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Rash boy recruits the Ape to his cause

Drac0's picture

SS, being the whiny tall sh*t that he is, was all poo-pooed that DW wasn't giving into his wants.

So what does he do?

He called Donkeykong.

DW called me at lunch saying she had a HUGE fight with her ex over her decision to send SS to school yesterday when he was clearly “not feeling well”.

His rash is really bothering him (read: I really want to get out of school because I don't want to take my history test).

Yesterday, he blows up DW’s phone with VMs and texts. I don’t know how many times we tell this kid, DW works at a call center. She can’t answer the phone during the day. If there’s an emergency, call Drac0.

SS never called me, most likely because he knew I wasn’t going to give him the response he is looking for. Last time he tried calling me to get out of school, I told him to go see the school nurse. He never did and he has never called me again.

So he calls his father. His father says he’ll talk with DW and now he proceeds to blow up DW’s cell.

DW normally gets out of work around 3:00 but has a break at lunch so she can go over any texts and VMs. She sees her message from Donkeykong and calls him back. Now I wasn’t there for this conversation, but here is the jist.

DW: “I’m returning your call.”

Donkeykong: “BRAAAARGH! ARRRROOOOOO!!! UGH! *beat chest*”

DW: “I’m at work! I’m not allowed using my cell when I am on the job. If there is an emergency, SS can call Drac0…And no, I am NOT taking him to see the doctors, his rash is not *that* bad. If it gets worse, I’ll take him. SS hasn’t taken a shower in a few days. That’s probably all it is…”

Donkeykong: “GRA-GRAAAAAARGH! GNAAAAAAPH! *Slobber* *drool*”

DW: “Fine! YOU TAKE HIM TO THE DOCTOR’S THEN. SS is in school now, but he should be done in an hour.”

Donkeykong: “MAGGGAAA, MAGGA MAGGA DING DONG! *snarl* *throws feces*”

DW: “I don’t know why am I having this conversation with you!”



Drac0's picture

Yeah, and I forsee a lot of this happening in the future.

DK said he was going to take him if DW wasn't going to take him. Yeah right. DK hasn't taken SS to see the doctors ever. I myself have taken SS 3 times. That's three times more than DK ever has.

Drac0's picture

It does have a nice ring to it doesn't it?

I was going to go with "Tall itchy boy and the Ape" but I decided to change it last minute.

Drac0's picture


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

SS should be Donkeyding, then! Great replay of the chest beating and drooling, lmao!

~ Moon

Tuff Noogies's picture

“MAGGGAAA, MAGGA MAGGA DING DONG! *snarl* *throws feces*”

Draco wins the STalk quote of the day blue ribbon.

Ljcapp1's picture

Sd17 caused this type of drama before. First let me disclose she is the biggest hypochondriac in the world.
She was "sick" and whining to DH and he told her to drink fluids, take some NyQuil and go get back in bed and rest. Nothing to do for her it was a cold or something similar.
Dh, me and my boys and GS were messing around in the living room playing a board game, yes we were getting loud. She comes back out to tell us to keep it down. Next thing i know SD Flys out her room pissed off with her Disney Princess pillow and blankie and says "I'm going back to mommy's where I know I will be taken care of." Sasquatch is outside waiting and DH got a nasty text about not being sympathetic to his very sick daughter and instead he was playing with my kids.
SASQUATCH also beats her chest.

Drac0's picture

>Donkeystupid and he actually listens<

Donkeykong's talents and skills are many and varied. Alas, "listening" is not one of them.

Drac0's picture

Loosing at Texas hold'em constantly, finding new plaid shirts, pants and hats to wear, growing a goatee that's longer than SS's shoes, buying high ticket items he can't afford, etc.