Dh's dad (step dad) gave him an ultimatum
We go with dh last night to pick ss up from visitation and when we get there bm is outside waiting with ss. As ss gets in the car bm calls out don't forget to thank dad and sm for your new scout uniform and boots. Ss says oh yeah, thanks dad my boots are awesome I can't wait to go hiking next weekend. Dh tells SS he didn't buy him a uniform shirt or boots and before he can ask about hiking SS interrupts him and said I know you had to work so paw paw took me shopping for you, text mom and ask her to send you the picture we took I look so cool dad. Dh didn't say anything but he turned white and had a oh sh!% look on his face. When we got to the play dh told us to go inside that he needed to call his dad (stepdad). Dh meets us right before the play started and said that his dad took ss shopping and bought him a full uniform (socks, belts, shorts, pants and shirt), a compass, scouting book, merit badge book, uniform badges, hiking boots and paid his boy scout dues for the year. The best part is he told ss that his dad (dh) felt so bad about his mistake he wanted to make sure ss was completely prepared so he could enjoy this next year of scouts. Dh said that his dad wants a check to reimburse him on Easter or don't bother coming because he didn't raise him to be a dead beat and he won't tolerate it in his home. Dh is torn up because his dad is disappointed in him but he also feels that he shouldn't have to pay him back and that bm should. Plus if we pay it that is a second activity and he will have to be dropped from karate. We have told my girls no many times this year when they wanted to do cheer leading, tumbling and gymnastics. We also have ss next weekend and this is the first we are hearing of the camping trip. So far no one has asked if ss can go and we already have plans to go to my families Easter (not this weekend but next 4/21) celebration. I'm so pissed off at stepdad!
- Goblin's blog
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Oh and the total is $460.
Oh and the total is $460.
"REally? 1. SF has a big
1. SF has a big company, employs DH. Knows what DH earns.
2. SF has always treated OP's DD as his own grandchildren.
3. OP gets no child support, and likely earns less than her DH.
Yeah, say goodbye to grandpa."
You know, HR, NONE of these things give Grandpa the right to be a dick. Not. One.
That still doesn't give the
That still doesn't give the stupid SF the right to tell OP's husband how to spend his money.
does your principal tell you how to spend your money?
answer the question, HR - was
answer the question, HR - was it a dick move for the idiot SF to demand repayment?
OF COURSE it's a dick move to
OF COURSE it's a dick move to buy something for a kid without telling his parent and then demand repayment.
HR just doesn't get it.
Yes yes yes yes yes. All of
Yes yes yes yes yes.
All of the above but especially this:
"This guy has a lot of nerve and he is teaching SS and BM some lessons he will live to regret. If I were your DH I would be feeling very angry and betrayed right now."
Your DH needs to have a chat
Your DH needs to have a chat with Step Dad.
It's okay to have expectations, but I think Step Dad needs to realize the rabbit hole he's just thrown DH down. He's RAISED DH, so he should KNOW that DH wouldn't do something like that if it wasn't warranted.
Then, if Step Dad wants to step off into BM's Wonderland he can have at it. By himself.
Step dad is upset about the
Step dad is upset about the divorce ( because of ss and only because of ss) and has always been on dh to make sure he is "there" for ss. Dh is a good dad but step dad always thinks he should be doing more and more involved. He wants dh involved on bms time and having joint parties ect.
Well, one would think that a
Well, one would think that a man being in the position that SF is in, he understand that people get divorced and it's not the end of the world.
He should also understand that his son is grown, and he needs to support him or tell him how he honestly feels but not to financially and emotionally insert himself into the situation is further compounding the situation.
This is not your DH's fault IMHO. This is on BM.
THIS is the root of the
THIS is the root of the problem, not the $ or the d@mn shirt.
yowzer. his dad cannot dictate your dh's parenting.
I know and he has never done
I know and he has never done anything like this before. I am going to call mil in a few and see if her and I can work this out.
I would advise against that.
I would advise against that.
Were are you reading that
Were are you reading that OP's DH didn't have money for the shirt? It isn't about the money for the shirt, it is about a BM manipulating a situation.
Calling MIL will just put one
Calling MIL will just put one more nose in the ring of noses that shouldn't be in the ring. Let DH handle this hun.
This is not your fight or
This is not your fight or your business to be calling MIL. You think this is bad now wait until you call MIL.
Holey old socks, are you
Holey old socks, are you seriously saying that in response to "yowzer. his dad cannot dictate your dh's parenting."?!?
That the DH's stepfather can tell the DH how to spend his money because Stepfather is his boss???
Pretty sure that's how she
Pretty sure that's how she feels. I have asked her to answer this particular question many times...
Dh isn't selfish. He sees his
Dh isn't selfish. He sees his son for every visitation and pays his child support on time every single time. When ss is with us he has what he needs and dh spends lots of time with ss.
"his dad wants a check to
"his dad wants a check to reimburse him on Easter or don't bother coming because he didn't raise him to be a dead beat and he won't tolerate it in his home." - WOW. just wow. so sad that this is becoming his (s)dad's 'hill to die on'. i wonder why he is using ss as a pawn - he KNEW your dh didn't have the $ so he goes and blows 460.00 and expects to get reimbursed, bullying dh by implying he's a deadbeat if he doesn't pay up, and likely making your dh feel obligated since (s)dad now had ss hooked up with scout supplies and excited about it. he's gotten ss jacked up and hooked up so he can threaten your dh! un-freaking-believable.
