Why wont she eat!!
So my 1 and 1/2 year old who eats everything in sight suddenly quit eating. Yes ive read all about the food power struggle and how its normal. And for most babies i can see how thats normal to go threw the phases but i just didnt expect it from her. She was passionate about food while she was still in my Tummy.
This is a baby who at 3 months was licking cheetos hot fries off my fingers. And she has loved spicy foods the whole time. She refused taco meat until i put fire hot sauce on it then thats all she wanted. She loves to eat. And she loves flavor. We live in the south so its common to eat spicy here. Its in her blood. So im very concerned that she just quit eating everything. The dr said try vitamins or protein shakes. She refuses that too. She doesnt like gummy anything. I got very yummy stawberry protein shakes and added hersheys strawberry syrup to sweetn it up more and nope. She only wants apple juice and grape koolaid. No others drinks and she only wants to eat a few cheeto puffs and pringles. She wont eat anything new or her favorite stuff. Im going on My second week of trying to get this kid to eat. She use to love spinach dip but last night i made it and its the first time she refused to eat it and i was shocked. That was a sure thing she never passes up.
- Ravenhead's blog
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Being from Louisiana I know
Being from Louisiana I know all about the Spicy life. When I was pregnant Skyhawks BS all I wanted was crawfish and now that's he's about to be two, it's easily his favorite food besides French fries. BS isn't picky either. He eats anything and everything we put in front of him and even more than I eat. Have you considered it might not be a power struggle but that she might just genuinely not have an appetite? DH's nephew eats like a bird. He turned 4 yesterday and can still fit in 18m shorts. He's just not hungry. When BS was sick I stocked up on Pedialite in all flavors to help keep him hydrated and vitamins. You can also try taking vitamins in front of her and dramatically telling her how awesome they make you feel to see if she'll take the bait and take her own.
Im gona get more pedialyte.
Im gona get more pedialyte. She had to drink that as a baby cuz she had bad reflux issue but she loved pedialight
Thanks for reminding me that it exists cuz I forgot lol
And i live in Louisiana too.
Yeh they said try and stop
Yeh they said try and stop spicy food. So i did. And they gave me a medicine to give her but she throws it up. I told them she throws it up and they said keep trying. Im like noooo im not giving her something knowing that it makes her vomit. They must be crazy
Thank. Yeh ive been trying to
Thank. Yeh ive been trying to not let her see my concern. I only let my husband see that lol
I give her a platter of stuff to choose from everday and just hope she picks anything. I lay out fruits veggies chips treats she never turns down cheese but too much of that is bad. She loves cheese.
You may be on to something.
You may be on to something. She doesnt have those yet but she has been drooling like a saint bernard lately. Literally leaving a trail of drool everywhere.
Both of my 2 yo are doing the
Both of my 2 yo are doing the exact same thing. They have been amazing eaters since we started them on solids.
Now? Fruit is the only thing i can always get them to eat. And tomato. Normal "kid" food they refuse. No cut up pizza, no nuggets.
Tonight was pulled chicken and broccoli. One ate some broccoli then asked for yogurt. They had some yogurt and that was it.
Does she drink a lot of milk? My boys do and we stepped back from giving them milk always at the suggestion of their dr. But the dr also somewhat insinuated that they just do not like my cooking at their 2 year appointment sooo yeah. Lol
I have always put seasoning in my food. And alot of it. I started trying plain and still. Finkey eaters.
Every few days they will devour their lunch or dinner but they like to graze eat more then solid meals. Both are tall and are great weights.
She refuses milk. Ive tried
She refuses milk. Ive tried chocolates strawberry and vanilla milk and regular plain milk. If it isnt apple juice or koolaid she spits it out. I cant get her to drink other juices. Not even v8
If she hasn't lost
If she hasn't lost significant weight, then it might be one of two things. 1 - growth spurt. Both BS4 and BS2 went through periods where they barely ate anything, only to start gobbling down everything they could reach. Just after the non-eating cycle ended I would discover their pants were too short. Both are incredibly healthy, with BS2 in the 99% percentile for height and at perfect BMI despite having just come off a non-eating cycle. (Just turned 2 this month, he wears 3T clothing and size 8 shoes. Doc says he has feet the size of a 4yo.) I'd asked his pediatrician about the times when he wouldn't eat, and he told me that I should only worry if BS started losing weight.
2. New taste preferences. All 4 kids have changed food preferences, sometimes almost overnight. BS4 used to steal my guacamole every time we had it when he was younger. At 2.5-ish he suddenly decided avocado was "di-gusting mommy!" Until last week he hadn't touched it. Then we happened to be at a mexican restaurant last week and BS4 cleaned out the table guacamole and asked for more. :? Kids are weird, that's all I can say.
Thank you. All of this has
Thank you. All of this has put my mind at ease a little. And no shes not losing weight. Shes actually growing like a weed. She is out growing all of her pants. i just thought it was crazy how over night she quit eating. But im pretty sure she is teething badly.
Popsicles are great for
Popsicles are great for teething. Fluids and ice on the sore spots.
Also frozen waffles or waffle-sticks. My friend swore by them when her kids were teething. Food and ice in one delicious package. 
Im gona try that tomorrow
Im gona try that tomorrow thank you so much
Yep. Im just gona let her do
Yep. Im just gona let her do her toddler thing. It cant last forever
This too shall pass
DD went through a bit of a
DD went through a bit of a food strike when her two year molars started coming in. Otherwise, I understand having a little who loves spicy foods. DD 2 loves curry. Thai or Indian but either way it needs to have some heat.
Ive always wanted to try
Ive always wanted to try indian food. They dont really have that around here. But i love spicy foods so ill always try new things
posters might be onto
posters might be onto something regarding the teething lol.... it hurts more cutting through the jaw bone then the gums, that's why she's drawling probably....
but yes, she will eat when she's hungry, I would lay off dairy and spicey food cause the next thing is the teething diaper..... feed her vanilla ice cream if you have to, make ice cream with protein shake mix in it...
you know the kid is 18 months
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: you know the kid is 18 months old...
yup picked that up a while
yup picked that up a while ago
My 2 year old is similar. He
My 2 year old is similar. He ate everything I made him as a baby. He also liked spicier foods (my other 2 don't) so I would give him that. At around 10 months he stopped drinking milk. He drinks water all day long. He actually won't drink anything other than water, but he also is the child with the least constipation issues in my house, so there's something to say for drinking lots of water. He goes through spurts where he only eats one thing. He stopped eating fruit as well. It drives me crazy. He'll go weeks where he only wants dry cereal. Then he'll ask for chicken nuggets all day long. If I give him vitamins, he screams his head off because he wants more than just one or two.
My son is also in the 99% for height, and 90% for weight. He's the "short" one of my kids. I keep offering him foods that his brothers and I eat, and hope he'll come around. It's SO frustrating!!
I try to give him one healthy thing and the refuse to give him snacks, but at his age it's very hard. It's much easier to tell 4 and 5 year olds no if they don't eat their dinner, they can't have any snacks.
I've made fruit slush for
I've made fruit slush for Deigma when he started with this .... not eating fruit anymore, well fruit slush was his favorite especially in summer time
well it least now you know if
well it least now you know if BabyFace stops eating it's the teeth lol
Whatever happen to chat
Whatever happen to chat rooms. They were so much simpler than this weird blogging crap