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It's been a long time since I've posted.....I need advice

anothermom's picture

Last, time I posted, I was considering SO move out but still be together.
Since, then my motor blew because dumb ass SO NEVER did the oil change he said he did!! He admitted to just adding oil. Because of that I've been carless. It was tough to decide new motor or new car. I get my car back tomorrow Smile
The third day of being carless, SO offered to take me to the store when he got out of work. My bios got picked up by their Gpa, Who was going to take me to the store. Well, SO never showed up he says it was because he saw a baby sitting kids parents car in the driveway and didn't feel like waiting. I kinda lost it!!! I called his sister who is my bff she came and got me. I packed up a few of his things and left them in the garage. I also packed me a weekend bag, kids were staying Friday- Sunday with GP"s, I had no reason to come home. SO and I talked maybe 15 min the whole weekend.
Sumday, I came home to a dresser and my (he bought)bed gone.He took his personal belongings but left a lot!Even his dog! He came home 10 minutes later. He said," you've hurt me more than I've ever been hurt before,you always tell me your better off alone so, I'm going to live at Andy's" I was shocked! I was an emotional rollercoaster.He also said when he finds a place he'll get his things and dog.WTF

I've been a fool nothing but a fool and I don't know what to do. I kept texting him and inviting him over. I can't believe I feel like I still want a relationship with him. My friends are all married or close to it. I'm very lonely and not having a car on top of it, aghhhhh!
THEN, the bills start rolling in. He was behind on everything!!! Propane was at 10% and he had no credit. Electric was $600 even the internet $50/mo I had to pay $130.
He doesn't make much money and the skids call on his payday asking for this or that. OSD is getting married next month and knows how to get the most.
This family is a hot mess and I'm happy to be done!!! BUT I get so lonely I can't seem to concentrate or focus. I miss the movies in bed,Saturday night dinners. I sometimes get so emotionally unstable I wonder about the skids. How do I kick this????? This is only my 3rd grown up relationship. My husband passed, my ex I never completely fell for and, this one. I lived alone for 8 years! I was happy and I just want that peace back. Any suggestions?


SecondGeneration's picture

He been planning this for a while, hes behind on bill because he has no intent to pay them. Hes been sorting out a bolt hole but you packing him some stuff up and going for the weekend meant he used that as the time to go rather than when all his ducks were in a line.

Its done. Keep your dignity, dont go begging him for attention.

anothermom's picture

Unfortunately, I did! After, a handful of times dropping our plans for one of the skids.Leaving me to attend couples events alone and cancelling numerous times because something with his ask"s arose. Not have gas money and my extra cash went to his gas tank or he would say "I'll just miss work" I would try to manage his money but it went no where. I feel sick writing this response.....

anothermom's picture

Thank you all!! I used some of my savings to get caught up on the bills. Paid the deposits to get everything in my name. In a previous post someone suggested I get the lease changed to my name so skids couldn't live here so, that was done months ago. I even put some money towards consolidating my debt. My student loans were in default but doing the consolidation.I'll be able to do my taxes and maybe get some money back:)
As soon as I get my car back I'm going to do a bedroom make over. Heck, I already have a new bed!!
Its no longer my problem but the ex has no money or anything I wonder what he did with his money.... I love the dog and would love for him to stay.His other junk needs to go! It hurts to look at How long should I let it stay here?
My psoriasis has flared up horribly! I'm gonna go to the Dr. and "get"cured".Hopefully,by summer! Find a hobby and enjoy my bio's. Please, remember me in your prayers

anothermom's picture


LikeMinded's picture

I was alone for three years, had a blast! I lost 20 lb! Joined a hiking club, a drum circle, a single parent club. Focus on your life.

Congratulations on getting rid of this loser!