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OT: Anyone Suddenly Develop A Penicillin Allergy?

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

So I had been meaning to get back here but following BD2's birth almost 2 weeks ago has been a rollercoaster of medical insanity.

I had a scheduled c-section (my OBGYN group really wanted me to try a VBAC but I wanted my tubes tied as well--I'm done. Caput. No more newborns for me, thanks. If I really, really want another one, I'll do IVF since in the words of my OB, "The IVF people don't want your tubes." DH and I have also been talking about possibly becoming foster parents in the future when the DDs are older.)

Everything went super well as far as the C-section went--my OB should be a plastic surgeon, he cut away the old scar tissue and redid it (I had an emergency C-section with BD1 and he was not the surgeon) so well that a nurse who came to check on the incision couldn't even find it. I'd be flashing it to everyone if I wouldn't be arrested for public indecency.

Then it all went to shit after I went home.

I was feeling really good, mostly pain free by the second day home and took myself off the Tylenol and the Motrin and turns out they were masking a fever. The next day I developed a severe pain in my right lower abdomen. Called my OB middle of the night, he told me to take a Tylenol, if the fever was still there in the morning to come in. He sees me and sends me to the ER five minutes later.

I get admitted because the CAT scan picks up a borderline appendicitis sized appendix, a blood clot in my left gonadal vein (whatever that is), and a large pocket of fluid in my abdomen.

They decide to hit me with a penicillin based antibiotic. I had taken penicillin multiple times in my life, once a month ago when I thought I was going into labor and they gave it to me because I am group B strep positive.

Anaphylactic shock. I have never taken allergies lightly and after this ordeal I will be even more vigilant. Two seconds after it hit the IV, throat closed up, couldn't breathe, turning blue. My poor mother looks like she's going to have a heart attack.

The nurse who administered it thought was sort of an airhead--when the doctor asked what happened, she was like "I'm not sure!"

I grabbed the doctor and pointed to the antibiotic which was STILL DRIPPING INTO THE IV (if somebody didn't do something with it I was going to rip it out of my arm) and the nurse is saying, "But I only put it in ten seconds ago!"

Anyway, by this time an entire team has bum rushed me, the doctor had disconnected the antibiotic, they push an epi, Benydryl, steroids into the IV, puts a nebulizer on me, and it takes about 15 minutes for me to breathe somewhat normally.

Surprisingly, after that, the fever and the pain disappeared--like just straight up vanished without any medication. No one has any explanation for that. From excruciating pain that I couldn't even walk through to nothing.

I've been stuck in the hospital for about 4 days, went through a battery of tests. On blood thinners now for the clot. My appendix seems fine.

And I apparently suddenly developed a penicillin allergy. Is that even possible?

Edited To Add: Also, shout out to DH for taking care of a newborn and a 3 year old for four days completely on his own (he was able to take off work for those days). The house may look like Armageddon but the kids were clean, fed, and happy. That's really all I could ask for.


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Do you have to carry something on you to tell doctors in case you are incapacitated) that you are allergic? I was going to go get myself a bracelet or something...

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Got home over the weekend so haven't asked the doctor yet. I have a followup appointment with a blood doctor this week so I'll ask what they think.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Yup! My hubby did, at 38 years old. He was prescribed Penicillin, something he'd taken a number of times before, for a tooth abscess. By the next day, his entire body was covered in hives. It was super weird since he'd never had that kind of reaction before. So, to answer your question, yes, it's possible.

That's the scary thing- I'm not in the medical field, but I've heard that anyone can develop an allergy to anything at any point in life. :O

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

So what can he take now? Literally all I've taken in my life are penicillin based stuff and this has me really freaked out. Has your DH tried taking it again or does he just stay away from it now?

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

It's okay, I'm trying not to stress out about it too much. I don't see myself getting another infection any time soon. It bugs me out because it's not like I'm one of those people who get sick a lot and have taken a whole bunch of antibiotics. I maybe get sick enough once every few years to have to take it.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Damn, three times a year? Ever think about just plain getting them out?

Would be just great if I developed a nut allergy all of a sudden too, if that's possible.

That was a joke, universe. Please don't let me develop anything else.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

You are lucky to be alive!!!!!!!!!!! I might have mentioned that I spent a long time as a 911 operator and that was one of the saddest calls I had to take. A new mom passed away just a day home from the hospital because of a clot. She was so young. Clots are to be taken very seriously. As are anaphalatic shock. Jesus. You poor thing. How scary!!!! To have your throat close up and to be suffocating?!?!

