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Moving began, and drama

lintini's picture

We've been moving to our new house and I am exhausted. I don't recommend moving when 30 weeks pregnant.

Day 1 we had a blow out with MIL. I mentioned before in a blog that when we were looking at this house for the second time, just LOOKING....MIL and FIL were in the rooms with SS14 measuring the bedrooms to see which was the biggest and picking out his bedroom ....when we were just looking at the house. I walked in on them doing this, and later was pissed off about it and told DH. DH agreed that he wasn't picking out his room when he is with us 4 days a month. Okay great, problem solved, boundary crushing MIL pushed back. I was actually in tears over this though, I felt so violated that they were even doing this when DH and I hadn't even talked about making an offer on the house, and here they were picking out the best room for SS. I felt like I was probably making a bad choice by moving closer to them when I had 3 hours apart from them.

So...DH and I pick out my craft room/guest room, SSs room, and the nursery. We set items we came up with in there accordingly.

MIL and FIL are helping us move in, and MIL notices that SS's stuff is not in the room he wanted. I was not there when she started yelling at DH. DH came and found me and he was SO pissed off at his mother. She told him that how dare he deliberately put SS's things in the room he didn't want, and what was our plans with the 3rd room and blah blah blah, then she tried to say that DH told SS that he could have that room (where my sewing shit went and guest bed). DH was not even there when that happened when we were just looking at the house. He set her straight, and in walks my parents, who I told them this was a problem from the open house when I caught them measuring the bedrooms. So MIL stopped yelling at DH about it.

Can you believe MIL? I mean it's not even her house! My mom agreed that SS14 is lucky to even have a bedroom when he is over so little. The only difference between the two rooms in question is that the craft room has 2 windows, and SS has one better light for the craft room. That's it. They are all the same size.

MIL then a few days later started grilling me where my aquariums and birds were going. I think she might have thought that my pets were getting a bedroom over SS getting the room he wanted?

Then on Monday, DH wanted to pick up SS14 after school so he could come unpack his bedroom and set it up. Well it turns out it takes 40min to get to SS now, instead of 3 I guess that's nice SS14 lost his phone and there is no way of getting ahold of him. MIL was talking about him all day, when do we pick him up, when does SS get to come over, what time does SS have to go home, blah blah blah.

I told DH, no I did not want to leave and pick up SS, for one DH didn't ask BM if it was even okay, 2, SS cannot be reached since he has lost his phone - so if I drive 40min and he is not at his house I am going to be pissed, and 3, I am not familiar at all with where we moved in relation to BMs house and I don't want to deal with it.

Super MIL saves the day and volunteers to go get SS. He comes in, doesn't look at me or even say hello. He says thank you for the sandwich and is shocked when I am the one who replies, you are welcome. SS has to go home before dark because BM wants him home to pick up dog poop. MIL tells SS he should go out there with a flashlight instead.

SS unpacks one box in his room, and he has MIL making his bed up for him. I don't think those sheets have been washed in a year but I wasn't going to say a word.

I am unpacking linens, and MIL comes across SS's quilted baby blanket that she made and a wall hanging. She's just gushing about it and oooo ahhhhhh ooooo. All I have to say is thank goodness we are having a girl so she isn't trying to force me use SS's baby things. They can go safely back in a box for SS to have for his kids someday.

The next interesting conversation with DH was about the month off that he is taking once the baby arrives. It sounds like he thinks he is wanting to have SS over for extended time, which I totally get ...just minus me recovering from birth and navigating my new life in a new home and my first baby. I guess I will bitch about that to you guys once the time comes. I am not thrilled to breastfeed in front of a 14 year old boy, but I am not going to run away to our bedroom to do it. I just hope DH realizes that the cook will not be in the kitchen and if he doesn't help me with this baby I will leave and go to my parents house and he can screw off in the new house. I am just scared that DH is going to turn into guilty dad who has a month off work, and extra guilty with a new baby and SS being on summer break ....I don't know it just sounds like a recipe for me getting really angry at DH.