I agree. I think SF should
I agree.
I think SF should extend his invitation to BM. Pay up or don't show up (not that she would anyway but still-it sound ridiculous because it is ridiculous. She created this monster of a mess with her attempts at extorting money out of her ex.
The child suffers, at the hands of his mother, not at the hands of the man that refuses to be her financial whipping post.
This is a hard enough spot for DH to be in, he doesn't need SF ganging up on him too.
I don't think OP is greedy
I don't think OP is greedy nor being greedy. However I'm not sure she realizes the 2/3 to 1/3 split on the one activity rule is financially "unfair". OP's two kids get 2/3 of 100% of the cost whether it be the karate or taking the three kids to do a movie. Her SS gets 1/3 of 100%.
So if karate cost (example only) $100 a month, that's roughly $66 for her kids and roughly $33 for her husband's kids.
Now I'm sure some would say 'but Dad pays CS'. More being unfair in calculating financial fairness. OP would be collecting CS if the girl's father could be found and held accountable. OP's lack of CS for her two can not be held against SS.
She also is going o have to rethink this activity thing out again soon when her girls out grow karate. What are the odds that another activity that all three desire to join for their one activity rule will be the same activity as the other child/children, same price and same night and/or number of days a month?
One is going to want gymnastics for $150 a month and two days a day plus a few Saturday meets. One is going to want dance which is $200 a month, two different nights a week and a few Sunday afternoon competition meets. the final one will want football at roughly $600 a season and practice every day after school, and weekend games for 2 1/2 months a year.
To answer everyone's question
To answer everyone's question at once, step dad is very well off. He own a multi million dollar company and this was just pocket change to him. It's the principal of it for him. He seems to have dug his heels in. Dh and I can afford to pay this without it hurting but it goes against our home rules and what we have told our children. For us it is also the principal. I don't know what dh is going to do because he really looks up to his dad and he didn't sleep at all last night. If he decides to pay this him and I are going to have to talk because he just allowed the lot of them to manipulate him to change our home rules.
If it were me I'd draw a
If it were me I'd draw a line.
However, the more rational side of me agrees with the poster above that says DH could pay SF and then have this discussion with him. I do think he will get farther with SF that way and really, the damage is done, DH is not the bad guy and the new goal is to get SF to understand that so when DH takes this stand again in the future he isn't fending of BM and SF.
Now BM's head isn't going fit in Giant's freaking stadium. This has the potential to become a total disaster for DH. I feel for you.
Thanks but if dh pays then ss
Thanks but if dh pays then ss needs to be dropped from karate to keep things fair and balanced (time and money wise). How is that going to work when all our kids go to karate on Tuesday nights? SS will have to sit there and watch my girls participate. SS loves karate and if we pull then he will freak out every week. Dh works late on Tuesdays so he meets us there to watch ss do his activity and sit with me. Sometimes he gets there when they start and sometimes when it is almost over. I don't know how that would work. If we let him do both then my girls will each want another activity and with 3 kids we will never have a night home or a weekend off.
Then don't pay SF. Explain
Then don't pay SF.
Explain to him why.
Isn't SS already doing both?
Isn't SS already doing both? I don't see how the time commitment factors in.
Bm takes him for now but I am
Bm takes him for now but I am afraid she will dump that on dh. The camping trip is on our weekend and no one has told us about it.
Really? Now you're just being
Really? Now you're just being obtuse. As usual.
Please see above where I
Please see above where I explained what will happen if we make him quit karate.
Clever, that was the original
Clever, that was the original deal. SS can do scouts on mom's time with mom being responsible for it. They were not preventing him from doing scouts at all.
But just like they knew it would happen, bm has already found a way to make someone else responsible for scouts and that someone else is turning around and making it dh responsible for it. Exactly as they predicted.
The man is allowed to have a life outside bm's grasp but she doesn't want to let him go. Puppetmaster who is pulling the strings of another puppetmaster who does not know he is being manipulated. BM is using gp as a cat's paw. Very smooth operator.
There are plenty of women on this very board who would have told paw paw, very kind of you to offer but we'll work it out. There are many people who don't want to be beholden to a rich man or to anyone waving cash around but this bm is not one of them. She knows exactly what she's doing.
I'm willing to bet that, had
I'm willing to bet that, had OP and her DH NOT gone to the scout ceremony, no scene would have occurred.
Dh isn't going to cut his dad
Dh isn't going to cut his dad out of his life. They are close and dh is his regional manager so he would have no choice to see him at meetings.
Honestly I would be returning
Honestly I would be returning the items to the SF and explain that as a grandparent-its' not his job to BUY the child's love.
And have an honest talk with SS.
I'm sorry but I don't think SF understands all that is going on-he needs to back off and allow DH to be a father.
SF raised his son-now let DH raise HIS son HIS way. Not according to SF's ways.
I know this whole situation is fucked up because the only one being hurt is the child.
Where is your husband's bio
Where is your husband's bio dad? Did he help raise your husband? Did he pay CS?
Bio dad's actions may be driving his SF's actions.