I got some horrible infection in my breast from a clogged milk duct that had me in the hosptial for three or four days when DD was two months old. They put something in my IV and all the sudden I turned bright red and I had the worst sensation of burning itching all over my body! It's called Red man's syndrome. and yep, instant benedryl was administered and they had to try another drug.

But if you were going to suddenly develop the allergy, at least it was in the hospital right beside a doctor! What if it had happened while you were home alone?

You have a guardian angel.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Oh man, I didn't know the clot issue was that serious. I mean it wasn't even like I was off my feet after the C-section for very long, I started walking around the next day because I knew I needed to do that to feel better. My doctors didn't seem too overly worried about it either! Just hey, take these blood thinners for 6 months and follow up with the hematologist when you get out. They did a full chest CAT and X-ray though to check if I had any more that traveled but it looks like that was it.

So you can't take the drug they gave you anymore, right? I had no itching or anything but they flipped me around looking for a rash.

I was just thinking about what would have happened if my doctor had just given me a script for an antibiotic and I took it at home. I don't think I would have made it to the hospital.

Any tips on what to do if that happens? Like could I try to take like 5 doses of liquid benydryl and pray as we try to get to the hospital?

edited to add: I have a lot of respect for what the 911 operators have to deal with. Thank you for taking the calls.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I think you need to procure an epipen and have it on your always. My sister in law was out in the field and she put some kind of wheatberry in her mouth and she almost died. IT's hard to get liquid benadryl in with your throat closing up.

I know epipens are super expensive right now and I've seen alternatives on facebook that are cheaper but if it were me, I'd get one and carry it on me. Always.

but yes, this young mother just home from the hosptial with her new born had a clot escape and travel and she died. They had her funeral when her baby was five days old. I'll never ever ever forget it. Seriously in the 16 years I did it, it was horrible as you can imagine and they are serious and you are a lucky lady to have escaped twice, from the clot and from the allergic reaction. You are meant to be here !

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

You're right, I think I should keep one in the house anyway. I mean what if one of my kids get an allergic reaction all of a sudden to something? Given that it can literally develop at any time.

I feel so sad for that new mom and especially her baby.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Uhh... wow. I didn't realize so many people were allergic to penicillin. It sort of makes me feel better? (Sorry, I know penicillin is often the most effective and it sucks that we can't take it anymore.)

I think I'm going to make it a point to go sit outside of a hospital if I ever have to take an antibiotic again (which would have to be new to me since I've only had penicillin based before.)

bearcub25's picture

I all of a sudden developed an allergy to Sulfa antibiotics. No rhyme or reason to why I was allergic all of a sudden.

When I had my hysterectomy 9 years ago, I was running a high fever, and I had told the OB/GYN I was allergic, and the doc was completely confused on what was wrong. I told him to stop the antibiotics. My fever went back to normal within 4 hours of him taking me off of it.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Wait, so you TOLD him you were allergic but he still gave it to you? Uhh, does he realize you could DIE?

thinkthrice's picture


not2sureimsaneanymore's picture


And definitely Way, WAY too much excitement. Thought it was just going to be routine.

I would still like to know if my appendix might blow at any second (borderline appendicitis size worries me) because an infection can't just "disappear" like that without any meds, right?

notasm3's picture

I developed an allergy to penicillin when I was in my 30s. I'd taken it many, many times prior.

That was decades ago, and it's never been a problem for me. Even when I got really, really sick with sepsis and pneumonia - there were plenty of antibiotics to use.

notasm3's picture

I did not try it again, but I was tested for it by an allergist about 20 years later. I was still allergic. My allergist - a highly regarded board certified allergist at Stanford - said that people sometimes get over the allergy. But I was not one of them.

It's not been a problem at all. A doctor about 8 years ago said I should get an epi pen. As I had great insurance I did get one - but I never had any use for it. It's not like a peanut allergy where you might encounter a peanut accidentally - I do pay attention when I am taking a new antibiotic.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

So... what you're saying is I just need to get cut open again and I might lose this allergy?

I'm glad the guy didn't die... I mean, that could have killed him. I can't believe the doctor would give it to him.

(I'm just kidding! But it's really tempting to try.)

Acratopotes's picture

Glad you are okay again....

and yes it happens suddenly....