Ohhh I know what else I forgot to add. In my other blog about moving, I also told DH I was not okay with him giving SS a key to the house. DH said of course he wasn't and he would ask me first for anything like that. Okay great. No worries. Well, DH is talking about how he wants to get the electric key pad door lock for the front door. So long will that take before SS is a sneaky little shit and memorizes the code to get in the door, and how long till you think he see's the alarm code as well??? #%@##^@&#$%^#%


Amcc13's picture

Mil should not be in your house if dh is not there. He needs to manage her from now on
I don't understand these mil and why they act like this. She had no say in your home yet she thinks she can control where everyone sleeps - unless she is paying she has no say at all. You need to set very firm boundaries from now on and enforce them

Good luck with preg and birth. Can you speak with dh about his plans in regard ss and compromise? Maybe a week to ten days at start of just you and him to allow u recover then others can come into the mix

lintini's picture

I know...crazy MILs!!! I am preparing myself to have to say no, I have a hard time with it sometimes.

I don't think DH was talking about getting him for extended time right away after the birth, at least I hope not. I also can't see how that will be fun for SS to hang out with a newborn on his summer vacation.

I don't want to be a nazi about it but I am scared of what it's going to be like recovering and learning all this new stuff with a baby. DH doen't seem worried at all, he and BM split when ss was born, so he was on his own with a newborn while bm was still in the hospital for several weeks, but I know MIL and FIL helped him a TON. DH thinks he's a pro now, but I think he's 14 years rusty!! Wink

We will have to come to a compromise, because he isn't taking paternity leave to play golf with SS for a damn month!!!!

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

Yeah, your MIL was WAY over the line. Its a good thing that your DH doesn't just sit back and take it. I dated a guy once who would have given in and let his mom dictate where we slept (which is why I only dated him). It sounds like DH needs to set some boundaries with his mom. Its simple, she can respect your home or she can stay out. Don't let her get you too upset.

lintini's picture

Hi! I replied on your forum post. I did read about your inlaws claiming that you don't do enough for SS. Looks like we are in for one wild ride!

lintini's picture

Luckily she confronted DH about it or I would have said, a kid who is here 4 days a month does not have a say in this. And he's darn lucky that daddy has a good job to afford a 4 bedroom house where he can have a room when he's only here 4 days a month.

Ohhh nooo...I would not use kids as a weapon against her, her other son already does that to her!!!

ksmom14's picture

Ughh I totally understand you!

DH and I moved into our new house when I was 34 weeks pregnant! OMG it sucked, thank goodness we hired some high school boys to help.

We had our house built (which is super stressful by itself, but was even worse while pregnant, I actually fell once at the construction site when I was about 30 weeks) so we got to pick out paint colors etc. MIL actually took the kids to the store without telling us, to pick out paint colors for their bedrooms! I was pissed. SD10 wanted a bright yellow room with orange trim - TERRIBLE! Thank goodness she took them to a store that our contractor didn't work with so we had an excuse to take them for new colors and they picked colors they liked that we got to approve, in the end it worked out, but I was pissed.

Your MIL needs some serious BOUNDARIES!

lintini's picture

WOW !! Your MIL takes the cake there for picking out paint colors with the kids behind your back.

Orange and yellow.... Lovely!

That is just so over bearing and not her place.

I bet you gave everyone a scare with that fall, I keep getting yelled at to slow down too.

DaizyDuke's picture

I seriously had to stop reading towards the bottom and go back to the beginning of your post to see how old your SS is. Good Grief, your MIL acts like he's 4 not 14!!! She sounds almost as annoying and obnoxious as my MIL!

I remember when we were doing the 2nd walkthrough of our (now) house, DH wanted to bring skids and they were picking out their rooms and of course picked out the 2 biggest bedrooms. I was like, yeah right.. good luck with that! I think that's just a kid thing though. I remember looking at houses with my mom and step dad when we were kids and doing the same thing. Didn't matter what house we were walking through.. we were making plans for it.. whose room would be where, who's bathroom would be who's etc. We must have gone through 15 houses and we had plans for all 15 of them! lol

lintini's picture

Yup...MIL is grandkid crazy.

