Tossing pics of BM
The BM recently passed away. Drug related. The kids (2 girls, early adults) were raised by their dad because of their mom's addiction. Parents have been divorced for a long time.
Dad is remarried and has been for a few years. (Not sure how long they were together before that). BM has been remarried for about a year. Both have other kids besides the 2 girls.
One of the girls recently posted on FB about how the evil SM got rid of all pictures of the BM and Dad together. But thankfully they still had all the negatives and were going to print the pictures back off and that would "show" the SM. I'm guessing they went through a picture box at their dad's house and didn't find any pics of the BM.
Girls are obviously grieving their mother. She wasn't the best mother (she had another child who is being raised by his father as well) and pictures are all they have left of her.
What are your thoughts about throwing away pictures of BM and BD (bio dad) together?
Some things to consider:
*Not sure how the girls know for sure that SM threw away the pictures or if they are just making a guess.
*SM did leave the negatives.
*SM has had to deal with the skids as minors and helped raised them and probably had to deal with a lot of stuff from the BM and her not being around.
EDITED TO ADD: Below is what I have done in the past in regards to pictures. The first story is not my story, it's of people I know.
I threw away pics of OSD with BM and DH together. There were only a few. But years after we moved into our house I found this mini photo album that belonged to OSD. OSD never lived in our house. It was packed with junk of DH's. I don't like OSD. She doesn't like me. I had already been dealing with her posting pics on FB of DH and BM (and the skids) and tagging DH in them. So I took out the pics of the 3 of them, tossed them and then mailed her the album. She had never inquired about the album or anything- FYI. Yes it was petty but honestly I didn't want to see pics of BM and DH plastered all over FB. BM and the skids seemed to already have enough of those pics that were all over FB, what's a few more?
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Agree. I wonder what the
Agree. I wonder what the circumstances are that led the SM to toss the pictures as opposed to giving them to the girls. Or when the pics were tossed?
I often read on here how
I often read on here how pictures of the ex couple are disposed of. My husband and his ex wife both destroyed all pictures of them together. Oddly enough I have pictures of them together though. At their wedding, I was one of their friends dates and later at my Polly's christening. My husband has twice tried to make me get rid of them and I have refused.
One day my SS will want to see his biological parents together. He will ask about their wedding. He will need to see that it wasn't always bad. So while they aren't displayed in our house nor are they printed, the digital copies are there for him one day. It is the least I can do for him seems neither really chronicled his baby and toddler years either. I can't go back in time and fix that.
I truly believe this is not a hill to die on, as it were.
pffft BM moved out with all
pffft BM moved out with all the pictures ever taken, regardless if it was SO and his family or with her and Aergia..
I know this for a fact cause Aergia once send a photo of a picture of her and SO when she was just a baby
Thus all other photo's left in boxes I burned.... it was all BM, nothing to do with SO, oh and a couple of BM and Aergia, yes I burned it all.... cause if they ask about it I will simply say... but you took all the photo's, you left nothing behind }:)
My SM destroyed/kept all my
My SM destroyed/kept all my dad's photo's of me and my siblings as children after he died.
He was a keen photograph and took loads of us when we were growing up. He took them when he left my mum.
It was the only thing we asked for and she refused. As far as I'm concerned they were nothing to do with her and she should have given the back to his children.
But then she was/is a very selfish person anyway and thinks the world revolves around still.
So I have no pictures to show my children what their granddad look like, share memories with them.
That's sad, and wrong. How
That's sad, and wrong. How would it have hurt her to just give you the photos??
That is very sad. I'm so
I will throw away any and all
I will throw away any and all pictures of BM that I come across. I loath her. I opened a dresser drawer and there was a naked picture of BM at 260 lbs breastfeeding. But it wasn't a sweet breastfeeding picture. I think it was like a porno picture. She was completely butt ass naked and making a lewd face with her tongue stuck out and her legs spread. SD17 just happened to be a baby breast feeding on the one boob and DD2's dad said, "We should save that for SD." UGh. No. Straight in the garbage when he wasn't looking. IT wasn't a sweet maternal photo . It was porno posing for her then husband while she happened to be breastfeeding . I know if someone handed me a photo of me and my mom like that , I'd be red faced embarrassed.
Thanks for the visual
Thanks for the visual :sick:
Brain bleach please
Brain bleach please :sick: :sick: :sick:
I know guys but seriously..
I know guys but seriously.. his attitude was always, "Save that for SD"s!!!!!!! Save it for my precious pumpkins!!! Oh SD will want that photo of us together."
ya, I know a special memento when I see one and that my friends was not . And i threw it away and I won't apologize for it
i would NEVER do that to a
i would NEVER do that to a kid. as much as i cant stand the stupid meth-addled wh0re, i wouldnt do that. i'd hand them to dh and say "give these to your mother or g-ma for safe keeping, just get them out of my house."
my grandmother has hundreds upon hundreds of pictures. i used to spend hours looking at them with her. when i was long an adult, i took a whole bunch of them and had them copied, and now have my own family album, complete with pics of mom and dad's wedding and baby pics taken of bro and i while they were still married. some formal "family portraits" too. those are priceless to me, that is *my* history.
which reminds me.... i need to email a bunch of those to my brother, he doesnt have many.
