O/T - Truth.... or dare
Fine I'm reading about all the crazy BM's, Disney DH's.. evil SM's (yes yes I read my own postings cause I am awesome)
Who's got the balls to tell the truth...... no sugar coating I'm on a diet..
Does you parents approve of your current relationship
How did your parents act first time they met your partner
How pissed of do you parents get because you no longer visit monthly/spend every Christmas/TG/Easter
Who's parents are still thinking you are their child and they can tell you what to do...
My parents does not approve... below their standard
Not very happy... Dad remembered him from way back and still thinks SO is pond scum
extremely my mother already started bitching cause she gets the 24th - and the 25th on the beach if she was not such a snob
both my parents still think they can tell me what to do.... makes me mad...
e.g - parents will come and visit, first thing mum does is telling me how to move my furniture cause current lay out does not suit her, if she stays longer then one night the witch will start re arranging my linen and re decorate my house... if I dare say anything she gets very upset lol... use to bug me, now not anymore, told Dad welcome to visit... but you can only stay one night then you take your wife home...
Mum complaining how I peel veggies - I say nothing I hand her veggies and peeler and tell her - have a ball.... now she keeps quiet and only roll her eyes like a brat teen age girl
- Acratopotes's blog
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Go do some work and if you
Go do some work and if you don't have any I can share a bucket load of mine.
I can multi task woman......
financial year end for me.... so I'm really working lol... only a month a year
seeing you do not want to tell the truth - I guess you are taking the dare
change your out of office immediately to:
Hi this is Monchichi, I will be out of the office from 08/12/2016 till 05/01/2017, upon my return
please note I will be known as Mike
Blessed Holidays, Mon
There is no truth to tell. My
There is no truth to tell. My parents suck balls.
too late you took dare... I
too late you took dare...
I will email you every 5min till I see the right out of office reply }:)
Whahaha. Omg. That literally
Whahaha. Omg. That literally made me lol
Well I'm single now. She
Well I'm single now. She liked my ex but thought that marrying him would have seen a disaster and she was probably right. She said I was nuts for wanting to marry some one with kids and all the baggage that comes with it. When I first told her my plans to marry she actually told me it was a really bad idea and I got mad. Lol. After we broke up she always said she thought there was something that was a little off. Not sure what that means. My mom will do all of the above when she comes to visit. Re arrange furniture etc. it used to bother me but now I just sit back and enjoy her. She is almost 70 and is divorced after 36 years of marriage. We live far away and hey I don't know how long she will be around. So I don't care what she does when she visits. I just love that she is around !!!! ❤️❤️
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Duplicate duplicate
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My mother loves my husband,
My mother loves my husband, but says the situation with his Skids is hopeless because he is f.....d in the head; he has no backbone and they are even jealous of him, just as they are insanely jealous of me and our daughter. She believes the only way to emotionally deal with these self-absorbed people is to stay away completely, no communication and do nothing, sad to say. Any action of mine (good or bad), would be sinister to them. My whole family loves him, his skids cannot stand me and dislike my daughter even more. He visits my family because they want him there and HE is family to my family; I do not visit his SKids because they do not. Oh, she was concerned when I met him too, given all his messed up mess in his background with kids, but came to love him dearly.
Mom still likes to tell me what to do, and I probably should have listened more...
She, like my counselor, say disengage from this mess and with anybody excluding you from their family tree and activities. It is a shame because I was looking forward to being part of the family, but it did not take long to realize I was the only one thinking I could be accepted in this family. I normally get along well with everybody and was shocked at first, almost numb. Figured I was the outsider, so I was intruding. Well, things never changed after that and they never will.
I like what Rag's Dad Says:
"Jingle Bells, Cockle Shells, something in the grass, take your Merry Christmas Tree and put it up your ------."
Not certain I answered all your questions Acra friend, but this is the best I can do for this morning.
I am grateful for a husband who loves me wonderfully, except he fails me miserably in this area; it is like he has loses all control of the man I know --around them with me. I am so much happier this year by accepting my hopeless situation and not wishing for something differently, which will never happen.
I am also grateful for this blog because I finally learned I am not alone in this dysfunction, until then....I thought I was...
We read too many fairy tales as small children, maybe that is the problem with all this crazy Skid hope...LOL.
Good for you Dancing, how
Good for you Dancing, how wonderful of you!
Let's see, Mom died so no
Let's see, Mom died so no problem there and Dad is busy with work, partying and the occasional one night stand so no problems. At first they had some issues when we first got married but warmed up to DW and skids. No real problems to mention.