My dad is actually my stepfather. He raised my sister and I. Our bio dad never paid one red cent in CS. In this situation, he (and my mom)would have paid as well. He would not demand we pay them back. But then again we would do so automatically.
Perhaps grandpa did everything in his power to ensure that your husband wasn't the kid missing out because of issues between his parents. If he was willing to do a bit extra for his stepchild, he may think it's a no brainer that husband would do the same for his bio child.
Good grief! While I don’t
Good grief! While I don’t agree with Stepdad going and buying all that and NOW demanding payment, he is the only one that seems to truly care for this kid.
You seem to only care that your precious rules are not bent one iota for SS. And DH is so whipped, he is going to lose his son because he does not want to upset you. Good grief…why didn’t the man just man up and participate in scouts!? How sad for SS to have a dad that would not go into scouts with him because of some of your rules. You said he REALLY wanted to participate with SS but yalls rules would not allow it right?
And BM is a biatch but your DH is not helping the situation any!
Our rules. Rules we decided
Our rules. Rules we decided together and both believe in.
Your DH's step dad didn't
Your DH's step dad didn't raise him to be a deadbeat but who raised SF to be such an ass?
He bought SS all of that stuff on his own, that's a gift. To demand reimbursement is rude.
Your DH needs to explain to his SF why he didn't buy the scouts stuff, that it's BM's activity for SS, and if SF volunteers to buy things for it, that's on him.
If they have such a great relationship, this shouldn't be an issue and should be able to be worked out. That is, unless SF wants to keep being an ass and if that's the case, I'd tell him to enjoy Easter without me.
I'm wondering how much of
I'm wondering how much of keeping this relationship good is hinged upon the fact that the SF owns a multi-million dollar company...that's a lot of leverage.
Sad negative thinking on my part, but it happens.
I was thinking this as well.
I was thinking this as well.
Piss off the stepdad enough and inheritance could skip the OP's husband and go straight to the kid.
Wait a minute. If dad works for grandpa, and grandpa is all about the kid, then leaving work early to do scouts with the boy should not be a problem.
hereiam nailed it: "He bought
hereiam nailed it: "He bought SS all of that stuff on his own, that's a gift. To demand reimbursement is rude".
DH is SF's regional manager. As in, he works for SF? If so, and if he's adamant to pay SF back, perhaps he can take a payroll advancement. Good grief.
I have a mother who is a lot
I have a mother who is a lot like this Stepdad - ignored my boundaries when my kids were little and went behind my back to "do for her grandbabies" with NO regard for my decisions or the reasons I made them.
Many, many times I had to return things to her and remind her that I was the parent and I would be the one making decisions. Didn't spend any time with her for about 8 months until she got the message.
Boundaries are your friend and your husband's friend. I do NOT think that step grandpa saved the day. I think he is an ASS of epic proportions who is sticking his stupid nose where it doesn't belong.
I wouldn't go to Easter and I wouldn't pay him back. In fact, I would be done done done with the douche canoe.
A bit difficult since her DH
A bit difficult since her DH works for StepASS. Maybe he should start job hunting...
Have DH send this to SF- In
Have DH send this to SF-
In our household we allow the kids to participate in one activity at a time. Currently that activity is karate, and the whole family greatly enjoys it. I don't know if you are aware, but BM enrolled SS in scouts with the understanding that it was an activity to be paid for by BM and done on her time. Your involvement in this situation has made things very difficult for me, since your ultimatum for us to assume responsibility for a second activity for SS directly goes against the rules we have established in our home. It will break my heart if this situation were to permanently damage our relationship, but I have to do what is best for my family and that means I won't be involved in SS's scouting, either financially or timewise. If you want to participate with SS I am sure you would both love it, otherwise we are planning to continue with things the way they have been- karate on our time and scouting on BM's.
I sent this to dh and told
I sent this to dh and told him it sums up perfectly what is happening and maybe he should send this to his dad.
Sounds like a rule that
Sounds like a rule that should have been bent in this case. Your DH WANTED to participate as a father son activity. But didn’t because why?
You said…” Dh really wanted to be a part of that as a father and son thing but he knew bm would just dump it all on him so dh hasn't participated.” Well it is a FATHER son activity right? So yes, he probably would be the one to participate.
IMHO..that rule should have been bent for SS. But I am seeing that is not allowed in your house.
She also said her DH's work
She also said her DH's work schedule will not allow him to participate 100% of the time. If BM completely bows out and leaves this to him, what is he supposed to do when he cannot make it to a meeting/event? Doesn't sound like BM will pick up any slack. They have their rules for a reason and they don't have to be bent to the whims of the BM or her DH's stepdad. This is how entitled kids are bred.
"She also said her DH's work
"She also said her DH's work schedule will not allow him to participate 100% of the time"
But he works for grandpa. There's no way grandpa wouldn't allow the OP's husband to leave work early in order to take the boy to scouts.
The crazy work schedule excuse no longer works when your daddy owns the multi-million dollar company you work for. LOL
Her husband will never know
Her husband will never know if he doesn't ask.
Based on grandpa's actions at the ceremony and yesterday, it's hard to believe he would say no to that request.
Surely the man doesn't work 7 days a week. Since he has said he wants to do scouts with his son, why not look for a troop that meets on the day that he is off?
