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This Has Got To Be A Mental Disorder

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Disney parenting has got to be a mental disorder that gets into the books sooner or later.

A friend of DH and I's is dating a woman we all know and she is... damaged? Deranged? Not sure what the right word for her is. Her 3rd marriage just failed (and for a while she even attempted to attract my DH who obviously didn't go for it) and she has one kid from each of those marriages.

Her last child (hopefully her last because she's 50) is a hellish brat, and I don't use this phrase lightly. He's 6 years old and just... mean and violent. Although we have to see each other for business functions, we really can't stand her or her kid so we tend to keep our BD, who is almost 3, away from him.

But there must be something really wrong with HER to have raised the kid this way.

This week, she told DH that her son came up to our friend (so the BF of the BM) asking for a hug, sweet as sugar, and then straight up sucker punched him in the face, HARD. She told DH this like it was a cute little story of how adorable her son is.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

She also once showed me a video of her kid in the backseat screaming "I hate you! I'm going to kill you!" at her which she thought was hilarious and cute.

I don't know, this has to be a mental disorder. HAS TO BE. I just don't know what it is and it's driving me crazy. It's not borderline or narcissistic, it's just... what the fuck do you call this? I mean barring her inappropriate behavior towards DH, which is really a boundary and morality issue, what causes you to think your child becoming a violent psychopath is cute?

DH was absolutely horrified. Said if her kid ever did something like that to him, the kid would probably be shitting his teeth for a week. Our friend though, smitten with this woman, didn't say anything about it.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

You need to patent that phrase. That's literally what's going on, right?

She keeps saying how he's having a tough time adjusting because he's now a COD but all I can think of is that I know plenty of COD's and none of them ever punched an adult full in the face.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Wait, so he SHOVED another person and tried to take the drink? How old was he and tell me he had some sort of punishment to go with that?

Disneyfan's picture

I hope mom is stashing money away. At this rate, she will need it for bail in a few years.

If she doesn't get that brat in check, he's going to run into some classmates who will straighten his button out. If he has the balls to hit a grown man like that, he won't think twice about doing the same to another kid. Hopefully, the kid he eventually slugs has been taught to hit back. }:)

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

You know we had just been talking about this kid possibly turning into a school shooter--another kid hits him back, he comes back with a gun. DH wants to say something but that's probably going to destroy our friendship with the BF.
