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Well apparently now I'm abusive

LONGTIME SM's picture

For background refer to my earlier blog written last night.

Yep. She's supposedly suffered so much at my hands as have her children because I've kept her from her family. Adult 40 SD despite telling me I'm nothing to her wants to claim my family as her own I guess. Makes little sense to me. She told my husband I needed to grow up and get over it. I assume her past bad behavior.

She claims she's matured but continues to send multiple lengthy texts berating me and now my husband.

Then 40 SD has the nerve to say I have been abusiive to her and her children. Says she was married to an abusive man (her first husband) and claims she's now an expert on this type person and then proclaims me to be abusive. I haven't spoken to her but once in the past 7 years!!!

Actually the tone of her texts to husband have gotten increasingly angry and nasty with him because he did not roll over for her and demand that I do what she wants etc, because as she stated she is his daughter. She has started berating him to guilt him into doing her bidding. Seems a lot manipulative and slightly abusive on her part. Her accusing me of being abusive seems like projection on her part because clearly she is the one being abusive.

I suppose in SD world her not receiving a social invitation is abusive. How dare I distance myself from her nastiness. Woman is definitely cray cray.


notasm3's picture

If you are so "abusive" she should just stay very, very far away from you. Smile

Ignore the whore. Best advice you got in the last blog.

LONGTIME SM's picture

Lol. Yeah interesting that she had no problem letting my abusive self babysit her children!!!!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Well, that certainly settles the question of whether or not to invite her to your daughter's wedding. Blum 3

She's your DH's problem, so as notasm3 said, ignore.

Acratopotes's picture

oh you've got a winner lol, I'm sure when Aergia gets to this age she will claim the same... I do not care lol...

I will say,,, I should've slapped the dung out of you when you where younger, but I did not...

hereiam's picture

Does she drink? Mental illness and alcohol really don't mix.

She was probably the abusive one in her first marriage.

As long as she is behaving this way, I hope your husband stands strong and does not fall for her manipulations. That will only reinforce and encourage the behavior.

LONGTIME SM's picture

I have no idea if this is fueled by alcohol or drugs. It doesn't seem like it. I think it's just simply her special brand of crazy. Girl needs serious professional help and even that may not work as I've read the success rate for NPD is not good.