Honestly…I feel SF
Honestly…I feel SF overstepped so far because he knows that dad REALLY wanted to participate but didn’t, so now he is trying to get him involved in his own way. It is the wrong way, lol. But it is probably killing him to see his son treat his son this way.
Ok well bye step dad. No one
Ok well bye step dad. No one told you to pay $500 for anything and expect to be paid back.
So, he handed over his balls
So, he handed over his balls when he went to work for his dad?
My DD26 works for her father in law (as does my son-in-law) but he doens't tell them how to spend their money...
My boss doesn't tell me how to spend my money, does yours??
And the drama grows *yawn*
And the drama grows *yawn*
Next up, SF leaves my girls (his stepkids) to take his son hiking , after he takes back the girl's Easter shoes to help pay for the Scout gear.
I think you mean step
I think you mean step grandkids, and why would he take them?
My mom doesn't do things with my skids, nor do my husband's parents do things for/with my kids :? :? :?
No, the OP's children are
No, the OP's children are stepkids to OP's husband. OP's husband is the stepfather I'm referring to.
OP's husband's stepfather I would call SGPa or SGF. The SF OP' uses as stepfather is her husband's stepdad in her comments... In my reply I'm talking the stepfather aka OP's husband and stepfather (SF) to OP's two children who are not biologically his children,
What else should I call OP's husband when I'm referring to her two girl's relation to husband other than stepfather (SF)
dial it down, I was confused
dial it down, I was confused because OP's DH is a step dad and DH's dad is really his Stepdad.
I am sure you can see why it is muddy...
I think she was referring to
I think she was referring to the OP 's husband.
Oh, I was on the train yesterday when I read your comments about buying lottery tickets. When I got off, I purchased 10 scratch offs and won $175.00
Yes, Disney. OP's children
Yes, Disney. OP's children are stepkids to OP's husband. Therefore he is the SF I'm referring to.
Hmmmm, now that it's been brought up.....hey, OP, what does your girls call your husband?
SHUT UP!!! I think you owe
SHUT UP!!! I think you owe me half
I almost completely agreed
I almost completely agreed with what the stepdad did. He shouldn't have ask for a reimbursement for a gift, though.
It is weird that your dh is willing to go shopping and watch activities for his steroids but don't want to do scouts with his son and use child support as an excuse to not buy his son Easter shoes (like the girls receive). It seems like the girls are the favorite of the family.
Yes stepson ruin his shoes. But unsure what that has to do with not receiving Easter shoes like the rest of the kids in your family.
Your dh needs to start looking for another job if he doesn't want to be control by his stepdad. He is putting himself in a vulnerable position.
They have a one activity
They have a one activity rule, with that activity chosen by the parents. OP has indicated this is enforced with the girls as well as SS. You may not agree with it, but you don't have the right to demand exceptions be made. Neither does SF.
THIS!!!! No one has to agree
No one has to agree or like OP and her DH's "one activity" rule, but that is the decision that THEY made and DH's SF has no business running it over...
Paw paw is an ass-ass. If I
Paw paw is an ass-ass.
If I were in this situation I would probably have a talk with SF and tell him I appreciate your heart is trying to do something good but you don't have the full picture. No, you did not raise a deadbeat and you should know it. What you did raise is a man and here I am telling you man to man this is my house and my affairs and my son. I will set the rules and I will protect those rules. Perhaps it's an excellent idea that we all do our own thing for Easter and give ourselves some time to cool off. Because I love you and admire you tremendously. But right now I am really insulted that you feel you can judge me to be a bad person when you have no idea what has gone on between me and boy's mother and the process I have gone through to get to these decisions in the best interests of MY son. I would have thought you would have some faith in me but for some unknown reason you have decided to have more trust and faith in a woman you can't possibly know as well as I do. Again, dad, I appreciate your heart is good. I can't for the life of me think why you think mine is not.
Goblin, why is the sf this ignorant about step-dynamics? Was your dh's bio father dead or otherwise completely absent? Does SF have a glorified view of womanhood, they are all innocent beauties needing menfolk to throw roses in their poor little paths?
The kid should get new Easter
The kid should get new Easter shoes if other kids in his family was getting it. Right in front of him.
Is the kid only his kid when he sees them. Does the dh not buy Christmas gifts for his kid when it isn't his year to have them. Not buying your own kid Easter shoes just because he won't see him on Easter is pathetic. The girls are obviously the favorites in the family. And I'm sure the stepdad sees it that way as well.
Child support argument is a cop out on this situation. The op cannot pick and choose when the kids in her family are equal. So dh cannot pay for two activities because the girls will missed out. But the girls can get new special occasion shoes while his son missed out.
This isn't the first time he
This isn't the first time he has ruined shoes. This time the hole is on the top and his shoes are still usable.
Oh Jesus here we go with the
Oh Jesus here we go with the shoes again. Why isn't BM on the hook to buy him damn Easter shoes SINCE HE IS GOING TO BE WITH HER ON EASTER? Does Dad have to pay for EVERYTHING to prove he's a good dad? And how much do you really think a ten year old boy cares about some freaking EASTER SHOES? Most boys that age doesn't want to dress up in fancy shoes and clothes that they can't play in or get dirty. Good grief, enough with the damn shoes, it's not the end of the world that the girls got Easter shoes and he didn't. If he needs them so bad, BM can buy them. She's somehow elevated to sainthood in this thread by some , with no financial responsibility for her own son and the choices she is making!
