Hypothetically Speaking-
YSD ages out in May 2017.
I will be satisfied to just be done with BM.
Although I have spent some time (not a lot) day dreaming about something really great to say to BM the day that CS is done. A big F You!
And I have daydreamed about punching her in the head. LOL.
I would never say anything to her just because I know that it would just cause more drama and the shit storm afterwards wouldn't be worth the zinger.
The best that I have come up with that I seriously contemplated doing was tagging DH on Facebook and saying "Today is the best day ever!" She wouldn't see it as she is blocked. LOL.
So hypothetically speaking... anybody got anything good? Anything they have thought about saying to BM when CS is done, skids turn 18. Anything good that you have said to BM?
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Haha! There has to be a biz
Haha! There has to be a biz opportunity in Bye Bye CS party planning!
Oh the SDs know they aren't
Oh the SDs know they aren't getting anything of mine. Nothing. I'd give it to a homeless person before I'd give any of my jewelry to the SDs. Blah.
I wouldn't leave the skids
I wouldn't leave the skids the lint from DH's bellybutton.
Ha Ha right!
Ha Ha right!
We have a huge 'child support
We have a huge 'child support ends' plan! Selfies of us sent to BM each month of us spending the money on frivolous things! Like vacations, the casino and extravagant gifts lol. It is a day I cannot wait for mwahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
You should get a crown to
You should get a crown to wear for one of the selfies!
My personal fantasy is that
My personal fantasy is that when bs9 turns 18 I get to tell crazy ex that now that our son is 18 I will no longer listen to any of your nasty bull$hit ever again you crazy mother Fer. Never speak to me again.
I still take so much nasty
I still take so much nasty shit from him that I must ignore for the sake of our child ( he does and says nasty stuff about and to me that negatively impacts our child's mental health at times) that I just want to just once tell him off and then walk away. Like I said it is my secret fantasy, probably won't happen. I also watch a lot of ID TV :)... again fantasy not going to happen.
When he gets a little older
When he gets a little older you should be able to do that. Give it a couple of years.
You don't have to say
You don't have to say anything to her. Just plan a great trip for you and husband, then post a ton of pictures once you return.
You could title the pictures "IT FEELS GOOD TO FINALLY BE ABLE TO SPLURGE!!!" or something like that.
Even now compared to her it
Even now compared to her it looks like we are millionaires. It's because we work hard, save money, buy responsibly and enjoy our lives. Just wait until there is that extra $600 a month! Wooooooo!
All the more reason to go on
All the more reason to go on on a great trip next summer.
We are considering getting a
We are considering getting a pool
She likes to swim so that would just burn her up!
Send her a card. Fill it with
Send her a card. Fill it with a pound of glitter. That sh!t gets EVERYwhere and she will be finding pieces of glitter for YEARS. It's been almost 6 years since I wrapped ONE of DH's Christmas gifts in glittery red paper. We STILL find pieces of the stuff.
Just a blank card full of
Just a blank card full of glitter. Does glitter come in black? It would be hilarious. She would never know who it came from or why. Every time she saw a piece of glitter it would remind her of the time she got a random blank card full of glitter and never knew why.
Yes, glitter comes in black.
Yes, glitter comes in black. Google "card full of glitter" and you will find plenty of websites who will do the dirty work for you.
There is black metallic
There is black metallic glitter, but I would also go with silver. I've been toying with the idea of sending it to BioHo for several months now. However, I'm very hesitant to order it from a company and have my name on record. I'd prefer to wait for colder weather so I can wear gloves and pay cash. }:)
I love you, Sally.
I love you, Sally.
Purchase a prepaid Visa card
Purchase a prepaid Visa card with cash from the grocery store. Pay for the glitter envelope with the Visa card using a fake name. LOL.
I'ma kiss you smack on da
I'ma kiss you smack on da mouth!!
I had those fantasies, too,
I had those fantasies, too, but I knew I would never do it, she is simply not worth the energy.
The best thing that my DH did, which spoke volumes, was to refuse to have anything to do with her after CS was done. He told her it would happen but she didn't think he was serious and she called when SD25 was about 21, for some ridiculous thing.
DH said, "I have nothing to say to you." She hung up on him and has never called again. She thought that they would always have that "bond", ya know, and that he would always talk to her, especially if it was about their daughter. Nope.
I don't have to tell BM what she is, her life says it all.
I don't have to tell BM what
I don't have to tell BM what she is, her life says it all.
****** true words right there!
Trust me his
Trust me his life/relationship's speak volumes about his life. He has not spoken to either of the older boys since June. They are good kids who have lost all respect for their dad because of his bad behavior. Very sad.
DH has dreams of going to the
DH has dreams of going to the restaurant where BM2 is a PT waitress and getting seated her section, making her wait on us and then instead of leaving her a tip, leaving her a note telling her to go fuck herself and have a nice life. .
I told him that would NEVER work, because A. she would just refuse to wait on us (get someone else to do it) and B. she might spit in our food and C. I'd throw up before we ever made it to the tip from having to look at her skanky face and listen to her annoying voice during dinner.
Yep, he needs a new dream. I, however would LOVE to say a few choice things to her when she can no longer use the threat of "I'll take you back to court" when she gets her panties in a twist over stupid shit.
I got nothing as far as
I got nothing as far as telling a BM off, but I did sent a text to Asshat when Thing1 and Thing2 turned 18 - "now there is no reason for me to communicate with you - talk to you never"
I know, I know. But he's a dick and I couldn't help myself.
SO wants to get one of those
SO wants to get one of those huge checks made and balloons and go to her house to get a picture with her Publishers Clearinghouse winner style. Except he is the winner because he doesn't have to pay her anymore