Lazy or Stupid ?
Ok so, both SD’s do not have IQ’s that are low enough for them to get a monthly check for crayons or such but also their IQ’s are high enough for them to have the self awareness of how down right dumb they really are. I don’t have Bio’s to compare ( so no Bio colored glasses ) but I’m not even sure how they passed high school, which was barely. Big shocker they are also lazy and uninspired to do any better with themselves, despite what they say to DW from time to time. I am getting to a point here, taking the scenic route.
The other day I went to put something in the dishwasher to find it apparently full, in reality it was in such disarray that nothing else could be put in until I straightened it and Taaa Daaa, only about ¾ full now. So I come to the question was it laziness or stupidity that created the dishwasher disaster, or a combination of the two? I vote stupid since it is a contributor to lazy, it takes a certain level of intellect to realize that you should get off your azz and do something with your life or even your immediate minute. Remember only SD18 lives there full time and SD24 comes by everyday to visit her child whom we have temporary custody of, temporary that funny lol .
So what’s your vote on this one instance in Major’s life? Lazy or Stupid skids? Or both?
- Major Blunder's blog
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I know it's not your
I know it's not your question.. but why do you have temp custody of SD24 kid???
Longgggg story, it's on one
Longgggg story, it's on one of my earlier posts and on Amazon for 9.95, Black Friday special. }:)
Agreement on both. 18 does
Agreement on both. 18 does have a job but doesn't contribute to the house and DW drives her to and from that job, guess her job makes it ok to not do anything round the house, oops she played with the baby last evening, quota filled for the month. }:)
It's never a fight between DW
It's never a fight between DW and I, but I swear if you saw the way they put things in there you would think they opened the door and just tossed them in. Not exaggerating.
As for your brother that is not very fair, I'm sure that a lot of life is very difficult for him. Your cousin, awesome!!! Always like hearing about overcoming adversity.
major, i dont think it's lazy
major, i dont think it's lazy or stupid. lurch will do this with the dishwasher too. granted, yes he absolutely can be lazy, but when i've seen him happily loading the dishes, i think it's more of just a lack of experience AND lack of using common sense. dh actually went through the *VERY* SAME THING monday w/ this. there were dishes still not in the sink, dh questioned lurch about it and he said "it's full." dh opened it up, called lurch over to watch, rearranged a few dishes, and voila! they all fit. lurch said "well it looked too full to me, i didnt want them to not come out clean."
The dishwasher loading manual
The dishwasher loading manual is required reading in robinland. I am still teaching DH and DD the proper way (my way) to load the thing.
Major, look at the positive: they put it in. Why is SD, 18 living there? Is she working, going to school? Is there a launch plan?
18 is working fulltime at a
18 is working fulltime at a fast food place and has talked about college, but she barely made it through HS think college is not the way for her to go. As for a launch plan that has yet to be discussed, I have next to nothing to do with the child.
To be honest, I would say
To be honest, I would say they are just being "stupid" because when SD lived with us, she couldn't be bothered to even put her dishes in the sink, much less the dishwasher so she was "lazy". At least your SDs were making an effort.
See, this is my audience,
See, this is my audience, knew I liked you for more than just one reason Lady.![Biggrin](
Ok well over all that wasn't
Ok well over all that wasn't to shabby, was looking more for a SKID bashing, fun kinda thing but ok, nice to know others see where I was going with it, and also can see where some new commers would feel their character was being attacked, less sharp more sly would be more clever for some but I digress. Wasn't a big deal just thought it was an interesting example and figured a few might relate to it.
I can relate. When my skids
I can relate. When my skids came over early in my relationship with DH, they didn't even bother to take any dish to the sink.
Actually making them to the
Actually making them to the sink is an effort as well, if they make it to the dishwasher it was probably because DW caught them just putting them in the sink, which SD18 does when she has run out of space in her room (ewwww )
Perhaps I will have to reach
Perhaps I will have to reach into the past to find stories that are funny, when they were little they were more fun and did a lot of funny things, if I had only known :?
There's two types of people.
There's two types of people. Those who can load a dishwasher properly and those who can't.
DH is super smart. But he cannot load a dishwasher efficiently to save his life.
I often scream in horror when I open that thing after he's loaded it. Literally scream.
If he unloads it he cannot seem to put things back where they belong. Example: the bowls go on the second shelf of big cupboard. They've gone there for 2 years now. Yet if he's unloaded the dishwasher, I am liable to find bowls in random places, even with the coffee mugs. ??
SD12(stb13) is the same way, if marginally better than DH because I explained to her how a dishwasher works, again (DH can't seem to retain the info).
SD10 likes loading/unloading it. Does a good job.
funny thing is, i had no one
funny thing is, i had no one to teach me how to load the dishwasher. neither of my parents ever had one previously until i was about 15 or so, they got one that had to be wheeled over to the sink and connected to the faucet. due to being a 5-person family who ate AT a decently set dinner table, we had a good amt of dishes to hand-wash - my brother, sister and i used to make it a game to see how high we could get the dishes stacked in the drainer before having to lay the rest out on a kitchen towel. we were all three damn good at it!!! i guess that was a good base lesson towards loading when we finally did get a dishwasher.
Yep, that cartoon was
Yep, that cartoon was perfectly accurate and thank gawddddd someone understood that there is a right way to do, it's even in the owners manual if anyone needs confirmation. Putting them away...... whole other post lol
LOL love the cartoon. I am
LOL love the cartoon. I am always reloading the dishwasher!
At least they put them in the
At least they put them in the dish washer. Give them credit for that! When my skids came over, they would leave dishes every where, then after I complained to SO, they started putting them in the sink, which is right beside the dishwasher. Their excuse, "I thought the dishes in the dish washer were clean".... If they would have attempted to look in the dish washer they would have realized I had already emptied the darn thing!
SO, in my case, pure laziness.
Getting to the dishwasher is
Getting to the dishwasher is an achievement, a lot of the time they are in the sink or elsewhere and get the same response about the dishwasher being clean/full, whatever lol
The SDs are now asking me,
The SDs are now asking me, "Should I put this in the dishwasher?"
Me: Yes.
At least they are asking and then doing it.
Sometimes I do say no, to give them credit.
And if I ask them to unload it they will.
I would go with entitled self
I would go with entitled self centered coddled little princesses
What did I do with the dishwasher - I sold it... seeing you can't pack it right and push the on button you are clearly not clever enough to own one.... guess you have too go back to the old ways of doing dishes with your hands....