The dh doesn't have to (and
The dh doesn't have to (and obviously chooses not to) pay for everything for his son. I think the ten year old does care about the shoes. Because he mention to his stepdad about his stepsisters getting new Easter shoes while he did not. The boy obviously thinks his dad is picking favorites (though I personally do not think the dh is picking favorites).
Getting new Easter shoes for the kids seems like a tradition of the dh and the dh family. So unsure what that have to do with the bm.
Either all the kids are treated equally, meaning they all should have new Easter shoes. Or they could be treated differently and let dh pay for two activities for his son. The op said it wouldn't be fair to her daughters if stepson receive two activities that is financially paid for by the dh. But I fail to see how it is fair to give all of op kids special new shoes and not the stepson. And that is probably how the dh's stepdad sees it as well.
"Either all the kids are
"Either all the kids are treated equally, meaning they all should have new Easter shoes"
I agree. Paw paw should now spend $500 each on the girls. Let's treat them all equally.
(No subject)
Paw Paw very likely would if
Paw Paw very likely would if he'd been approached and asked to. He'd likely pay for all three kids to do karate also.
The man doesn't seem to be as all hung-up on stepfamilies and which kid belongs to who as the members here are. I'd bet Paw Paw would splurge to pay for gymnastics for the girls too.
You'd be surprised what grandparents and stepgrandparents are quite willing and happy to help with.
***from a grandma who has both grandchildren and stepgrandchildren
Yes paw paw considers my
Yes paw paw considers my girls his grand daughters and would gladly pay for their activities.
Love it! And, geez, to some
Love it!
And, geez, to some of the posters here attacking Goblin and her husband, I guess Goblin should leave her husband this minute and give him back to BM. What were they thinking, trying to move on with their lives as single people? Her dh should buy a house next door to BM so he can be available at a moment's notice to fix her water heater, hand out cash, and open pickle jars. He can retreat to his own empty house when bm is sick of him/doesn't need him in that moment and wait quietly like a good boy for her next summons. If he's ever in the shower when she calls she can send paw paw over there to beat his ass for not picking up in time.
It's not fraud and it's
It's not fraud and it's certainly not shameful.
there is nothing that prevents a payor from making advance payments.
actually, it IS the case
actually, it IS the case under the laws of most states. Don't assume that your state it typical - it isn't.
WRONG - that's not true.
WRONG - that's not true. Most states use the income shares model.
it's not a straight
it's not a straight computation, it's actually a very complicated formula that takes into account the number of overnights each parent has. The more overnights the NCP has, the less $ the CP gets.
Just admit you don't know what the hell you're talking about and be done, please.
obviously numbers go into the
obviously numbers go into the calculator, but lots of those numbers are variables and not at all related to income.
Why do say if you're single you only need one bedroom but a kid adds the need for an additional bedroom for they payee? Same thing exists for the payor, does it not?
And, lots of kids don't grow up in a house where there is a bedroom for every kid. Hell, some kids sleep on the pull out while mom takes the bedroom or vice versa.
It's hard to pursue child support when you have no idea where someone is.
HR - you seem to be the only
HR - you seem to be the only one who is confused.
Cost of one boy scout shirt
Cost of one boy scout shirt complete with sew on basic troop patches = $37
BM pay 1/2, Dad pay 1/2...Grandpa eats the rest as a lovely gift to his grandson. Shirt is really only the most important essential to participating.
Troops here find local business sponsors to fund the basic shirt set-up. Perhaps Paw Paw would like to sponsor a couple additional shirts in the future thru his locally owned business so no other young boy has an evening like this boy did. Hell, maybe Paw Paw's business friends would chip in and sponsor local youth baseball teams so all local kids have a affordable activity.
I'm torn on this one. I have
I'm torn on this one.
I have always purchased whatever my children needed, regardless of their father's irresponsibility. So, I likely would have purchased the shirt in the first place. Just as I would be involved in my child's activity, whether it was on my time or not, so I would know the schedule of events.
That said, I think it's important why you allow only one activity per child. Maybe it's time to reevaluate that. Maybe not. Only you and your husband can decide that. But, it's obvious one child already has a second activity, whether on Dad's time or not.
No matter how you decide to proceed, though, your husband needs to talk to his dad as an adult father, not as a child. I get where his dad is coming from. I wouldn't be happy with my child either. But, your husband needs to explain his reasoning/decision. "Dad, we have decided as a family that the kids will only be allowed one activity each. That is all we can afford. If I pay for and am involved in Boy Scouts, then son will not be able to participate in karate." Or, you and your husband can agree to two activities for each kid.
Sorry for not answering I am
Sorry for not answering I am in and out of meetings. Let me answer some of what was posted. Dh works 8 to 5 as a normal schedule but when things get busy he stays and finishes what he needs to. Dh doesn't answer to his step dad at work regarding leave time. His job is on the other side of town and dh is in charge and can leave when he wants but he still has work to finish and things he is responsible for or fires to put out. Things come up and he has to stay. My dd's are 8 and 9 and yes they call dh dad. Yes I work and I make an okay salary. My girls are not treated special or as the favorites. We don't typically dress up except Easter when we go to dh's family Easter where everyone is expected to be dressed to the hilt. SS won't be going so he won't need fancy clothes or shoes since that is typically the only time we wear them. We would love to bring him with us but it is bms year. He wore last years Easter suit once and we had to replace it at Christmas since he grew. If he needs them for an event on our time we will buy them then. Ss is not excluded or treated badly. Dh loves his son.
