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Are your skids gross?

Superstepper's picture

I usually don't post, I usually only comment on things I can relate to. Not seeking advice so much as need to vent.
I had the day off so I prepared a lovely Shepard's pie for dinner. SS came to the table, observed dinner selection, made a dissatisfied grunt and stumbled back down to the dungeon (our entire basement is his bedroom which is another vent for later). He came back up mid meal to stare into the fridge expecting pity and an offering to cook something else just for him, which never came. He then walked over to the pie and dug his finger through the middle and put a scoop in his mouth.

So I lost my cool. I threw a roll that bounced off his head. DH begins yelling that his behavior is nasty, he's old enough to know better, etc. SS says "I decided to taste it" lies... We have had this many times before. Then dh feels guilty for shaming him back to the basement and starts about how both of us overreacted and he's going to go talk to him. "It's just food!" no it's not dammit! It was completely rude.

I cant eat another bite and I've thrown out the pie. He's gross, doesn't wash his hands after using the toilet and picks the acne on his face constantly. I have seen evidence that wiping himself is still a major hurdle. Who would want to eat after that? He only did it to be a jerk! And cause us to fight. }:)

Btw, this "boy" turns 17 in less than 4 months!


Miss T's picture

Had I not read the incident you recount, I would have said that, Yes, my skid is gross. However, having read what yours did, I would have to say that my skid is merely esthetically unpleasing.

Yours is f@cking gross. Cook separate meals for yourself, let DH cook for this pukeslob and eat the stuff, too, if he doesn't mind it.

Superstepper's picture

Neither skid ever had proper molding. Since he was 7, that I've seen, separate meals were always made to accommodate both children. Not by me, by DH. All the while he used that tired excise "it doesn't do any good to structure them because it's a free for all at BM house."
To me, it shows it's easier to appease rather than parent.
I could use that basement for lots of things but at least he's semi out of the way. By the way, it smells like a mix of hamster waste and the seafood department at the market.

Superstepper's picture

Right on. I've often thought how I would react if these were my bios but honestly, I think I'd be harder on my own children. Hopefully I'd raise them to know better and be afraid to try something this nasty.

mommadukes2015's picture

My SS's new thing is sitting so that the crack of his behind is ON the toilet seat. Guess what happens then?

He has a new chore-he cleans his bathroom 2x per week.

LadyJ's picture

Yes, I once heard mine blow booger rockets in the shower. Gross. By the way she's 14 and female. SO told me his own mother does it too. Seriously WTF?? They landed on the wall too and I made SO clean it as I knew she would half ass it

Tuff Noogies's picture

the boys do this too. it is SO GROSS. thank goodness they have had their own bathroom for the last two years. and dh wonders why i got so pissed when we first moved in and he let kaos shower in OUR bathroom. H3LL NO. besides the booger rockets and loogies, they are young men for crying out loud, he KNOWS what a shower entails at that age...

nope. no way. not in my bathroom.

loveandfitness's picture

I'd say most kids are at least a little gross in general... but that's just plain disgusting. :jawdrop: At 17 too! My LITTLE ones would never even dare. And DH apologized, wow.... did he end up cooking him a separate meal as well??

grace8205's picture

Your DH sounds like mine, who totally lost his balls a long time ago.
I would have thrown out the rest too, how gross and rude.

Monchichi's picture

My SS is like your but younger. I do throw food away and I also don't eat when he is around. Your husband is oblivious as is mine and it's actually not funny even having to say something so they take action.

Acratopotes's picture

That's one of the reasons I dish up for Aergia, SO thinks I'm being nice, I do it to stop her from eating from the dishes cause she's to lazy to get a plate

DaizyDuke's picture

What the actual fuck. That is beyond disgusting and rude and a total prick move. I can't believe your DH defended a millisecond of that!

Since your DH thinks it's not a big deal, and it's "just food" The next time you see SS eating something run your finger through and tell him you just wanted a taste. Better yet, run your fucking toe through it and then kick him in the teeth.

Acratopotes's picture

Think about it this way....

SS hated the dish and he knew it will be left overs for the next day - what else could he do avoiding eating it....
yes he knew OP will have a tantrum and get rid of it...

SS won..... next time, dish out for him and seal the container and put it away....

robin333's picture

Next time DH says it's just food, respond with "it's just sex but you wouldn't waste that or want me to ruin it for you ".

Totalybogus's picture

I would have done what Acratopotes said... and then, that's what he would have eaten for the rest of the week.

thinkthrice's picture

Are your skids gross?

YES!! And they remain so into their early teens to early twenties.

Cover1W's picture

In general, no.
They (recently) manage to look presentable in public.

However, they use a filthy bathroom. Which can run out of TP, clean towels, and soap and no one does anything about it. Both wear dirty underwear and socks regularly and neither can seem to ask or learn how to do laundry at our home (they apparently do so at BMs). Neither one changes their sheets on their own (it's up to DH to do this).

