BM's latest texts to DH
BM is usually blocked but with our cell carrier the blocks "expire" after 90 days. I am now setting up my calendar to make sure she is blocked every 90 days.
Here are the exact texts (there 5 of them)
Why r u not responding to YSD's txt... she ask if u want to go to her graduation, and u never replied..what the fuck..I know u r a piece is dog shit, but really. U r the worst father ever and I really wish u dead..u suck as a dad.. I really hate u with a passion. Now u will have your little bitch respond to me, and I'll be blocked. Because u r not a man and most definitely not a father..
DH didn't respond to her at all. She's blocked again.
We have no idea what what she is even talking about... about not responding back to YSD about graduation. YSD text DH the graduation information when she was asking him for $$ for the "fees she needed to graduate". She said "here is my graduation information if you want to come..." Of course he plans on coming... he knew YSD was being passive aggressive and being immature. He didn't feel the need to respond with anything assuring her he was coming. AND they texted later that week with no issues.
Funny thing... anytime she texts DH she ALWAYS mentions me in the last text. Like WTF do I have to do with any of this. I only responded to her ONE time and that is because I had had enough and was tired of her shit and tired of keeping my mouth shut. I think she likes to believe that it's me that makes DH block her number when really DH wants her number blocked.
She's a joke...
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Don't you's always
Don't you's always the SM's fault. Always.
On a more serious note, I think blocking her is the best thing. She sounds unstable.
This x 1000. I allegedly am
This x 1000. I allegedly am the reason my husband cut of his step son. I have that much influence over my husband!! As an aside I was horrified when he did it. I quite liked the kid.
Right! She used to have so
She used to have so much control over DH and it kills her that he no longer does what she says. Even though they have been divorced for over 7 years and separated for even longer then that.
I can't imagine having that
I can't imagine having that much hate and holding on to that every day. No wonder she is such a miserable person.
Zero you are such a bad bad
Zero you are such a bad bad woman...
Didn't you know the day you married DH was the day you had to write off your whole family and kill your own bio's, you had to sign over your pay check to skids and BM.....
pfft just ignore the woman, as hard as it might be lol, I would not be able to leave the phone alone and not text her back.... BM why are you still texting me, you know I took my balls back from your purse and handed it over to Zero....
Ha Ha... Oh I really wanted
Ha Ha... Oh I really wanted to tell her like it is... but I know it's not worth it because she will never get it that she is the reason there are so many issues and she is the reason she is so unhappy and she is the reason that DH has no choice but to block her.
No because he has had the
No because he has had the same number for so long and has a ton of business contacts. I will just have to remember to keep blocking her number every 90 days.
I just don't get why she
I just don't get why she feels the need to meddle in DH's relationship with his grown (YSD is almost 18) kids. If the skid has a problem, they can take it to DH.
And this is a good example of why I don't really like YSD. She is such a shit stirrer. I'm sure she went crying to BM about how DH didn't respond like she wanted him to. Majority of these texts are what DH did wrong as a father per the skid.
Some people need the drama
Some people need the drama and have so much hate in them. It doesn't just affect their step relationships but spills forth into all others. Just keep blocking that phone.
Agree. OSD is exactly like
Agree. OSD is exactly like that too. (I will try to post about that later)
*twitch, twitch* what is she,
*twitch, twitch*
what is she, like 14? jeez. "u suck as a dad" - that's profound, right there.....
Right! At least come up with
Right! At least come up with something that is a bit more adult. Ooohhhh she told him!
Trashy indeed. But it does
Trashy indeed. But it does explain a lot about the SDs.
They are just like BM...
They are just like BM...
If only...
If only... }:)
It's hard to imagine why he
It's hard to imagine why he divorced that little peach.
I find it amusing that women who have done everything possible to interfere in the father/child relationship resort to, "You are the worst father, you suck as a dad."
She hates him with a passion? Maybe if she focused that passion on something constructive, her and her kids wouldn't be such losers.
Her first focus of passion
Her first focus of passion should be on spelling.... or texting like an adult 101. Drives me nuts when I see stuff like that.