Edit to say and Christmas. We dress up at Christmas.
Their dad took off after my
Their dad took off after my youngest was born and I have no idea where he is. I keep in contact with his mom and she sees them when she wants. I'm sure everyone treats their own kids better which means if I do than so does dh with ss. Stepdad has accepted my girls and been a paw paw to them since dh and I met. His dad has never done or said anything like this before. This is really out of left field for him.
How can complain about your
How can complain about your husband spends on his kid when you aren't receiving CS for your two?
(No subject)
I think you guys are just
I think you guys are just trying to argue. It isn't the money. It's rules we set and we are keeping bm from taking advantage of us. Dh and I have a joint account and I always make sure ss is treated fairly. You act like I hate my ss or that I don't want him here. It isn't like that at all.
Your SS has 2 involved
Your SS has 2 involved parents in his life. Your daughters only have one.
It's only natural that they will likely end up with less than the boy. Not wanting your SS have more stuff (in this case activities) doesn't mean you hate him and don't want him around.
It simply means as a mother, you are doing all you can to protect your daughters from being treated "unfairly"
I'm not interested in
I'm not interested in explaining all of this and getting into it. You can't help me with this but thanks for trying.
You can divorce a missing
You can divorce a missing spouse. My niece did it. There's a legal process that must be followed - part of it involved publishing in the newspaper for several weeks.
Yes, you can file for CS, but
Yes, you can file for CS, but it doesn't mean the missing parent will be found or have a job that's on the books. My niece's ex has only held jobs that paid under the table. He has never paid a penny in CS.
I did not see where OP posted if her ex does or does not pay CS. I know 2 men who paid CS and never saw/spoke to their children.
I don't know so will not
I don't know so will not speculate. We only know part of the story. My niece spent almost 10K trying to track down her ex and hold him accountable. He used throwaway phones to contact his family. IF they know where he is, they're not telling.
Oh I see. That makes sense
Oh I see. That makes sense than to not buy your step son special shoes if he wasn't going on the trip. I thought the shoes were for Easter the holiday in general. I apology for my post. It seems like you and your dh do treat your step son fairly.
The stepfather needs to butt out. He is free to give advice. But he is being controlling in this situation. Even if the stepfather was 100% right. Your dh cannot let his stepfather emotionally manipulate him. Because when will it end? He should look for a new job. Working with family is fine, but not if the family is telling you how to spend your money.
Are your daughters dad involve in their life?
Could your dh do scouts-like activities like camping and hiking. So that he can achieve the father-son bonding. And it will not be on bm schedule. The stepdad can even join in. As just a guys thing.
Unless one of your daughters really wants to go camping. That could work.
This is really starting to
This is really starting to sound kind of NUNYAish
the drama, the her two vs his
the drama, the her two vs his son.
A bit blackhole-ish too with perhaps an edge of extreme like Ram.
Nunya also came back several
Nunya also came back several times as a loving SM, but would slip upnafter a bit.
The hate may not be there, but the solo SK, 2 perfect bio daughters with a MIA dad, a new husband AND inlaws who treat SMs kids as their own are all similar.
My first thought is that
My first thought is that scouting is a fantastic organization for boys and teaches them so many great skills and values. My youngest stepson is going to be 17 in May and has been very involved in scouting and is working at scouting camp again this summer. I am so proud of him. It breaks my heart that my own bio tried it and had no interest.
I get we all have rules and if it was any other activity my response would be different. My ex and his ex wife had the 1 activitity rule too but it went by the wayside with scouting and church. My ex did not pay for any extras or activities BM always did, she did most of the running around and I helped out schleping them to baseball and making sure they were fed and ready.
I think your husband needs to have a heart to heart with SD about the situation and talk about how it all makes him feel and why.
To you, I would stay out of it and let your husband deal with his family and just support him.
One activity. Seems like a
One activity.
Seems like a plan to me. It's the same deal my kids got (and I was still married to their father at the time). The week has a finite amount of time. There's school and homework. Free time shouldn't be completely filled with activities. Both kids and parents need down time.
Activity wise SS does better than the girls. Girls live with OP and get one activity. SS lives with BM and gets one activity with dad and many activities with BM as BM wants to provide.
"...I suggest he go to work
"...I suggest he go to work for another company."
Period. Dot.
You know, many of us do
You know, many of us do provide extras for skids in the form of time, services, and expenditure even though we have the skids 50/50 or more AND pay substantial child support.
I never thought this family's issue was about the money. It was about the boundary. A boundary with bm and a boundary with ss. SS, you have two houses. Deal with your mother's stuff at your mother's house. BM, do not manipulate me through my child. Handle your own money management and handle your own time scheduling.
My own dh bought a house over 20 miles away from bm when they divorced for this very reason. He knew she would be all up in his grill for every damn thing if he didn't make it inconvenient for her. Even so, she still hit him up for tons of crap. Within days of our wedding she actually said to him "you seem to be less available than you were." Because, yeah, she still expected another woman's husband to come be her errand boy, handyman, extra wallet, you name it. Even on his honeymoon.