SD10 doesn't bathe enough (maybe 1x per week and she's starting to smell - she's nearing age 11).
Her hair is often a rats nest (she did ask for a hairbrush for xmas so that's progress). SD10 is washing clothes in the sink for some reason. I don't ask.

SD13 wears dirty clothing all the time, gathers dirty dishware in her room along with mold food, throws all dirty clothes, towels, sheets on the floor instead of washing them. I found a used pad in her room recently, on the floor. She also never brushes her teeth - I predict that she's going to have multiple cavities very soon and that her teeth will start rotting in her mouth within the next 12 months and major dental work will have to take place. She's very pretty - but man, just awful hygiene.

So outwardly not gross most of the time. But in reality? Gross.

Cooooookies's picture

My skid still poops himself at the age of 14. Then sits in it...for hours. Then sometimes hides the filth caked underwear around the house.

He wouldn't wash a darn thing on his body or his clothes or him room if we did not absolutely nag him 24/7/365.

I check his room several times per week for any hidden food/wrappers/kitchenware so that we don't have unwanted critters.

He is addicted to porn and banned from any internet while at home. He once did Dog knows what in my room on my bed while watching porn on my tablet before I put passcodes on every piece of electronic internet accessing device.

Is my skid gross?! He absolutely disgusts me!

TwoOfUs's picture

Utterly disgusting & inappropriate.

Not surprising though...nor is your DH's reaction.

Two similar tales, both involving SD20 who was 16-going-on-17 just like your SS at the time.

1.) I made two Chicken Pot Pies for dinner one night when we had a couple over, plus skids. This is one of the skids favorites that I make, especially the crust which is a puff crust with lots of layers. Really delicious. The first pot pie was gone, so I asked if anyone wanted seconds. Skids had already scarfed and left the table, of course...but our guests said they would love seconds. Went into the kitchen and the ENTIRE top crust of the second pot pie had been picked off and eaten. Embarrassed, I had to tell our guests I was mistaken and we didn't have seconds...but had a good dessert coming! After the dinner, I let my DH have it about the pot pie...and he literally said that he didn't think we should punish SD because I 'didn't tell SD not to" pick all the crust off of the second pot pie. SD16 also picked acne, picked at her face, lips, and fingernails obsessively in general, and was it was especially lovely to know that her grubby, barf-encrusted fingernails had been all over my good food..and that she'd just be throwing it up in an hour. But...don't forget. I didn't tell her not to do it, so what did I expect?

2.) Similar situation. We had some friends / clients over for a business meeting, and I was offering snacks. Listed what I had available, and one expressed interest in some trail mix. Went up to get a bowl of it, only to discover my giant, previously unopened $15+ bag of trail mix from Costco had been opened...and all of the M&Ms, cashews, and almonds had been eaten. I was basically left with a big bag of peanuts and raisins. So, I got a couple bowls of different snacks, told the guests that I was mistaken about the trail mix, and took it up with my DH later. First, he said we didn't know it was SD16. I just looked at him skeptically. Was it him? No? Then it was she's the only one of the skids who is weird and picky about food...separates everything. DH didn't see what the big deal was. However, ever the fixer, he brought home a bag of M&M's, a bag of almonds, and a bag of cashews and "remixed" the mix the next day. I told him that was disgusting and that I would not be eating that trail mix or ever setting it out for company. "What's the problem now?" He said, exasperated. I got a bowl of a different snack mix we had to illustrate. Imagine I'm sitting on my skinny, bulimic ass picking all of the good stuff out of this bag of snack mix. Like...all the sesame sticks and garlic toast and leaving all the pretzels and peanuts? I started to pick out the good stuff, making sure that my fingers went inside my mouth fairly frequently and that I licked the salt off of my fingers from time to time...then popped those same fingers right into the bag, rifling through the contents and touching everything trying to find the pieces that I wanted. DH got the point and threw out the trail mix...costing us another $15 in new additives.

Anyway. Long rant. To answer your question...yeah. All my skids are kind of weird and gross. SD20 had the food picking, face picking, and bulimia thing. SS18 used to absent-mindedly crumble his food into bits with his left hand while eating, always leaving just a...whirlwind of food particles by his plate after every meal, and SD16 sucked her thumb well into double-digits (12 or 13 maybe) while holding a stuffed animal close to her nose / mouth, getting it all moist and goopy. Now, SD16 wears the worst clothes (high-waisted jeans, which make her look like an oaf), slouches, and her hair is always really greasy. GROSS.

lintini's picture

I wouldn't have been able to play off the pot pie incident so cool. I would have lost my mind.

SS15 has black heads in his ears the size of rice grains. He also itches his balls through his basketball shorts right in front of me. I just can't wait to see him this weekend....

Runs out of soap and toilet paper, and never says a word.

The best one was when he didn't have a towel and dried himself with the hand towel and hung it back up for everyone else to dry their hands on....