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SS hit a HOMERUN last night, and the update to My Mothers Day...

BSgoinon's picture

So last night SS hit is first home run of the season Smile Smile he was SOOOOO excited. There was a situation with his bat before the game, that I had to actually go get him a NEW bat 2 hours before game time.. long story but I really saved the day for him. Then he hit a dinger with it. After he crossed home plate, he came out of the dug out in to the stands and gave me a HUGE hug and told me thank you for helping him. Melt my heart.

Of course, BM wasn't there for that. She showed up in the 3rd inning, and left in the 4th inning. In the 5th inning, SS hit an inside the park homerun. Her loss. I took a peek to see what was so pressing that she had to leave his game, because she posts her every move on social media. She went out for drinks with Meth Man. Priorities, ya know?

Meanwhile, she replied to DH's email about Mother's Day saying that she had made plans for her and SS for Mother's Day. He responded immediately (she was literally sitting 10 feet away from us when he replied to her) and said "That's too bad, I've made plans for our family this year, you can have him for breakfast". She hasn't replied.

Also, yesterday BM's mom text me earlier in the day. It said "I am hoping you will help SS with Mother's Day". I REALLY wanted to reply "Sure did, DH helped him pick me out a GREAT gift!". Instead, I just ignored her. Does she really think we are going to put any effort in to celebrating BM being a "mom"???? Like REALLY??? Come on, she has to be smarter than that!


Tuff Noogies's picture

does your dear sweet ss have access to social media? i hope not....

i'm so proud of him for his homer! we've got several balls for safe-keeping from some of lurch's many home runs. i'm sure your heart just swelled!

and - is her mother delusional? she truly sounds like a piece of work.... smdh.

BSgoinon's picture

He has an instagram that I monitor VERY closely. I have it downloaded on my phone. He didn't post anything about it though.

The little league does post all of the homeruns on their FB page, and BM follows them, so she will find out that way for sure.

This is his 9th career homer. Just the first one of the season for Little League. So proud of him. He works hard.

Her mother didn't raise her. I actually just found this out. Her stepmom raised her from the time she was 3 until she was 16, then again when she was 17. Apparently her mom handed her over to her dad when she started living in her car. Her stepmom told me this not too long ago. So, yeah... her mom probably is somewhat delusional.

BSgoinon's picture

I would say she is following in her moms footsteps, but she is so much worse than her mom was. Her mom is lazy and refuses to work. Her pot habit may have something to do with it, maybe not. I dunno. But she is at least attractive and has been able to fool some men in to paying her way most of her life.

BM has completely gone off the deep end. And she's certainly not cute enough to pull it off the way her mom did.

BSgoinon's picture

I think she is sleeping in her car a lot. Room mate won't tolerate that life style, so she just doesn't go home at night. She takes a lot of pictures of the sunrise from places that are very remote. Who the heck is up and out of the house and in THOSE places (the middle of the desert, or the top of a remote mountain) at 530 in the morning, especially when they don't work...

princessmofo's picture

That's great! He's a good kid. It's good to know he has you in his life. Smile His mother sounds like Grade A trash. She needs to get a life.

Stepped in what momma's picture

"I am hoping you will help SS with Mother's Day".

You're a lot nicer than me, my response to BM mother would have been "I am hoping you will help your child become a Mother worth celebrating".