I also have other people in my life who are like this, including some relatives. I even pay all the veterinary and many other expenses for BM's dog (purchased long after their divorce) because she neglects him and I can't stand that. Drawing a boundary-which we do-and paying more money than is fair-which we/I also do-are not the same thing. Not at all.
So I have no trouble believing OP and her dh needed to set a firm boundary with this woman for their own sanity. At the same time I know that this Dad will do what and when he can for his boy to be raised properly. In this case Dad was utterly sandbagged. There was nothing innocent about it.
Then BM cast her web and caught Paw paw. BM: 100 all other players get zero and dh in particular goes in the hole.
I also have to say so what if this man (dad) plays a substantial dad role for these 2 girls? Isn't that the family tradition set by PawPaw? SS has 2 bedrooms, 2 yards, 2 houses, 2 activities, 2 sets of toys, and 2 1/2 parents. The girls only have the 2 parents and the one house, etc. They don't even know who their dad is. That is huge and ss has a massive advantage on that one.
The bottom line is this was never about money or "games." It was about two adults trying to run their own home and set boundaries and getting attacked on all sides.
It's official, Chief. You are
It's official, Chief. You are my girl crush for the day.
BioHo knows no boundaries, either. Last week she called DH asking him to come and fix her facking washer. SMDH
Why, thank you, pretty
Why, thank you, pretty lady!
I have never called my ex-husband for anything ever. Not once. Oh, that's right, I'm not a blood-sucking parasite who will never let go of the host animal. Different genus altogether.
I wouldn't call my exh if I
I wouldn't call my exh if I received a check in both our names for $1000!
When DH and 'Ho first split, she called him constantly about EVERYTHING under the bloody sun. Appliances, vehicles, gardening... you name it, 'Ho called. Including taking the skids on non-skid weekends so she could con him into brat-sitting her youngest, Spawn10.
That all came to a screeching halt when I came into the picture. DH was too busy on non-skid weekends to assist. I am evil.
I learned how to dry wall
I learned how to dry wall because the Things and a neighbor kid took the kiddie pool cues and rammed them into the walls and ceiling, spelling out their names.
Would it have EVER occurred to me to call Asshat?
Nope - hell, I didn't even call my dad or my brother. I taught MYSELF how to do it.
Because I am a lot of things, but damsel in distress ain't one of them.
Yes, Chief, all along,
Yes, Chief, all along, throughout the scout ceremony and all the ensuing drama, I always felt it was about the boundaries. It is a delicate balance with the relationship OP's DH has with Step Paw Paw, and all the rest.
It seems like both men are about "the principal of the thing", and add in a SS who just really wants to be in activities he likes, and knows how to get what he wants, and then add the BM who is out to prove that the dad is a deadbeat POS at every opportunity. It is a murky stinky cauldron.
I have a high-conflict BM. She is out to always prove that SO is a bad father, but her words and snide comments really do not hold water. SO does what he can - he provides clothing for back-to-school, he will buy food for special snowflake SD18, when BM doesn't have what she wants, he will buy what they need, and also provides entertainment! He provides and provides and provides. She will text SO "so what about this and that, can we have/borrow?" because she feels that's what she deserves. I finally put my foot down and told him "tell her no, please". He figures, well we aren't using it right now, why not. I tell him he must cut the cord.
I think that SO is such a generous man, and he excuses it thinking that somehow helping the BM will somehow help his children.
OP's DH decided not to
OP's DH decided not to participate in scouts, as it was BM's doing. OP's DH decided not to buy the shirt because, again, scouts was BM's doing.
You are reaching, blaming everything on the OP. These were her DH's decisions.
HR blames EVERYTHING on the
HR blames EVERYTHING on the SM. BMs can do no wrong in her eyes.
She never said anything about
She never said anything about resenting when that guy gives extra for his kid.
she said she and her husband have rules in their house and asshat SF walks all over them.
Oh, and it's not up to ANYONE to tell dude how to spend his money.
It's also not up to SF to set any boundaries for someone else's kid, grand son or not.
and also that a stepfather
and also that a stepfather should support his grandchild, but god forbid a stepfather spend one dime on his stepson.
Sheesh...somebody's Premarin has run out.
Why does it matter what the
Why does it matter what the man gets paid when his child support is based on what he gets paid? Are you still egging on that the DH should pay for activities he didn't sign up for or approve of just because BM is a loser and can't use $20 of her CS to get her child a shirt for the activity she decided he would be in???
It doesnt matter if step dad
It doesnt matter if step dad has been generous, the DH gives a portion of step dads generosity in the form of child support. OP's DH is a grown man and can decide what he spends his money on. The divorce was between DH and ex wife NOT step dad, BM and DH.
What is it with you and "over
What is it with you and "over market"?
The CS is based in DH pay so if he is making more than he should then the CS is higher.
If step dad is paying more to
If step dad is paying more to DH than he is worth and DH can't find another job making the same money then looks like CS is coming down if he does get a new job. BUT what does this have to do with the price of rice in China? You are saying SF is the BOSS of DH's money, and can judge and determine what he spends his paycheck on?
It doesnt matter if step dad
It doesnt matter if step dad has been generous, the DH gives a portion of step dads generosity in the form of child support. OP's DH is a grown man and can decide what he spends his money on. The divorce was between DH and ex wife NOT step dad, BM and DH.
