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SS7 saying BS2 is the reason he misbehaves at school

Lulu90's picture

I am pissed SS7 told his teacher he couldn't behave because BS2 kept waking him up at night.

1. BS2 sleeps thru the night.
2. THe have seprate rooms and don't even share a wall
3. SS7 can shut his door at anytime

Looks like SS must sleep with his door closed now.

Also, BM for some reaon keeps bringing up BS2 not sleeping (he sleeps) as well as randomly claiming he got SS7 sick. Umm I think the kid in school is more lickly to get the kid that stays home (no daycare) sick. Especially when SS is sick first.


Acratopotes's picture

SS is not the issue - BM is the issue....

DH should simply step up and parent better, I would even tell SS fine seeing you are a wimp and blame a 2 year old for you poor behavior and attitude you can not sleep here anymore...

Maxwell09's picture

Your DH handed that better than mine would have. He would have raged in response to that crappy email. He hates lies and the last time SS got sent home a not about lieing DH called the teacher the second he got off work. I think he should have corrected the teacher and said "my two year old doesn't share a room with SS nor is his room close to SS to disturb his sleep but I will make sure to deal with his poor behavior and dishonesty when he gets home today." Your DH didn't specifically say the kid lied to her and I think the teacher needs to realize she is being played. These little stories on this thread are exactly why I involve myself in SS's school stuff. His teacher knows me and knows to text me/call me or DH if SS were to ever come up with something like this.