Does you parents approve of
Does you parents approve of your current relationship
**Yes they all love DH
How did your parents act first time they met your partner
**Nice- the first time my mom met DH he drove us around to different bars and got us drunk. LOL!
How pissed of do you parents get because you no longer visit monthly/spend every Christmas/TG/Easter
**I already no longer visited them on every holiday so there are no issues there. Not much changed for me and my family in terms of what we were already doing.
Who's parents are still thinking you are their child and they can tell you what to do...
** My mom will forever think she can tell me what to do. It's just her natural being. It's okay though. My mom and I are super close.
Both of my parents love my
Both of my parents love my husband. I am shocked because my Dad never liked anyone.
Does you parents approve of
Does you parents approve of your current relationship
- my biomom loves dh. my mom (sm) and dad who raised me? nope. they do not approve because i am going against their religious values. i have not seen or spoken to them since i left my ex and they told me "we will stay loyal to our faithful son in law".
How did your parents act first time they met your partner
- biomom welcomed him w/ open arms. mom and dad have never met him.
How pissed of do you parents get because you no longer visit monthly/spend every Christmas/TG/Easter
- no issues there, biomom and i are almost two thousand miles apart. mom and dad are 4 hrs away but like i said i havent seen them in ten years.
Who's parents are still thinking you are their child and they can tell you what to do...
- i am still their daughter, but they all have always been good about respecting the fact that i am an adult and i make my own decisions. my parents didnt raise a child, they raised a high-functioning adult!
Do you parents approve of
Do you parents approve of your current relationship
- I'm sure they weren't super happy about it, but they didn't say anything, and are now happy just that I'm in a good relationship (some of my siblings are always in TERRIBLE relationships). The only thing they said to me when we first got together, and everything moved VERY quickly, was that I better make sure I knew what I was doing because it wouldn't be fair to get involved in the skids' lives and then leave....guess they were more concerned about the skids than me! lol
How did your parents act the first time they met your partner
which was an awkward start lol!
- They were very nice...although my mom walked in on us doing the deed
How pissed off do you parents get because you no longer visit monthly/spend every Christmas/TG/Easter
- Not at all, I moved across the country before I met DH so they knew I wasn't going to be around for holidays very often. Also, my mom is a nurse so many times she would have to work on holidays, guess they understand schedules/being flexible.
Who's parents are still thinking you are their child and they can tell you what to do...
- Not at all, and they really haven't tried to since high school. Always willing to give advice and recommendations, but are never pushy.
My parents approve of DH very
My parents approve of DH very much.
They did not really like him at first. Lol
I would never NOT spend holidays with my parents unless DH has some family. Then we would swap holidays. They would not be pissed but they would be disappointed but not guilt me about it. I live 1 mile from my parents and we are very close.
My parents still think of me as their child but would never tell me what to do.
Does you parents approve of
Does you parents approve of your current relationship - Mom approves. Loves DH. Loves the SS's but keeps an eye out for SS14.
How did your parents act first time they met your partner - Mom met him at our local bar at a Christmas party. She was standoffish for the first hour but then loosened up and let him ramble on about his kids. She said she fell in love with him when him and I were talking privately (about her) and she heard me giggle. Said she hadn't heard that since I was little and if he could make me giggle he was a keeper.
How pissed of do you parents get because you no longer visit monthly/spend every Christmas/TG/Easter - She gets to spend with us. DH parents are gone. I still sleep over my moms one night a week LOL. Yeah I'm starting to see I'm a mama's girl.
Who's parents are still thinking you are their child and they can tell you what to do...Nope. But she does try to help with advise on the SS's. Secretly she enjoys my bitchin. The whole "wait till your a parent thing". But when it comes to BM she will spit on the ground when her name is brought up.
you are excused
you are excused then...
hiding the can opener
My parents approve of my
My parents approve of my current relationship. They like SO, but think his kids are spoiled and selfish and BM is a BIOTCH.
Parents welcomed SO with open arms the first time they met, but my mom called him by my late husbands name. :jawdrop: Still does sometimes (accidently of course).
I actually visit more now I am with SO than I did with my first husband, but to be fair, I live a lot closer now too. SO also encourages me to visit my parents more often.
My parents don't treat me like a child or tell me what to do. Once we were adults, they never stuck their noses into our business, except for one time, when my sister was being abused by her first husband. They and a couple of other family members intervened.