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DW's Birthday, Beating myself up and taking and being taken for granted .

Major Blunder's picture

DW’s birthday was on Tuesday, her parents had come the prior evening with a cake and some presents since they couldn’t make it on the actual day.  Skids called or texted her with well wishes, no visits so that was a present for me lol

The Gskids got her a t-shirt with their nickname for her on it and a nice saying on the back about how she didn’t know love until she was called this name or something like that , MIL actually bought it online but you get the idea.

Being the in tune and caring husband that I am I got her a 1 hour massage at a local Day Spa and she seems very happy by it, she has been telling everyone how much she needs it, plus took her out to a local place to eat for dinner, with Gskids of course.

Both of my sisters and my father called and sang happy birthday to her ( a family tradition ) and sent her cards with gift cards in the mail.

DW has never liked her B-day since it falls one week before X-mas but it seemed at least to me that this year went a little better than previous years, maybe just maybe this broke the spell of the horrible B-day curse.


A new found friend here on the site recently called me out on disparaging remarks I have made about my own physical appearance, generally I make these remarks in jest but apparently I did it once to many times and if I offended anyone here I truly apologize. I taught myself a long time ago to make fun of myself, at least to me it seemed to put others at ease around me, sometimes I take it too far and with my recent general sense of lowliness I took one to many hard jabs at myself in a public manner.  It is true, I don’t have the greatest of self esteem when it comes to my physical appearance but to air it in public, even jokingly was not cool, so I am going to do my best to not do that in the future and if I do I thoroughly expect to get called out again, good friends are the ones that do that sort of thing and I find more and more good friends the longer I am here.


Life has been very difficult lately emotionally for the majority of us here on StepTalk, the holidays make things even harder than usual , I did not help with keeping others afloat and allowed my emotions and troubles to overflow and take me towards despair. We all have lower than usual times and I hit mine but thanks to good friends here I have at least shaken the worst off and am ready to slay more dragons.


I also have been recently asked about my situation at home, DW’s conscious or unconscious taking me for granted, not respecting my wishes of no Skids in my home, and having mixed finances means I still support Skids when DW spends anything on them.

I believe we all at some point and with varying degrees take our spouses for granted consciously or unconsciously, yes DW continues to want her girls to be in our home for visits and she truly doesn’t think that DSS will find out and she believes that at least SD21 isn’t that bad lol  I can take a hardline and battle her over the skids coming to our home or as I have done in the past with her and others that don’t want to heed me, I give them enough rope to hang themselves.  I would hate to have the Gskids lives ripped up again and taken to foster care due to DW wanting SD26 to visit at our house but if that is what happens then it happens, not my doing and I warned her against it.

As for mixed finances, many of you have separate finances and it is something I wish I had done early on in our relationship, however I did not and unless DW started spending ungodly amounts of money on a regular basis on the skids I don’t see this being a good move on my part, it would cause more problems between us than it would do good.  Am I shouldering more and sacrificing more? Yes, and I am aware of it.  I believe that one day this will come back and she will see the light, but right now is not the time for maneuvers of that magnitude, I may still resent every dime and every minute that are spent on skids but it’s not a hill to die for me.

Marriage is about compromise and give and take, it’s rarely 50/50, that ratio varies from day to day sometimes hour to hour. Right now I can still shoulder the troubles in our house, you’ll know when I reached my limit and I start to ask about moving in with you till I get on my feet again ( just kidding ).


Siemprematahari's picture

You're a good man, father, stepfather, and H Major! Never forget that and always know that you still have to take care of you. If you don't, no one else will. Speak positively about yourself, it will uplift you and give you a sense of awareness about what a wonderful person you truly are.

You're so busy taking care of everyone else that you are neglecting your wants & needs. You deserve love & kindess too so make time for that.


Major Blunder's picture

Thanks Siempre ( actually prefer the second half of your name  lol ) I working on it, with the support I get here and the "real" I get from some friends here I know I will be ok. I get love and kindness from DW and from the Gskids, sometimes I just lose site of it in the midst of all the bad stuff.

Hugs back at ya !

justmakingthebest's picture

Major you are 100% correct. It isn't 50/50 all the time, and thank goodness. There are days or weeks or even months where we need our spouses to carry the burden, and we carry the burden for them when they need it. 

