Tone up Tuesday
Omigosh it was AMAZING I saw an advert for a Nia class, and thought, huh, what's that.. I'd never heard of it.
Googled it, liked the sound of it, and I went I went I went! I'm so proud of myself for being brave ^_^
If anyone has a Nia class near them, GO!!! IT'S SO FUN! I just grabbed this description from Wikipedia:
The NIA Technique is a mind/body physical conditioning program that initially stood for Non-Impact Aerobics, a health and fitness alternative that emerged in the '80's, and evolved to include neurological integrative practices and teachings. Nia combines martial arts, modern dance arts and yoga in a workout set to music.
And here's a video..
Guys! It is SO FUN! I didn't even feel like I was working out, I was just dancing round lol!
I must admit. When I got to the door, I reached out to the handle, and paused. My hand was hovering over the handle, not touching it yet. I said to myself.. Sunny, you haven't opened the door yet. No one knows you're standing in the hall. You can just turn round and go back home.
It was almost like a fight or flight situation going on in my stomach. It felt light and fluttery. Yep, I was scared. I was nervous.. and I practically had to *force* my hand onto the handle of that door.
But I opened it. And I walked in with a smile. And.. everyone was sooo nice, and welcoming, and smiling back at me too!!! All women, no guys.. Lots of shapes, sizes and ages, ranging from late teens/early twenties, right up to a few ladies who looked like they were in their 60s
At the end of the class, a few ladies came up to me and said "Hi! Did you enjoy it? Oh I'm so glad! Will you be back next week? Great! See you then!"
I've never had that before. All the other classes I've been to in the past, people have finished, grabbed their bags and walked out the door without even looking at eachother!!! I'm so glad this class is different :)
I grabbed a few names, (one really nice lady lives RIGHT round the corner from us!) and ended up being one of the last three people there with the instructor as we were all talking so much LOL
I will DEFINATELY be going every week The time of the class is perfect too, 745-845pm. DH usually gets home from work just after 6, so we can hang out, have a light dinner, I can get DD into bed then head out :D
Like I said in my last blog, I was mainly nervous about how sweaty and bright red I'd be, and that I'd be embarresed about it. But it turns out, just before the warm down, the instructor dimmed the lights slightly as it was sort of a yoga style stretchy warm down, to chill out and relax after leaping around for an hour lol!
So even THAT is perfect, lol! I wasn't embarresed to talk to people after, as by that time I'd cooled down and stopped sweating lol! I KNOW I was bright red, because I was *still* bright red when I got home lol ..but everyone was so, so nice that I really didn't care
I'm so happy right now! Guys, if anyone is nervous or hesitant to go to a class, try and *push past it*!!! Force that hand to open that door, and just get out there! Find something you enjoy, and *enjoy* it I'm practically bouncing with excitement at finding something I enjoy so much
I hope everyone else has had a good week! Xxx
- sunny_skies's blog
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This is amazing!!!!! Yay for
This is amazing!!!!! Yay for you!!!!!!
I would be exactly the same, I'm usually way too anxious to go to a class but you've inspired me!!!!
Do it Margie! You'll be so
Do it Margie! You'll be so glad you did! :D
I never leave the house unless it's to the store, or doctors appointment, or the playpark for DD2.
This obviously means I don't interact with other people a whole lot, lol! (I don't have any friends here) Which in turn escalated my anxiety when it came to going to a class.
I was freaking out about it the whole day. I had to keep myself really busy, otherwise I'd think about the fact I was going to a class that evening.
And when I did that, my stomach literally did flips and I felt sick. I cleaned and tidied and organised and didn't allow myself to think about it, as I'm pretty sure otherwise I'd have talked myself out of it. I think the house was practically sparkling by the time I walked out the door, lol!
But I did it I did it I did it
And you can too! It would be so great if on the next Tone Up Tuesday, you could tell me that you did too! I am so proud of myself. It's an awesome feeling
I highly recommend it
Thankyou! x
Yay!!! I'm so glad you went
Yay!!! I'm so glad you went to class Sunny!!! I don't think I've seen that class near me. Sounds like a great class to start with!
I didn't make Zumba last week, because class was cancelled, so I did a second night of jazzercise instead. I feel like I do better in a class than just trying to exercise on my own.
You should be very proud of not letting your fear control you! I hope each class gets easier to walk in to!
Thankyou Good job with the
Good job with the Jazzercize, even with the lack of Zumba! (That was a really fun sentance to type, lol)
I tried a Zumba class a few years back and really didn't enjoy it. I do wonder if maybe the instructor wasn't that good or something, as I really enjoy dancing! Maybe I will try another class. I'm on a roll people!!! Lol
Sunny, I admit it took about
Sunny, I admit it took about 3 classes for me to really enjoy Zumba. I wasn't familiar with the steps, so it took a bit to catch on. I hung out at the back so I didn't crash into anyone, and spent A LOT of time laughing at myself! The right instructor makes a HUGE difference. At my old gym, there was an instructor I simply wouldn't go to. My local library has DVDs to check out, and they have the Zumba DVDs if you would rather try a few moves at home.
If you are enjoying Nia class, keep going to that until you are comfortable, then maybe challenge yourself to try a different class!
Thanks Soy I'll stick to the
Thanks Soy
I'll stick to the Nia for now, I must admit I've always overlooked the adverts for Zumba classes nearby as I only remember that one class I went to that I didn't enjoy. I might try again soon once I'm a Nia expert lol
Moe, you are so right, the music makes such a difference to enjoying a work out. At Nia it was mainly new age stuff which I LOVE and they even had some Massive Attack during the warm down, Wooo!