I think it is situational. I
I think it is situational. I have thrown away pictures of BM and DH together. There were two from when they were teenagers. One prom, one homecoming and both were just extra copies you get in school to handout to your friends. BM has the originals, in fact, she posted the homecoming picture not too long ago with DH completely cut out. I figured if she doesn't care, then why would I save a copy. I found it at the bottom of DH's junk closet looking for a tv cord. Dh refuses to take anymore pictures with BM because he says, he doesn't want to give SS a fake memory of them being happy together because they weren't. They only had SS to see if having a baby would fix their relationship and it didn't. They split soon after he was born. Now on the other hand, when the school or church sends home pictures of BM and SS5 together at an event, we send it to BM's. He has a "birth" book here that BM had made and it has pictures of the day he was born with each family member. To me, that is enough.
That's a tough one. I can see
That's a tough one. I can see where a woman would toss pictures of her husbands exwife. Especially if she is the type person described here.
When my ex and I split, I went through all of our pictures and gave him the ones of him and his family and him and the girls. I kept the ones of me and my family and me and the girls. And I took a handful of the ones of "us" and put them in my oldest daughters hope chest. She may want them some day. At that point it will be up to the girls. I just don't ever open that box. It's not mine. It belongs to my kids. DH knows it exists but he doesn't have a desire to look a them so it goes untouched until my daughter decides she wants to go through them. She is almost 15. She's never touched it. But that may change as she gets older.
So do the girls know if the
So do the girls know if the pics were disposed of recently or a long time ago? If it was a long time ago and they just found out because of recent events then seems like the girls should have noticed a while ago.
I would never keep pics of BM and DH in my house except if SD were to lice with us permanently. Even then it would be confined to her area where she could see it. Not where we all had to see it.
The only thing I could fault the SM for is not letting the girls know the pictures were being disposed of.
I don't know for certain. I
I don't know for certain. I am guessing they were probably destroyed a long time ago and the girls are just now finding out. They were probably looking through pictures for her funeral service.
I thought that might be the
I thought that might be the case. If the girls cared they would have known about this way before she died.
I would not be storing
I would not be storing anything in my home for an adult skid. If he didn't care enough to take something then I would feel free to toss it.
Who knows why people do
Who knows why people do anything.
In the case you mention Zero, at least the SM kept the negatives. The pictures are reproducible and not lost forever. The SDs may have been rude or posted pix on social media to annoy the SM and she didn't want them to have any ammo. Or she and DH had a fight over keeping momentous from his past and she got rid of the pictures.
DH has no pictures from his 23 + years marriage. BM kept them all or maybe she's destroyed them? Who knows?
I would hope she's kept them for the skids. Every once in a while one will pop up on FB. I find it kind of neat, to see DH when he was young. It doesn't bother me at all.
I went through all of my
I went through all of my pictures when my ex and I split, which was A LOT! I split them up and gave the ones that had ex and my girls together to him, and a few to my girls to keep. Then I kept the ones with me and my girls together.
When my DH moved in with me and we were going through his things, he got rid of some of his old photos of him and BM. I found SS6 baby book that was barely filled out and took that and the few pictures there were and gave them to MIL to keep for SS if he wants them when he's older. I do not want any pictures of BM in my house, but I did not throw them out.
I would never toss pictures
I would never toss pictures that belonged to somebody else, I don't care who is in them.
Pictures of BM, bother me Pictures of DH and BM, bother me Who cares?
My SD once brought over a bunch of pictures to show us, pictures of her mom, her mom and dad, their wedding day, etc. I looked at them with her and felt nothing at all. It's a closed chapter.
Mori Mom- There are two
Mori Mom- There are two different stories in my OP. One with the dead BM, that is not my story nor my skids. I just added what I have done in the past.
My story:
The album sat in my house in a box of junk for years. I'm sure OSD had long forgotten about the album. I could have thrown the whole album away and no one would have known the wiser. I debated on tossing it or being nice and sending it to her. But I knew if I sent it to her I was going to take out the pictures of the 3 of them because if not they would be plastered all over FB and neither DH nor myself want to see that.
Morri Mom- No one called me
Morri Mom- No one called me out on social media. Where are you getting that from? I sent OSD the album and that was the end of it. I did not remove all pictures of her mom. Where are you getting that from? I took out 3 pics that had BM, OSD, DH in them. Anything that didn't have the 3 of them were left.
I'm not a storage unit for OSD. I could have tossed the whole album in the trash.
Again- please read the original post and realize there are 2 different stories and situations going on.
1 with the dead BM and the girls upset that the SM threw away pics and the 2 story which I was just relaying what I had done in the past when it came to pictures.
Thank you!!!!!! I think
Thank you!!!!!! I think everyone else got that it was 2 stories except for MoriMom.
I would have written it in first person if I was talking about me, like I did in the second part of the post.
That is totally fine.
That is totally fine.
Yes it was petty that I threw
Yes it was petty that I threw away OSD's pictures! I never said it wasn't.
I hope your judgment applies
I hope your judgment applies to everyone else that posted that they have done the same or would do the same.
You seem a little more upset about this then need be. This happened years ago. OSD sucks. I did something petty. End of story
I've tossed pictures of SO
I've tossed pictures of SO and BM, but I wouldn't toss any pics that have SD in them.