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And Now, The Contempt Filing!

nengooseus's picture

When last I blogged, Infuriating BM had threatened to file a show cause (contempt) claim against DH for not paying for SD's orthodontia.

To date, we have not received a receipt from which to pay. On the day of court (3/9), when the show cause was threatened, we requested one through our lawyer. BM provided a ledger copy that didn't show what had been paid or charged, and was all together confusing. We asked for receipts and explanations of benefit.

Today we got an e-mail from our attorney letting us know that the show cause had been filed. She told us that she has requested the receipt and that she's prepared to argue that a) treatment was sought without DH's consent and b) no receipt has been provided from which we could even reimburse.

I wish I felt confident that we will prevail. I suppose I'm just getting cynical about the BS.

Meanwhile, Infuriating BM keeps getting caught with bad behaviors and we keep calling her out. Last week, DH called the Skids at 6 PM on Friday, just like he has since December, because that was the arrangement he made with his daughter. They were in the airport on the way to her parents' house, which DH knew. He called skid phone first and got no answer. Then he called her phone. She answered and he politely asked to speak with the skids. She said "OK Seriously" and handed to the phone to SD. Not so subtle, huh?

And the week before that, he had SS6.5 for four hours as they work back up to him visiting after 6 months of refusing. DH had him in the yard and he said to DH "It's only 240 minutes until I got back to mom." DH sent an e-mail on that, too.

I know I shouldn't care, and that this is all DH's problem. My therapist reminds me of that every week. But watching DH go through this is so hard. I'm a mamabear by nature, I want to help him, and there's nothing I can do!


kathc's picture

Is she aware that he's calling SD's phone first and that SD isn't answering when he calls? I'm not saying she's not a bitch but she might be under the impression that your DH is calling her phone for some other reason ("to talk to her" or "to rub it in that he's calling" or who knows what she's thought up) when in fact he's calling simply because SD isn't answering her own phone.

as far as that "240 minutes" crap, yeah, that sounds like BM planted that in his head.

Most of 'em are crazy bitches. What can I say? Eventually you either just stop caring or you leave.

nengooseus's picture

Oh, he called SD's phone first. And voicemail isn't set up, so he couldn't leave a message for her to call him back. He only calls on Fridays at 6pm, so it's not an all the time thing, either.

nengooseus's picture

Sorry, I read your question wrong. She knows SD's phone has no voicemail *and* it seems she may have blocked DH from SD's cell phone.

notsobad's picture

BM used to to that to DH, not with medical bills, just anything she spent money on and could say it was for the kids. Most of it was for her and her bills.

He would just pay and not question her. Then I came along and screwed up her life and stream of money!

misSTEP's picture

Ours did similar...would send a HUGE stack of bills in a manila envelope and expect him to just cough up the dough. Until he got married to someone who has a unusual love of spreadsheets! It was quite a shock to him to see how much she was artificially inflating the bills.

notasm3's picture

I am so happy that both of DH's worthless sons were adults when I met him. Not that I think BM was a vicious POS BM like so many - but it is so much easier to ignore aholes when they are all of age.

DH's two sons were the textbook examples for bad juju. The older one was in trouble since age 7 or 8 - even before they divorced. He ended up being a hardcore gang member involved in murder. When he died it was a blessing to the world at large. The younger one (SS30) is a weak sniveling ahole who lives to use people. He has a history of beating up women and the elderly.

The elder SS is dead and gone (although now immortalized by BM) and SS30 is just so not my problem. I honestly do not care if he is dead or alive. Fortunately my DH's 2nd wife in some respects (ahole though she is) trained him not to expect his wife to rescue his offspring.

nengooseus's picture

Lol. That's a good one! The skids are covered under her husband's insurance, so he's the responsible party. We're not her husband, so no access.

lintini's picture

BM pulled the same shit on DH. Went behind DH's back and setup braces for SS. BM walked up to DH after SS's basketball game and demanded his debit card information to give to the orthodontist. Of course he said no. BM also stated that her 50% was the medical coverage, and she lied about the total cost.

The kicker now is that she denies that this ever happened.

Sweet T's picture

I am only a bm now, I was a step for 8 years and have paid for braces for a child that isn't my case I loved that kid and he needed them. My now ex owes bm1 2500 for his half of ss15s braces and will not pay, his were medically necessary. She won't go after him because it is just too unpleasant. My son is 8 and I will née them as well. His teeth are straight but with a lot of space like mine were. I feel it is better to do it now because my insurance will pay 1500 of it and with my flex account I wI'll have the other 1500 saved up by end of year. I know my ex will refuse to pay as well. He had to pay 23.00 once in 2 years and called and questioned the dentist bill. To me it will not be worth fighting either.

Not all bm's are totally evil:). I like to think being an assh@left can be an equal opportunity career.

Sweet T's picture

When my snow 18 got his braces, the ortho billed us our half. I would ask them for a copy.