Ok I find this music video a little creepy but just close your eyes and listen, lol!
I really think the instructor makes all the difference too, I really do think I got a bad one at the Zumba class I tried :/
I find Zumba is really
I find Zumba is really hit-or-miss. The music is international, but I find I prefer Carribean or African beats to South American, so that makes a big difference to me. Some instructors make it way too bouncy for me, others show options that make it really accessible. And some instructors are just so engaging and fun!
Oh also Moe, I totally agree
Oh also Moe, I totally agree with the bouncy part, I really don't like jumping (as in my feet leaving the ground) it kinda hurts :/ But this lovely instructor did examples of higher and lower intensity between each beat of the music, saying "just do what you're comfortable with guys!" Argh she is so awesome
That is awesome. I always
That is awesome. I always loved taking classes because someone else is directing you.
I bought a bike for under my desk ato work and log between 5 to 10 miles a day while I work. I love it. I am so busy these days and tired that I have not had dedicated work out time.
Wow good work exercising at
Wow good work exercising at work! (Hehe!
) That is wonderful that you thought to do that. I must say not many people would do that. They'd probably say "I don't have time" and leave it at that. You did something about it. That's awesome. *high five!* x
I enjoyed reading this, it
I enjoyed reading this, it lifted my spirits.
Yay! I am so glad xxx
Yay! I am so glad xxx
Well done honey! I'm going to
Well done honey! I'm going to look up what that class is and see if we have it here xx
Ps: I finally dropped to 52kgs
WOOO!!! Go Mon! That is
WOOO!!! Go Mon!
That is great for you! *waves pompoms* x
I personally would love to be that weight but I know everyone is different, everyone has their own level of comfort within themselves. I'm so glad you're making the progress you need to make, to be more comfortable in your own skin x So happy for you
I was feeling low for a week
I was feeling low for a week or so, and even though I reduced my activity level, I still kept feeling run down. Finally, Saturday night I realized I was getting sick, and I spent Sunday and Monday in bed with a fever. Yesterday DH went to work (he worked a half day Monday, the other half DD was at daycare) and I was with DD. I had no voice, so we couldn't go outside other than the balcony. So we did that and blew bubbles for an hour or so. Other than regular feedings, she watched tv all day. More tv in one day than she's watched in the past 3 months combined. Of course she had trouble falling asleep, poor kid. Tv is the devil!
Today she was with me until 11am, then she went with her Oma until the end of the day. I have the afternoon to rest.
Tomorrow DD goes to daycare for a half-day, I plan to do BodyBalance while she's there. Then we'll see how the afternoon goes. Same for Friday. I have to take it easy, but if I can talk and I have the energy, I can bring her to a park for her to run around in. At least she'll get some good activity and fresh air, and me too, tbh, even if it's just cycling 15 minutes and sitting outside while she plays.
Aw Moe, I'm sorry you've been
Aw Moe, I'm sorry you've been sick
I really hope you feel better soon. Are you sure you are ok to do BodyBalance so soon? The reason I ask is.. I *always* make the same mistake.
I get sick. I get annoyed that I'm sick. Because I want to be doing productive stuff.
I also turn to the dreaded magic box (tv) in the corner to amuse DD2 so I can just rest. (She hardly ever watches stuff, we prefer imagination games! But when I'm sick I just don't have the energy)
The SECOND I feel even VAGUELY better, I do as much as I can to make up for the time I "lost" being sick.
(There's obviously the added guilt of not being the best mom you can be while you're sick)
And in turn, make myself even *more* sick for longer. Sigh. Seriously you'd think I'd learn by now, but I do it every time.
Anyway what I'm mainly saying, is take care of yourself and take things slow after being sick x (hugs) xx
Sunny, you are just so darn
Sunny, you are just so darn cute!
I'm glad that you took the chance and that you love it. That's awesome and may be just the thing you need to get on track.
Thankyou! I love it I really
Thankyou! I love it I really do!!!
*squeees with excitement* xxx
That's great, sunny!! Happy
That's great, sunny!!
Happy note for me... I checked out the clearance racks and actually found a new swimsuit that is one size smaller than I've been wearing. Not sure how THAT happened, but the new suit fits perfectly and... DH asked me to wear it while I was cooking dinner. LOL!
YAY! That's so great Aniki!
YAY! That's so great Aniki!
Ok, also, I'm sorry if this offends your swimsuit style, I'm sure it is beautifully classic and makes you look sleek and sexy
BUT!!! My immediate visual was of you in an awesomely flowery swimsuit, with rainbow Hawaiian luau flowers round your neck, and a huge flower in your hair, standing at the stove LOL! That would be so awesome hahaha!
Me, sleek?
Me, sleek? Bahahahahaaaaaa!!!
I guess it's classic... It's a basic style and strapless. It has a crocheted lace 'wrap' attached that ties in front between the breasts so it looks like you're wearing a short, tied-on cover-up. It's a gorgeous royal blue color.
And I wore my cream apron with WINE and wine bottles all over it. Barefoot. }:)
OMIGOSH first of all, your
OMIGOSH first of all, your new suit sounds EPIC, but add the apron??!!!! AMAZING! lol! I love it xxx
(Still loving the Hawaiian flower visual though, lol
With a fruit cocktail in your
With a fruit cocktail in your hand of course ;P x
No; a glass of chardonnay. I
No; a glass of chardonnay. I was making alfredo sauce.