I agree that it's a kid thing to start making plans, but when I went to that side of the house to look again, leaving dh with the realator on the other side, that's when I walked in on mil discussing what room should be his and FIL with his tape measure out.

I was thinking.. Wooooooow. How rude. And how stupid that was because we were just looking at the house and nothing at all had been discussed. But it was very typical behavior of MIL.

She's going to smother me when our baby comes.

lintini's picture

Thank you, those are very wise words. I remember reading your blog about your crazy MIL trying to kidnap DH when he still needed his physical therapy appointments. My second cousin just had a stroke and my grandmother who is now passed on had one in the 90's ...they are no joke!

I agree with you in regards to the HPV vaccine, damned if we do, damned if we don't!

MIL loves being the hero to save the day anytime she can. Both of her sons are divorced with kids, and her other son held his two kids away from her for over 6 months when he was pissed at her. They are all pretty toxic. Dh and his brother do not speak. The family is just a mess honestly.

And not to forget the fact that we only were able to get this house because my parents let me borrow a portion of the down payment. So if it wasn't for me and my family, this wouldn't have even happened. If she continues to make problems, I will happily tell her that DH and I are on the title, not her and SS14.

Btw, are you the author on stepdigest? I really love reading the articles on there.

lintini's picture

*big sigh* Yeah the funny part was that last week my mom suggested that I wash his bed so it was all ready to go for the move, and I didn't say anything because I wasn't going to do it.

Hey she was the one dying all day to go pick SS up, it only figured that she would make his bed for him. She feels like she has a claim in that too because she made his quilt bed spread and the pillow case.

You should have seen me the night after we looked at the house and were deciding to make and offer. I was telling DH that MIL was making all my fears come true.

MIL was stating that since we will live much closer now, she can see the visitation schedule going out the window and it not mattering anymore, and that SS will want to be over all the time, blah blah blah. We were in bed and I was bawling because that was all exactly what I didn't want. We had a big come to jesus talk about what the plans were, and I laid out my fears and expectations to DH because this was a huge decision to make. I was just so emotional and felt so trampled on that I couldn't even house shop alone.

MIL has even offered to take SS to school for DH during the week once his transfer comes in ....

I had to remind her that DH will not be here during the work week since he still works where we are moving from (3 hours away) so there is no reason for SS to come over when DH is not here. And then I dropped the bomb on her that there are now 11 people ahead of DH seniority wise trying to transfer to the offices near our new house. So this transfer is not happening next quarter, AND......DH would be working graveyard weekends when he does get up here being lowest in office he would only get SS during the week now and have to get him to school and have even less time with him. The entire thing is very full of "if ands and buts"...

Now she's freaking out about SS's 8th grade graduation, its on a weekday at 9am, when DH doesn't get home till around 8am. This is an entirely different story, and I don't know how DH is going to try to bend over backwards to make it to that, then have work again that night and possibly have traffic court to go to during the day unless he can postpone it, but his office is extremely strict about officers going and he cannot miss it otherwise or they could pull his paperwork for the transfer. MIL just looked at me with bug eyes about it. How the hell is he going to drive 6 hours then have work again that night. Whatever ....I am just not even going to think about it and just hope he doesn't fall asleep at the wheel.

lintini's picture

I really just wanted my FIL there because he would have an eye for things that DH and I wouldn't catch being in the fire department. Just like I would have liked my dad to be there since he's been in construction for years and retired from running Target store constructions, and before he got into big construction he was building houses, apartments, condos, etc. MIL was just a bonus! lol~!

Well, if DH can't make it to the promotion or graduation, whatever they call it, I am sure he will be upset. But ...I have a suspicion that I will have to drive if he doesn't get the day before off. He will just look like a shit dad if he can't make it. And I guess I will do it for him because I can't have him falling asleep at the wheel. We'll see how it goes, he's got a little less than a month to try to figure it out.