Many people that are self
Many people that are self empolyed can say that exact same thing.
It would be incredibly
It would be incredibly unethical (and perhaps illegal) for the stepfather to fire his stepson over this. You're just being insane now.
I hope to goddess that you don't ever have the power to fire anyone. You'd be incredibly unfair and unethical, based on what you've said here.
Who said its a family
Who said its a family business? The OP said its a multi-million dollar company that the SD owns that employs her DH. It doesn't sound like some mom and pop shop with ten employees operating out of someone's home or something. A corporation has to follow laws regardless of who owns it and who them employ.
And there you go assuming again, that the DH in this scenario was promoted above someone else. There has been NOTHING in this thread to indicate such. I really don't know where you're getting all of these ideas. Well, I do, but it's not polite to say.
"What law do you think
"What law do you think protects someone from being fired?"
The "law" of Mom in this case. You fire my kid, and I'll make you and our company a living h*ll.
What Paw Paw may take away, Mommy will have restored by the end of the day.
Paw Paw is having a mantrum because Jr publicly embarrassed Paw Paw and Paw Paw's name over a lousy $37 scout shirt. SGS and Paw Paw have been publically shamed.
Paw Paw deliberately went and purchased absolutely any and every item a boy scout walking merchandise ad could fit on it. Why? Because his pride and what he stands as in the community took a bruising. The Old Goat isn't going to fire his kid (not if he wants a wife by his side this evening) and he isn't going to lock the screen door at Easter dinner....Mommy has much more control than Paw Paw has. A couple nights on the sofa will cure old Paw Paw.
Paw Paw is attempting a point making tactic....pretty much like the agenda behind The Boy Scout Shirt Saga blogs.
I attempted to read all the
I attempted to read all the replies. For some reason this topic ticked me off. DH seems to be surrounded by a bunch of anal, retentive control freaks. No wonder he looks sad all the time. DW, DFIL and former wife seem to be issuing conflicting orders. How about DH and SS go to scouts together and DW, DFIL and former wife be supportive of this activity, rather than bashing DH. Kids grow up really quickly and this could great for DH and his son. How about everyone support him, rather than calling him out on rules, calling him names or going behind his back and dragging other people into this entirely unnecessary drama. Save the high drama for real problems, and this is not one of them. Where is granny? Her input would be enlightening.
Right now at 302 post, 66 of
Right now at 302 post, 66 of them are yours. That's what? 22% of all replies.
HR, you are crazy to think
HR, you are crazy to think the op's DH working for the stepdad has any bearing on any of this! Somehow in your twisted mind, SD being the boss=SD can tell his SS what to do with his money and time. That makes so little sense that I can't even wrap my head around it. In what world do you live that someone being paid for a job makes them some kind of slave, relative or not? I'm assuming that the op's DH actually performs a job function in order to be paid. He is not some charity case being paid to sit on his ass. So that does not give his stepfather any more right to dictate how his SS spends his money than any other employee who is not his stepson. You're being so ridiculous.
You have assumed a LOT in this thread. I never read anywhere that the op and her DH force the SS to do karate. Or that it's because her girls do it. In fact, I read that the SS loves karate. And you assume the grandfather wants the SS to do team sports, which has never been mentioned, nor has it been mentioned that the SS wants to do team sports.
Oh, my gosh, what an
Oh, my gosh, what an excellent point! If this stepfather had been a stepmother instead s/he would have no defenders here whatsoever. Not a single one.
Come to think of it, I'm a stepmother and I have spent quite a bit on ss and on bm's dog in particular. I think I'll march over to bm's -- or better yet to bm's dad -- and demand reimbursement. Anybody a fan of that? Gonna cheer me on?
Yeah, I didn't think so. The money I spent was a gift. Period. Dot. As is said around here.
Not only that, I do not buy things for kids their parents have already specifically said no to. Not my own nieces, nephews, or other kids in my life. This is simply not hard to understand.
No, the SF DOES NOT have the
No, the SF DOES NOT have the right! His stepson is an employee like any other, and the fact that his SF signs his paycheck doesn't give him any more power over his SS than my boss has over me! How can you not get that through your head?
I think DH messed it all up
I think DH messed it all up by telling his kid he won't buy extras because he pays CS. You don't tell this to a 10-year-old.
Also it's a concern if DH so destitute that he cannot buy a freaking shirt. Since Your DDs get no CS at all, does he contribute to supporting them? Is that why he has nothing left? Why is he working for family? Can he not get a nice job somewhere else?
He only has one child and simple thing like a shirt is too much? Really? Does he make minimum wages?
You have obviously missed the
You have obviously missed the entire point of the original post. It's not about money, it's about boundaries with the BM.
As parents we should love
As parents we should love kids more than hate exes. Kid is 10. If I can't afford something I tell DD I don't have money for it. Dads logic is wrong. It's a shirt. Kid doesn't ask for a car.
Dad puts his kid in a middle of his squabbles with his ex. Wrong move
How would it sound if OP told her kids they can't have things because their dad doesn't pay cs and is a dead beat? You just don't do this to your kids.
Regional managers make good
Regional managers make good money. Maybe that's why stepdad is Pissed and asks for reimbursement. He knows what this guy makes. Enough to buy a shirt