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Kinda O/T How my babysitting kids remind me of some of the steps I read about on here

anothermom's picture

I have a certain family that drives me bonkers! The 2 and 3 year old are great children,it's their attire! They look like homeless little critters. I have bought them clothes,that stay at my house. (I'm now good with them) BUT....
The oldest sister is 7 and in first grade.Sweet and caring!She goes to private school and is usually in uniform. My problem is she has missed 15 days of school! (My BK's go to public school and only miss if they are on their death beds, it would be less if, I paid big bucks)
Anyway, Monday and Tuesday school was cancelled. I had 9 kids including bios. At one time, I had them read and do a few worksheets. Well, the 7 year old struggled majorly! I realized this kid doesn't know her alphabet or recognize numbers! I'm so upset, I shouldn't be but I am.
FF to today and the seven year old was dropped off,AGAIN!(missed day 16) I told her Mom,"She doesn't look sick to me. I can drop her off at school if you'd like." She just smiled and gave the no book bag,and some other trinket excuse!
How does she not get in trouble for truancy? She has to know her daughter is behind,right!?!
The Mom pays on time,but the expense of her daughters early education is to high of a price if, you ask me!


DaizyDuke's picture

My best friend you to do this stuff when her daughter was young. Her daughter went to a catholic school. She ended up getting held back in K because she was so far behind from so many days missed. Private schools are generally more lax about cracking the whip on attendance because hey, they're still getting paid right?