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Health Insurance costs

FieryEscape's picture

I am just curious to see how much everyone's health insurance is costing them in 2017.

Mine jumped almost $175 dollars a month. I will now be paying over $600 a month for health and dental insurance for just me.


Acratopotes's picture

2016 - 2300.00 for me and Deigma (+/-164 USD) company pays 70% I pay 30%...

2017 - 3100 (+/- 221.00USD) - still me and Deigma

purpleflipflops's picture

DH's employer did this. I am able to get insurance through my work.

It actually saves us $300/month for doing it that way.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I pay $3600 annually for a medical insurance policy with a $6000 deductible. This does not include dental or vision. DH pays around $2880 annually, with a $4000 deductible.

I am very interested to see what will happen to health care under Trump. In general I am fairly conservative politically, but would like to see a single payor system for health care. US citizens shouldn't have to choose between food or seeing the doctor.