Adult 101 Ha Ha
Adult 101 Ha Ha
Exactly. She has done
Exactly. She has done everything to make sure that he is "a piece of shit father"
She has made having a relationship with his children so difficult. She should really look in the mirror when talking about piece of shit parents.
I swear, they are all cut
I swear, they are all cut from the same cloth. I have told BM, DH is a big boy, I don't tell him who he can and can't talk to. If he doesn't respond to you it's because HE DIDN'T WANT TO. If I had that much control over him, I'd use my powers for something much more exciting. LOL
I think she's a little
I think she's a little jealous thinking that I have all the power over DH and she had none
Too bad she doesn't realize that DH is a man and he does what he wants. Sorry BM it's all DH... he doesn't want to talk to you.
Well that's just it... DH
Well that's just it... DH does what he wants, but a lot of times he does what he knows will make me happy because HE WANTS TO. BM never got that from him.
OMG - these are the exact
OMG - these are the exact same texts DH used to get from Medusa - clearly there is a whole book out there for psycho BMs called "how 2 text ur x husband." Ugh....
*twitch* *shudder*
brings back so many memories.
Such trash... Honestly she
Such trash...
Honestly she makes it too easy for us to laugh at her.
I know, right? It's just so
I know, right? It's just so easy, and they don't even get that part
The only time I responded to
The only time I responded to any of her texts to DH was when she started texting DH after MSD and I got into the fight where MSD tried to push me down the stairs.
As I am texting her, she texts DH something to the fact "Oh you have your bitch texting me now. You ran to her about me texting you"
So I basically told her "Of course he tells me anytime you text. We read your texts and laugh and laugh and then we block you. "
I responded whenever Medusa
I responded whenever Medusa emailed me - she never had my cell number.
My response were (not) surprisingly similar to yours. My favorite was in response to an email where she accused me of controlling DH - "of course I show them to him. We are a team, and we don't keep secrets from each other. You know, the total opposite of YOU. Plus, it gives us some really good laughs - I am going to write a book one day filled with your stupidity. Nite nite!"
LOL. That sounds soooo
LOL. That sounds soooo familiar. Our Bm does the same sort of shorthand texting. Icky doogie. When I text, I like to spell correctly, and use proper punctuation. But that's me...!
Oof. She sounds like she's
Oof. She sounds like she's not playing with a full deck. I mean, who in their right mind would document their crazy sending texts like this. :O
She probably thinks she
She probably thinks she sounds tough. She's a hot mess. Embarrassing that my DH was with her and had 4 kids with her.
Zero - my SO was with crazy
Zero - my SO was with crazy a$$hole Bm for 20 years! And 2 children! I shake my head over it, all the time. She texts like yours too, especially when he responds with "I will pray for you".
That really gets BM riled up!!!!! When she drinks it gets worse.
That might be our next
That might be our next response...
Ohhh I am so tempted to text her "Hi. Saw what you text DH. Just want you to know we are praying for you."
YES! That will incite more
YES! That will incite more passion of course. And more Eff words in bad shorthand.
LOL> }:)
LOL Zero, BM used to text
Zero, BM used to text crass stuff to DH too. She also "found god" THEN "got right with god" (in regards to her habitually cheating on him while married) to going back to wishing death upon him various ways a week later. :O
Who in their right mind?
Who in their right mind? Medusa, for one. DH used every single one of her foul and disgusting texts and emails she sent to both of us - she even had to read some of the more disturbing ones into the record during one proceeding.
She told the judge she "wasn't comfortable" reading them out loud. He told her that if she was comfortable enough to send them, she was comfortable enough to read them in open court
BM thinks so is so tough
BM thinks so is so tough because she's from South Side Chicago!
That's why she talks that way. She once told DH to tell me what street she came from. I told DH "tell her I come from small town Ohio and we used to fight in the corn fields for fun so if she wants to go, let's go!" 
I used to spend my summers at
I used to spend my summers at the corner of 55th and Archer. South side all the way, baby!!
Oh yes, she had to read them
Oh yes, she had to read them outloud.
Let me go into my email archive and see if I can find them for you.
Is there a blocking feature
Is there a blocking feature directly on your mobile phone?
Can't figure it out on DH's.
Can't figure it out on DH's. I just go through the website and block as soon as her texts come through or as soon as I am aware.