfinch's picture

I would say the kid already has pride since he showed up to the ceremony knowing he had the wrong shirt and gladly participated anyway. A lot of kids that age would throw a fit and say they can't go bc they don't have the right uniform and everyone will be looking at them. Also, he was directly asked by grandpa where is your new shirt? What is he supposed to do? Lie? Run away without answering? Even a vague, "I don't have one yet" would open the door to more questions and BM jumping in to explain that she had two big expensive come up at once. Dad was going to look like he dropped the ball no matter what.

Cooooookies's picture

It's a universal war, I swear. BM2 has only been back in this country for going on 4 months and we've already had the clothing and medicine war. She suggested to SS14 that he leave half his stuff there. SS14 doesn't have a clue about life so does exactly what mummy dearest says.

DH and I explain to him that we are only going to support this household. DO we ever go to his mum's house and "borrow" her eggs, bread and milk when we run out? No. DH told BM2 as much. She tried to say last time that we forgot to pack his pajamas and meds. kept his pajamas and meds therefore you now have to replace it. Didn't like being reminded but now all of a sudden she took him clothing shopping because she is MOTY.

Just smile and wave and stay out of it. Honestly, the millions of little things these crazy golden uterus morons do will drive you to insanity and erode your marriage. Just repeat "not my circus, not my monkeys" and let your DH handle it. Trust me. Enjoy the man she was too stupid to keep and shake your head at all the things she does out of pure jealousy.

notsobad's picture

I'm glad Your DH is going to talk to the audiologist. That seems to be the one good thing that's come out of this.

Sorry, but I disagree with most on here. Your DH should feel bad. SS did nothing wrong, he was asked a question and he answered.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I'm begging you, not as a STalker but as a citizen of the world this boy will eventually vote, drive, buy, and hopefully work in, do not have any dad apologies to that boy.

This is a teachable moment. So what is the lesson going to be? "I am owed stuff and I can embarrass people into giving stuff to me." Or "I can handle myself with grace no matter if things aren't going perfectly." Which lesson does dad really want him to learn?

Mom should have taught the boy to get through that ceremony with dignity and confidence even in the wrong shirt since she's the only one who knew he would be a dot of blue in a sea of green. Dad should have taught him the same if he had the slightest suspicion it would turn out that way.

Mistakes were made so here we are now.

* Dad should use this opportunity tonight to talk to the boy about how he felt blurting out the family business to the room full of people (bad/embarrassed/angry).

* He should have the boy repeat the Boy Scout motto "Be prepared." How could he have prepared for that night? Come up with scenarios that would have been better.

* Practice them. "We're workin' on it, it'll be here soon" etc. How do these feel? Calm/easy/normal

* End up with telling kid next time he thinks he might be in a tight spot, come to dad and we will work it out together so YOU (ss) can be prepared (NOT so dad can swoop in and fix everything).

I am begging your dh to remember he is raising an ADULT who must function a lifetime in a world where nothing is fair, s*it happens, spontaneous stress erupts. He is not raising a forever Cub Scout who will always be a helpless little guy. Tons of boys could have handled that moment better and have. There are lots of poor and fatherless Cub Scouts in this world and not all of them yell in the middle of the reception about it. Many moms/guardians/scoutmasters have taught the child to handle his own emotions in that moment and taught him something gracious to say. So this boy can learn it, too.

I would absolutely advise against dad groveling before this child in this circumstance. I agree the child did not do the embarrassing "on purpose," he was just erupting with the ammunition BM had loaded into him.

Your dh needs to load him with different ammo, stuff he can use successfully and honorably the rest of his life.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Wink <3

notsobad's picture

I don't think Dad should grovel but he has to take responsibility in this whole mess.

SS didn't think he was blurting out family business to a room full of people, he was answering a question from his Grandfather. He said it loudly because of a hearing problem, not because he was being a brat.

He's 10! How could he have been better prepared? What scenario should he have come up with? Other than to say nothing and not put is dad in the spotlight?

He did go to his dad when he was in a tight spot! He told him he needed a shirt! At 10 he doesn't have the skills to explain that he's going to stand out, he might even have realized that he was going to stand out. He told him more than once and got shut down every time!

Once again this kid answered a question asked by someone close to him. He yelled it because he can't hear.
Just because he didn't hang his head in shame, try to protect his father and told the truth about what happened doesn't make him a bad kid!

You are right that dad needs to load him with new ammo for life.
Dad needs to stop letting something that happened 5 years ago dictate his relationship with his son.
Dad needs to be more involved in this kids life and stop worrying that BM is taking advantage of him.
SS needs to know that he can count on his dad. Not just for a scout shirt but to be involved enough that he knew why he needed the shirt.

The teachable moment is for dad, not the kid and from what OP said he's getting it!

Rags's picture

And there in lays the rub.... that DH doesn't think that SS did anything wrong .... that is a huge symptom of the core problem. Many people make excuses for these COD snowflakes and hold that their crappy behavior is not their fault.

While it is true that many of their issues are inherited from mom or dad the fact is that their behavior is their choice and they can either figure out how to overcome their parental baggage or fail to resolve those issues for yet another generation. The process of accountability and overcoming mommy and daddy issues so they do not remain the kid's issue needs to start early and the only way I know of to get the process started is to hold the kid accountable for his chosen behaviors.

In this instance I am going with the perspective that the kid knew exactly what he was doing when he parroted BM's toxic crap.

WokeUpABug's picture

This. DH still makes excuses for my SS's idiocy, saying oh well you know he learned that from BM... I asked him, "DH, SS is 20. When are you going to start thinking of him as an adult and not blaming his actions on BM?"

But it's hard to make that transition starting at age 20. I agree, start it now. OPs SS is responsible for his own behavior.

mommadukes2015's picture

Well, here's my take on it:

If BM didn't play these games in the first place, this never would have happened.

I feel like many separated parents often times don't take their children into consideration and end up forfeiting their children's other relationships and well being to make a point.

When it comes down to the all mighty dollar everyone loses, but mostly her kid. So she may have won over favor of DH's Stepdad and the other scout mom's but it was at SS's expense.

I hope it was worth it. The sick thing, is that to her, it probably was.

He's a kid, should he have done it? Probably not. But he's a kid. He's a product of his environment which he is powerless to control(which in this case refers to BM not using CS to buy his uniform for an activity she signed him up for and then laying the blame on DH).

If I were DH I would hold the line. This has now turned into a pissing match and now she thinks she's got DH right where she wants him-and she used her kid to do it. Sick woman.

I would also make it very clear to SS that DH will purchase what he needs for any activities that DH signs him up for, anything that BM chooses to sign him up for will be her responsibility. Then I wouldn't say another word about it. He doesn't need to be in the middle of his parent's BS. SS does need to understand that he's not Daddy Warbucks or BM's ATM.