Your wife is a lucky woman, and I think she knows that. My opinion is that she just loves her kids. She is an enabler- not doing anything "bad" just trying to show her love in ways that isn't helping anyone. Hopefully she will see this one day and hopefully you guys will not always have to care for grandkids. They are all lucky to have you!

Major Blunder's picture

My opinion is that she just loves her kids. She is an enabler- not doing anything "bad" just trying to show her love in ways that isn't helping anyone.

I agree entirely with this Just, and with out comming out and calling herself an enabler she knows this and has been working on it, it's not an overnight thing, this is a process that takes alot of time, pain and emotion, basically she has to deny her instincts to take care of and protect her children, she has come a long way over the past few years even though she backslides now and then it could be alot worse.

As for the Gskids I am almost certain we will have them till they age out as well, their mother shows no signs of turning her life around, she talks big but never any actions to follow.

CLove's picture

Self-Deprication is nothing to be ashamed of. LOL.

But yes, sometimes it goes too far, and sometimes we tend to wallow in it. I have been going through excercises to tell myself how wonderful I am, how this and that (insert positive whatevers), and apparently its been working because I have been feeling quite wonderful lately LOL.

So thank you for the big picture update. Like you mentioned, our relationships are rarely equal ratios - more like the ebb and flow of the tides at the oceans edge. I live near the ocean so I tend to think of things that way, for myself. 

Things sort of even out in the Big Picture, dont they. Life keeps on keeping on.

Major Blunder's picture

Mom always said that Self Depricating would make me go blind, oh wait that was the other thing, nevermind   lol

I'm not good at the Self Affirmation bit, reminds me to much of that old SNL skit, I'm better at the " It's all your fault and you desrve all the bad things you have comming your way" but I'm trying to stay away from it untill the next time I spiral  lol  But if it works for you all the more power to you !

Life keeps on moving indeed, it's just best to remember that no one gets out alive lol  Sometimes I forget to allow myself the happy times and to remember to laugh more often even when it hurts.

TX2step's picture

We all grow older not as fit as we once were. Still give yourself credit for what you bring to the table. You have a wonderful sense of humor. You are not just another pretty face. And about the choices you make, I'm sure you do it out of love. A quote I love is " life is not just surviving the storm, but learning to dance in the rain". And by golly I can still 2 step. Haha.

Major Blunder's picture

I wish age was the leading factor unfortunately DW basically got me in bad condition   ( Buyer beware lol  )

Surviving the storm is a daily thing I'm still learning to dance in it, sometimes I can and then other times the mud seems to thick to move in, that when I need reminding and come here to vent it out.

DPW's picture

Honestly, there's no need to apologize, really. We all have our moments and our weaknesses when it comes to ourselves. What I do see, as an outsider, is someone who give selflessly of himself to others without fail. Take time for you, please.

Major Blunder's picture

I felt like apologizing was the right step because I didn't want to give the wrong impression, I went overboard with the pity party and those things slipped out, they have no buisness being here. I try to do my best, I'm not sure it's always selflessly but I do try to keep others in mind when I make decisions, being human I screw that up at times as well.

I try to take time for myself, sometimes it might be only a few minutes, I have to remember to relish and appreciate that time more.

TwoOfUs's picture

I wouldn't take you to task about denigrating your appearance (everyone can feel low about that, even really good-looking people have off times)...but I think often guys don't really understand what is attractive to women. I'm guessing you're more attractive than you think, because you have a big heart, you write're have a sense of humor. These are all things that can catch a woman's eye. I, for one, am a huge sucker for a great sense of humor. Despite all his faults, my DH is genuinely and deeply funny...which puts me at ease and helps me loosen up / unwind...something I defintiely need. 

So...if your DW tells you she finds you attractive/sexy...just believe her :) 


Major Blunder's picture

I am and always will be one of the first to admit that we men as a gender have very little insight into the mysterious mind of the female human, we are much different and yet similar in sooooooo many ways.  As for what you find attractive, that has will forever confuse us, but I see what you mean and although I tend to tell my DW she needs her eyes checked when she says I'm handsome, I do believe she means it, of course so did my Mom but she was kinda partial  lol