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Flavor of the week: Robbery

mommadukes2015's picture

BM called this morning. SS was getting ready for school. His bus showed up early so he didn't have a chance to call her back. I texted her. I laid on a good thick layer of guilt trip. According to her, her apartment which was supposedly fumigated for cockroaches last month, that she was supposedly getting evicted from, has now been robbed. "Took anything of value" the robbers did. So instead of giving us money for support or taking SS school shopping-she bought him a PS4...should be really interesting to play seeing as she sold her TV on a garage sale site.

Ughhhhhhhhh why. Why do you think anyone buys any of this crap. Why do you bother? I would be fine with "I didn't get him I was out at the bar" or "I didn't get him because I didn't want to"


mommadukes2015's picture

Every now and again I get sick of it and call her out on her shit. Last time it was the "I've been his mother for 10 years" line she always uses with SO she decided to try to pull on me one day. I told her "YOU kept SS from SO for 4 years. He didn't know he existed-you don't get to play that card with me."

Then she was yelling, cursing, I hung up on her and she called me back crying pleading with my voicemail saying she didn't want to fight with me least of all people. Yeah, I'm sure you don't. Bizzaro.

mommadukes2015's picture

This is exactly it. I feel like asking her how dumb do you think I am? I got over the fact that it's so insulting a long time ago, it just erks me that she is always letting herself off the hook with some crazy BS.

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Irish is a language. I speak it really badly but it's my dad's first language.

But I've probably missed the joke... BM has no way of learning it, ever! ???? :?

zerostepdrama's picture

Liars believe their own lies.

My Ex is a habitual liar about EVERYTHING! BS comes home from being with him and has all these outlandish tales of stuff they are going to do or stuff that Ex is going to buy BS.

Ex is getting a boat, Ex is going to take BS to NY, Ex and BS are going to buy a junk car and work on it together.

BS went with Ex over the 4th of July holiday and they were supposed to go to this fair. So when I get BS back he tells me they didn't go to the fair because Ex had to pay his landlord extra money to help out the landlord. Yeah suuuuurrrreeee. Ex could have used that as a learning opportunity for BS. "Hey kiddo, I know I said we were going to go to the fair, but I have to pay rent and after that I won't have money left over." Yeah know, teach him about paying bills and the importance of that. But instead he made up a lie.

zerostepdrama's picture


Thumper's picture

OP how does BM support herself? Just curious. Ps4 is not cheap. Is she trading or stealing these items for drugs?

mommadukes2015's picture

She's a bar tender at a golf course. I don't know what she does for "side work" but she's been trying to have babies to lock down a sugar daddy for about 11 years now. In fact, she sent SS with her tablet to our home and her email kept dinging. She was getting emails from "Established" I shit you not.